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Theyre cruel No they deserve it
Debate Score:116
Total Votes:135
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 Theyre cruel (50)
 No they deserve it (33)

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AveSatanas(4443) pic

Christians aren't so Christ like when it comes to Atheists

Watch the video decide for yourself

Theyre cruel

Side Score: 72

No they deserve it

Side Score: 44
1 point

I am starting to agree. .

Side: Theyre cruel
1 point

I get back lash all the time from people because of my views, I get told by people that I am going to hell, I am evil and for what because I have a 121 IQ?

Not to blow my own horn but It really comes down to intellect and the ability to comprehend reason and logic, I have spoken to many people and some people can't seem to see reason and logic as if there brains can't comprehend.

I am sad to say many of those people are my own friends and family, I still love them but I feel alone at times, almost lost and wondered many times am I the crazy one?

Side: Theyre cruel
2 points

Not to blow my own horn but It really comes down to intellect and the ability to comprehend reason and logic, I have spoken to many people and some people can't seem to see reason and logic as if there brains can't comprehend.

That is the kind of attitude that annoys me. I fine with you being atheist and I don't think it is right that people are telling you that you are going to Hell for it, but that attitude about only stupid people are religious is offensive to me.

Side: No they deserve it
Warjin(1577) Disputed
1 point

That is the kind of attitude that annoys me. I fine with you being atheist and I don't think it is right that people are telling you that you are going to Hell for it, but that attitude about only stupid people are religious is offensive to me.

Good because I am offended at being told I'm going burn in hell or that I'm evil, to me anyone that truly believes that is a pure idiot, there is no logical reason to think such things other then what another mans interpretation of the bible is, no man could tell me they know the mind of God or if there is a God from a 2000 year old book written by dozens of different authors and in a time long after the death of Christ, 60 years to be exact.

No man has the right to suppress another man or woman's freedom because of some bronze age mythology, I am fed up with the stupidity and lack of critical thinking on the part of the bigoted religious fundamentalist so if people get offended Oh well, maybe if those people stopped pointing fingers then the fingers would stop pointing back.

Side: Theyre cruel
1 point

i know i support all religions i am atheist and but what religious people need to know

is that atheist means non theist not anti theist

Side: Theyre cruel
1 point

The video is disgusting. Its like another world to me. I can't imagine atheists being treated in that way.

I think the problem with Christianity is that the bible tells them that anyone who doesn't believe what they believe is going to hell. They're going to burn for all eternity because they're not like them. Why would you give a shit about a person that is going to hell anyway? What if they take other people to hell with them through the propagation of their belief? To Christians, any other belief is, almost by definition, evil because it leads to an eternity of suffering.

Christianity is an extremely dangerous religion. We just have to hope that eventually it dies out - which I think it will as its numbers are already declining significantly.

Side: Theyre cruel

I know what you mean. It almost doesn't seem real. I live in a pretty unreligious family in a pretty secular town and very unreligious school. So outside those borders this stuff in the real world seems surreal...but to think ill eventually encounter it when I go off on my own to college and beyond is a bit unnerving.

Side: Theyre cruel
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Every time I say the same thing, you accuse me of talking about your grandma.

Side: No they deserve it

Christians preach,cause they sin everyday,and they must redeem themselves to god,"I know I bought a fake Gucci and broke the law,but I saved a couple of people from hell"

Side: Theyre cruel
1 point

As if atheists give a fuck to begin with? LOL What's the problem? You say "they're" not being so "Christian like", which makes atheists even more say "They're fucking hypocrites, though personally I do not believe in it anyway, ect, ect" What do you want atheists? At least Agnostics have the balls to say "Nothing is true because 'no one knows for certainty'". And atheists say to Christians "What you know is not truth because X, Y, Z, so we will follow X, Y, Z".

See, it's not a problem when both sides realize what the fuck is actually happening. It's a problem when either side has people who say and claims this or that.

