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Debate Score:17
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 Dear Brontoraptor, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!! (6)

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mrcatsam(663) pic

Dear Brontoraptor, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!

Reply to this if bronto has called you a puppet, or you want him to go away.
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1 point

He thinks he has permission to incessantly annoy the hell out of me because he thinks I'm a puppet.

It's fine if you think that, bronto, but keep it to yourself and stop spamming me.

5 points

because he thinks I'm a puppet

You are a puppet. You are nomenfuhrer's puppet.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

Then how do I live in England and He/she lives who-knows-where?

1 point

Why make a debate about it ? If you feel you’re being attacked either stand your corner roll your sleeves up and get scrapping if not just .... flee