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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:19
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excon(18262) pic

Donald Trump is an orange man.. Nobody likes him, and I don't wanna hear from anybody

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Donald Trump is an orange man..


Nobody likes him

Awesome. Then you have nothing to worry about in 2020. Good luck with that.

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1 point

Donald Trump is an orange man.. Nobody likes him, and I don't wanna hear from anybody

SUPER STUPID wrote the above but it's PEA BRAIN cannot FIGURE out why Donald J. Trump was elected !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 point

SUPER STUPID you IDIOTS have exposed yourselves as the TOTALITARIANS you are !!!!!!

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1 point

SUPER STUPID what DICKTATOR are you interested in ?????????????????

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1 point

Hey you LITTLE GURL TOTALITARIAN are you Not Interested IN trying to defend your POOR ASS WEAK position ????????

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1 point

LITTLE GURL what are YOU going to cry about TOMORROW ??????????

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0 points

It’s rather strange that a recent Gallup poll has stated that Barrack Obama has won “Most admired man” for the 11th year in a row , I’m wondering what he’s most admired for? He was undoubtedly America’s worst ever president so what’s the admiration for?

I’m no fan of politicians I think Universally they place their own neeeds first and foremost and everything else is secondary.

I started out totally disliking Trump but then started to feel sorry for him as I’ve never witnessed such a vicious smear campaign

against another human being ,what was really vicious was the way attempts were made not just to destroy a man but his entire family as well.The American political arena is no place for the weak as I’ve never seen such an openly adversarial system anywhere .

It’s also startling that a sizable proportion of Americans hail that vicious , nasty , petty little poison dwarf Hillary Clinton as some sort of fairy godmother.

Anyway get ready to suck it up the Don is doing a second term

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Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

He was undoubtedly America’s worst ever president

You are undoubtedly Create Debate's most stupid ever troll.

I’m no fan of politicians

Unless they also hate Muslims and blacks.

I started out totally disliking Trump but then

I realised he hates Muslims and blacks.

I’ve never witnessed such a vicious smear campaign

I've never witnessed such an idiot, so we are both swimming in uncharted waters.

Side: Go away
Jody(1791) Disputed
0 points

You are undoubtedly Create Debate's most stupid ever troll.

Come on now Nom you’re the one who claims scientists have invented a time machine , the Moon landings were faked and hilariously yesterday stated “ plants care that’s why they follow sunlight “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Regards Trolling you spend 24/7 here trolling with 900 odd accounts

Unless they also hate Muslims and blacks.

Again you’re the Hater buddy I’ve nothing against Muslims unless they’re the ones you support as in terrorists , regards blacks yes I detest gangsta rapper type black scum that glorifies cop killing , rape and murder and not surprisingly you put them on a pedestal and attempt to suck up to them with your lamentably pathetic attempts at .......Rap 😱

I realised he hates Muslims and blacks.

Really? Where did he state this?

I've never witnessed such an idiot, so we are both swimming in uncharted waters.

That’s your stock answer to everyone on site you cretin , you detest Jews and call for their eradication yet call everyone who corrects you as Nazis , that’s a different level of stupid Herr Nom

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