And so youre original title is like an atheist saying " Atheists aren't so fucking real/and/or/friendly/nor/realist, when it comes to anything other than Atheism-that-is-Atheist-are-so-against-Theism-that-they've-got-no-true-refute-slash/halfass/refute-against-it". hahahahaha

Side: Theyre cruel
Lynaldea(1227) Clarified
1 point

Atheist are more like a bunch of play ground bullshitters and bullies than Agnostics are.

Agnostics are the ultimate "I know nothing", or " There is nothing to be seen here", or the "Observers of 'nothing' because 'nothing' actuality exists."

I find agnostics to be more insane than atheists.

Though I feel atheists to be more child like and immature, like play ground enthusiasts.

Agnostics are still ridiculous to say "Well we do not know anything because X, Y, Z."

Both of you are afraid of passion, of belief, that you come to terms with "You're a theist and you do not know shit."

It doesn't matter what I believe nor what you believe, or "you think you know", or facts". What matters is what's happening now. And the "truth" is going to present itself regardless of whether a theist, or atheist or agonistic has to say. LOL

Can any person on this site relate or understand this?> LOL

Side: Theyre cruel
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Can any person on this site relate or understand this?>

Not really. im trying to dissect that opinionated cloud of ignorance and find any connections to the video in the description.

Side: No they deserve it
1 point

I know how everybody feels. I, too have heard and seen "church" people act that way. I, myself am a Christian and I don't agree with how these Church ladies act. Those people are the very reason people hate Christians. Jesus taught us to love each other. Love everyone. Christians aren't any better than anyone else. We are sinners too. Everyone is. The Bible teaches that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It's not about being holier than thou. And anyone claiming to be Christian and acts holier than thou is not a true Christian. A true Christian is just anyone who recognizes that we can't get to Heaven by any means we do ourselves. We can't earn it. Only by accepting Christ's free gift of salvation can we get there. And the only way to witness to people is to tell people what He has done in our lives and let them make up their own minds. I don't have all the answers, but I love everyone and try to show everyone Christ's love.

Side: Theyre cruel

Yes. Most treat Atheist like they are not worth anything.

I've even seen parents who treat their teens harshly(with words) because they are Atheist.

Side: Theyre cruel

Some Christians are cruel to atheists. Some Christians believe that atheists should somehow be punished.

Side: Theyre cruel

They believe we are going to spend an eternity of harsh torment when we die just for having a different opinion.

Side: Theyre cruel
1 point

WRONG we don't believe that. We believe that everyone who isn't in Christ is going to hell because of their unpaid sin debt.

Side: No they deserve it
1 point

Even if they are just minor sins? So an Atheist who's only sin was stealing a grape from a grocer's but otherise was a really nice person would go to Hell and a Christian that killed 100 people would go to heaven as long as he prayed for forgiveness after? Ridiculous, I would rather go to Hell thab worship a God who upholds that.

Side: Theyre cruel
1 point

Dude it's called converting and when you say christ like just say nice. .

Side: No they deserve it
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

Explain what you mean by converting. Because it sounds to me like you're saying atheists should just convert and give in to their persecution. I hope that isn't what you mean. And why should I use the word nice? The goal of Christians is to be like Christ so it seems the most appropriate.

Side: Theyre cruel
Delta(1348) Clarified
1 point

Bro...chill and play slender man and you'll then know what I mean. .

Side: Theyre cruel

I am fine with atheism. It's their right to make that choice for themselves. And while I find the overly smug ones like Richard Dawkins annoying, they have a right to freedom of speech like everyone else.

Side: No they deserve it
1 point

Pffft, encounter intolerance? If there is anything I have learnt from this site, it is that atheists here are probably the most intolerant.

Side: No they deserve it
1 point

Pffft, encounter intolerance? If there is anything I have learnt from this site, it is that atheists here are probably the most intolerant. Even though I do not think it is deserved.

Side: No they deserve it

Just by making this debate you show that you are biased towards your own beliefs and people who share the same beliefs as you. It shows that you are sad and pathetic and are trying to make Christians (like myself) look like bad people (which most of us aren't) Also all beliefs have their good and bad people. No you guys don't deserve it but because you have the audacity to make such a bigoted debate such as this I'm going on this side.

