
Debate Info

Facts But Mah Narrative
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:50
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 Facts (11)
 But Mah Narrative (9)

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Hootie(364) pic

Freedom To A Capitalist Is A Choice Between Who You Want To Be A Slave For

The false language these fucking idiots use to sell their ideology really gets on my nerves.

Tell me, if people are free under capitalism then why do they all do the same fucking things?

Why do they all go to work? Why do they take out mortgages? Why do they take out car loans? Why do they use credit/debit cards? Why do they watch the same TV programs, eat the same food and dress the same way? Why do they have the same opinions on political issues? Why do they go to church? Why do they vote in elections which offer them two versions of the same thing? Why do they get tearful when they hear the American national anthem? Why do they shop in the same places?

It's funny really. If we are to believe capitalists, the freer you are, the more you behave like you are being controlled.


Side Score: 18

But Mah Narrative

Side Score: 19

I totally agree that you are a slave in capitalism. But, I’m willing to put up with some capitalism- as long as we help sick people without raping them financially. I also would be better with some open market as long as there was TRUE open competition.

Side: Facts
2 points

But, I’m willing to put up with some capitalism- as long as we help sick people without raping them financially.

I think capitalism is great for swiftly building economies up in the short term, but the problem is that it becomes unsustainable very quickly and hence we see a pattern of increasing regulation in a useless effort to control it. I have no problem with the market in theory. My problem is that it forms the basis of our entire society and everything else is derivative from it and/or dependent on it. That just simply isn't civilised. Much better to make socialism the core and then use the market as a private incentive for entrepreneurs. Economic power needs to be separated from political power otherwise we end up in the trap we are in right now, where the elite essentially make our political decisions for us.

Side: Facts
1 point

Freedom To A Capitalist Is A Choice Between Who You Want To Be A slave for

Hello commie:

I'm an employer.. My employees are well paid, well taken care of, and are FREE to leave anytime they want to..

If I had slaves, I'd pay 'em NUTHIN, treat 'em like SHIT, and CHAIN 'em up at night.

Of course, you don't work.. It's NOT your fault, of course. It's those fucking SLAVE DRIVERS....

You're silly.


Side: Facts
Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

I'm an employer.

You're also a prick.

My employees are well paid

You are a parasite who steals the profit from the work they do. Don't say you don't because that is how business functions under capitalism. You steal the profit produced by their labour and you "pay them" compensation which is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than the value of their labour.

Hence, you are a parasite. Literally. You feed on the sweat of other people.

Side: But Mah Narrative
brontoraptor(28596) Disputed Banned
1 point

You are a parasite who steals the profit from the work they do.

1)Many people work for themselves with no employees. Anyone can do it. You're just too stupid or unwilling to do so because you're an excuse making piece of shit.

2)You claimed you were rich, which either makes you a stealer of labor or that you work for yourself with no employees.

So tell us which type of piece of shit you are.

Side: Facts
excon(18262) Disputed
-1 points

You are a parasite who steals the profit from the work they do. Don't say you don't because this is how business functions under capitalism

Hello again, commie:

The main difference between me and my employees, is that I put up my ENTIRE life savings to START this business... If it fails, my employees will get another job.. But, where do I go to get my life savings back?

This business wouldn't BE here if I didn't make that investment.. That's WHY my employees WANT me to make money.. Why wouldn't they?

Clearly, commies have the WRONG view of how the engine of prosperity works.. Dude!


Side: Facts
2 points

The United Kingdom is the 10th largest export economy in the world and the 11th most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). In 2017, the United Kingdom exported $395B and imported $617B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $222B. In 2017 the GDP of the United Kingdom was $2.62T and its GDP per capita was $43.3k.

The top exports of the United Kingdom are Cars ($45B), Packaged Medicaments ($18.4B), Crude Petroleum ($17.8B), Gold ($16.1B) and Gas Turbines ($14.6B), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized System) classification. Its top imports are Cars ($45.5B), Gold ($34.3B), Crude Petroleum($19.1B), Refined Petroleum ($18.3B) and Packaged Medicaments ($17.6B).

The top export destinations of the United Kingdom are the United States ($45.2B), Germany ($38.6B), the Netherlands ($24.9B), France ($24.8B) and China ($21.9B). The top import origins are Germany ($90.3B), China ($58.9B), the Netherlands ($47B), the United States ($46.6B) and France ($36B).

Dummy seems to be you Brits are Slaves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: But Mah Narrative
Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

Dummy seems to be you Brits are Slaves !!

Correct. But if you are also slaves in the US, then why does the UK even matter to you?

Side: Facts
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
2 points

The United Kingdom is the 10th largest export economy in the world and the 11th most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). In 2017, the United Kingdom exported $395B and imported $617B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $222B. In 2017 the GDP of the United Kingdom was $2.62T and its GDP per capita was $43.3k.

You Brits enjoy being a Slave to Capitalism ???????????????????

Side: But Mah Narrative
1 point

I worked for myself, and everyone else in the country had the same ability to do so. No slavery, only endless opportunity for anyone who's not an excuse making piece of shit.

Side: But Mah Narrative
1 point

Hey Brit Slave i got a special gift for the river you are crying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: But Mah Narrative
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

Hey Brit Slave i got a special gift for the river you are crying !!

Do you genuinely believe I'm ever going to click that link?

Side: Facts
outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
1 point

Hey Brit Slave i got a special gift for the river you are crying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: But Mah Narrative