
Debate Info

Yes, very disturbing Nothing to see here folks
Debate Score:53
Total Votes:63
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 Yes, very disturbing (15)
 Nothing to see here folks (25)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Do you find it at all odd that our intelligence agencies were run by Commies?

Comey was once a communist. And look deeper at his statement: “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”

Polygraph panic: CIA director, John Brennan, fretted his vote for communist

Yes, very disturbing

Side Score: 17

Nothing to see here folks

Side Score: 36
2 points

Do you find it at all odd that our intelligence agencies were run by Commies?

Hello bront:

What I find odd, is that everybody BUT your team are commies and Nazis.. In fact, the MORE you call people commies, the CLEARER it becomes that they're PATRIOTIC Americans..


Side: Yes, very disturbing
1 point

In fact, the MORE you call people commies, the CLEARER it becomes that they're PATRIOTIC Americans

Not really. Brennan openly admits he has voted Communist, and he literally weaponized the CIA to spy on the Senate, and it's looking like he did it against all Republicans running for President. Did Obama block him , fire him, or rebuke him? Nope.

I care. Democrats don't. Reality could not be clearer.

Side: Nothing to see here folks
Nom_Chomsky(846) Disputed
1 point

Brennan openly admits he has voted Communist

You openly admit downloading Hitler and Mussolini speeches:-

"I provide you links of Hitler and Mussolini's quotes" (Brontoraptor)

Side: Yes, very disturbing
Factocracy(346) Disputed
1 point

the MORE you call people commies, the CLEARER it becomes that they're PATRIOTIC Americans..

How dare you call me a "patriotic American" you cunt? I take this as a grave insult upon my character.

Side: Nothing to see here folks
0 points

No one is confused as to whether demanding the pledge of allegiance be taken out of schools is patriotic or unpatriotic. No one is confused as to whether trashing America every chance one gets is patriotic or not. No one is confused as to whether not celebrating America is patriotic or not. No one is confused as to whether kneeling for the National Anthem is patriotic or not. No one is confused as to whether trashing the military is patriotic or not. And no one is confused as to which party does or did those things.

Side: Nothing to see here folks
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

No one is confused as to whether demanding the pledge of allegiance be taken out of schools is patriotic or unpatriotic.

Hello bront:

Let's delve, shall we?

Before religion was injected into the pledge, the pledge was TRUE. But, as it reads now, " nation INDIVISIBLE, UNDER GOD.." isn't TRUE... Fact is, we ARE a nation divided by religion.. Certainly, if anybody is aware of this, it's YOU..

So, WHY should we recite a fucking LIE.. Not, only should we NOT recite this LIE, it should be sent to the ash heap of history..

The rest of your screed is just as wrong as this one..


Side: Yes, very disturbing
0 points

What I find odd, is that everybody BUT your team are commies

It's not odd. Only Democrats say Commie things. Only Democrats worship Lenin. Only Democrats call a statue of Lenin "art" and then want statues of the founders destroyed. Patriots call Lenin's statue trash and are fine with statues of the founders.

Side: Nothing to see here folks
Nom_Chomsky(846) Disputed
1 point

It's not odd.

You're dead right about that. It's not odd because you are literally such a far right extremist that you think anybody to the left of Hitler is a Marxist.

Side: Yes, very disturbing
4 points

That website is right wing, therefor I don't believe anything it says. He never said that, and even if he did the same intelligence agencies that have been waging all out war against communism and socialism are not run by commies.

Side: Nothing to see here folks
1 point

be constantly or visibly worried or anxious.

gradually wear away (something) by rubbing or gnawing.

Wake up BOY the SEPTIC TANK that is DC just made a trial run on over throwing the government and if you think for one minute it ain't gonna happen again you are very mistaken.

Side: Nothing to see here folks