
Debate Info

YES - 666 and all that crap Nahhh
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:29
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 YES - 666 and all that crap (6)
 Nahhh (11)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

Does it THREATEN you if Jews ARE a race? Do you CARE if Jews are a race?

YES - 666 and all that crap

Side Score: 6


Side Score: 15
1 point

SUPER STUPID does this describe you ??????????

There are militant atheists who insist that they are Jews!

ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!!!!!!! What you got to say JEWISH ATHEIST ???????????????

Side: YES - 666 and all that crap

There are militant atheists who insist that they are Jews!

It's literally the most stupid thing imaginable. He claims to be an atheist yet rejects everything except the Biblical account of history. Fucking idiot.

Side: YES - 666 and all that crap
2 points

He claims to be an atheist yet rejects everything except the Biblical account of history.

So which accounts should we accept...

Side: Nahhh
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

In the 1980s, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Jews are a race, at least for purposes of certain anti-discrimination laws.

Seems Excon could not reference Justice Byron White.

Side: YES - 666 and all that crap
1 point

you spam chat with a meaningless ancestry test which has zero scientific credibility, and insist that anyone who points this out is a science denier, including the very scientific experts themselves.

Hello hater:

Lemme see if I've got this right.. You DON'T believe the scientists at Heritage DNA.. You DON'T believe the scientists at Stanford University.. You DON'T believe the scientists at

Dude! What else is there to conclude? You're a science denier.


Side: YES - 666 and all that crap
2 points

Lemme see if I've got this right.. You DON'T believe the scientists at Heritage DNA.. You DON'T believe the scientists at Stanford University.. You DON'T believe the scientists at

I believe them.

Dude! What else is there to conclude? You're a science denier.


Side: Nahhh
Nom_Chomsky(846) Disputed
1 point

Lemme see if I've got this right.. You DON'T believe Heritage DNA

Predictably, you childish little moron, you have not got this right. It is SCIENCE which doesn't believe you:-

Commercial DNA tests that claim to tell people whether they are related to Richard III or descended from the Vikings are no more than "genetic astrology", scientists have warned.

I do not even enter the equation. Should I not believe SCIENTISTS over FAKE internet Jews who LIE about themselves and others?

You DON'T believe Stanford University

You linked a student blog written by someone with a clear religious bias, which is now six years old, and whose theoretical basis has been superseded by newer research. Ashkenazi Jews share less than three percent of their DNA with people from the Middle East, so you are from Israel in the same way that I am a caveman. Linking student blogs hosted on the Stanford University server is not "Stanford University".

Moreover, even if there WERE a genetic basis for Jewishness, that WOULD STILL NOT MAKE YOU A JEW, since the only evidence you have ever produced is an ancestry test you BOUGHT ON THE INTERNET, and which has been THOROUGHLY DEBUNKED by science as utterly meaningless.

You're a twat. Shut up.

Side: Nahhh

YES - 666 and all that crap

The Jews have nothing to do with 666.

Side: YES - 666 and all that crap
Factocracy(346) Disputed
0 points

penis cock semen butt fucking cunt wanker titty shits clitoris faggot dildo wank

Side: Nahhh
1 point

Fungus of Ham.

Side: YES - 666 and all that crap
1 point

It doesn't threaten me and I don't particularly care. Jews are a collection of ethno-religious groups which identify with Hebrews on an ethnic and cultural level. They are not however a race because you can be over 99% genetically something that has nothing to do with Hebrews and still be called a Jew. That is why I reject the idea that Jews are a race, not because I hate them but because it is simply retarded to refer to a religion as your race and identify with something so strongly that has nothing to do with the vast majority of your ancestors.

But like always, you are going to display your retardation by spamming your sketchy DNA results which don't even ATTEMPT to quantify what exactly makes you so "Jewish".

Side: Nahhh
0 points

They are not however a race because you can be over 99% genetically something that has nothing to do with Hebrews and still be called a Jew.

Exactly. It's just basic common sense. If the rules of Judaism permit conversion (which they do) then obviously Judaism can't have a genetic basis.

Side: Nahhh
1 point

There are different races?????????????????????????????????????????? ;-)

Side: Nahhh
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

ROAD ISLAND AL there is the WHITE RACE but you LEFTIST do have a PROBLEM with that!

Does it CONFUSE you that WHITE LEFTIST are running for PRESIDENT ????????

Side: YES - 666 and all that crap
1 point

No. I support something called racial unity..........................................................................................................................................

Side: Nahhh

Does it THREATEN you if Jews ARE a race? Do you CARE if Jews are a race?

Not really.

Side: Nahhh
0 points

Does it THREATEN you if Jews ARE a race?

It threatens me when both the latest scientific research and simple common sense says they aren't a race, but you deny this in favour of the Biblical account of history.

It further threatens me when you spam chat with a meaningless ancestry test which has zero scientific credibility, and insist that anyone who points this out is a science denier, including the very scientific experts themselves.

These things threaten me because they allude to a disturbed, deeply narcissistic, dangerously dishonest, sociopathic personality type.

Side: Nahhh

Awwww, does poor BABY Excon still hate science? Prefers downvoting instead?

You are pitiful mate. When it gets right down to it you're a populist just like your buddy Bronto, whom you spend all day circle jerking. Both of you reject the truth if and when it clashes with your own ideology.

Side: Nahhh