Side: No they deserve it

Just by making this debate you show that you are biased towards your own beliefs and people who share the same beliefs as you

No shit, who isn't? They're MY people. My fellow atheists. Of course I'm going to side with them and be more sensitive to this issue than you. Don't even tell me you'd be different.

It shows that you are sad and pathetic and are trying to make Christians (like myself) look like bad people (which most of us aren't)

Where do I claim all christians do this or single you out? That's like saying someone who posts something against abortions is sad and pathetic for trying to make women who have had abortions look like bad people.

Also all beliefs have their good and bad people.

Agreed. Where did I claim otherwise?

No you guys don't deserve it but because you have the audacity to make such a bigoted debate such as this I'm going on this side.

The audacity to make a completely reasonable debate raising awareness of a clear issue in america with supporting evidence via video whilst also acknowledging that not all christians are responsible. Oh how dare I. And its totally not bigotted for your people to constantly shove hell threats and other trash down our throats, pressure young girls into keeping children they're not ready for, and consistantly hold back scientific research and political progress in america in favor of your religions moral values and myths. No, WERE the assholes for complaining about being put down, not your people for doing it. I get it.

Side: No they deserve it
1 point

1. I would never make a debate offending you or any other atheists.

2.I agree Christians who do things like that in my opinion are bad Christians and saying their myths is just your opinion, but maybe if you didn't generalize I would never have said any of that in the first place.

Side: Theyre cruel
0 points

The atheists in this video are demonstrating why you are wrong. It's not Atheists that are under attack by Christians its the other way around. atheists are trying to erase Religion. Particularly Christianity.

Side: No they deserve it
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
4 points

WTF?! Are you daft?! Yeah the vast minority in America and the world is bullying the vast majority. Yup mmhmm. Because I've totally seen Christian kids threatened with violence for what they believe and had them kicked out of places and denyed services. Yup every day.

Sure I'm an atheist and id love to see religion gone. So would many of us. But the idea that were forcing people to deconvert or telling people they CAN'T believe what they want is absurd!

Side: Theyre cruel
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

Yes it still happens. We can't practice our religion (no religious symbols on holidays because they might offend someone!). Just the other day a guy in my area was arrested at a DMV for reading the Bible allowed but they officially called it upstructing business or something like that.

Side: Theyre cruel
warrior(1854) Disputed
0 points

I've never seen an Atheist discriminated against. That's victimized bullshit the Atheists use as excuses to attack us Christians even though we've done nothing to you. Besides you just admitted atheists want religion gone.

Side: No they deserve it
0 points

I don't think really Christians do persecute atheists at all. I think its the exact opposite and plus Christians are being persecuted every single day. Where as atheists aren't.

Side: No they deserve it
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

christians are the most evil people I have ever known in my life. My pedophile father will never match the evil done by Christians. I do not even want to be a Christian.

Side: Theyre cruel
Srom(12120) Disputed
3 points

If you are saying that Christians are the most evil people then you are insulting other Christians and I because you think we are evil. I don't believe we are evil but in your terms you can say whatever but I don't agree with you.

Side: No they deserve it
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

Do you have anything to back up your claims or is it just your opinion?

Side: Theyre cruel
Srom(12120) Disputed
0 points

Yes I do actually if you go to this website it shows that Christians are being persecuted everyday around the world.

Plus more people are favoring atheism because a lot of people are abandoning their religion.

Side: No they deserve it
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Did you watch the freaking video? I'm talking about civilized parts of the world not the Middle East. That's where Christians are persecuted but in America they're the most pampered people in the whole nation! You own the government, you have tax exempt churches on every corner, what more do you want? How can you actually propose that you, the VAST majority of he population are being persecuted by the barely 15% (if that) of atheist who most of which don't do anything the people in this video do? You're out of your mind.

Side: Theyre cruel
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

I watched a little bit of it. Most secular universities around the United States have Christians who are being persecuted because they don't believe in evolution and they can't say anything against what the teacher says because if they do they will get kicked out of the universities.

Also you have Christians being persecuted here because certain churches won't marry gays, and then you have people insulting us and calling us names and hating on us because of what WestBro Baptist Church does and they think all Christians are like that.

Side: No they deserve it