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Debate Score:27
Total Votes:32
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lolzors93(3225) pic

Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday?

How can one give thanks unless there is someone to give thanks towards?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 21
2 points

If you look at the history of Thanksgiving and how it came to be its actually a religious holiday if you go here and scroll down to In the United States it talks about God.

As President of the United States, George Washington proclaimed the first nation-wide thanksgiving celebration in America marking November 26, 1789, "as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours of Almighty God". (Source the link above and scroll down to In the United States)

Side: Yes
-3 points
BookBird101(574) Disputed
6 points

Dude, I don't know what religion you are... but if you're Christian, then please stop giving us a bad name.

Side: No
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

who are you? why do yuo people try to tell me what to believe in? did i tell you what to believe? no! mind your own business

Side: Yes
nummi(1432) Clarified
1 point

Don't you think it's far too late for that?

Side: Yes
3 points

Nooo, thanksgiving was the day that Europeans went on a murder spree in the name of "Gold and Jesus" for the Queen of Spain killing thousands of Native Americans, then twisted the story that we all know today as a noble holiday of unity, want to know the truth, they never ate turkey, it was deer lol.

(90% of all American History is a lie), one big propaganda campaign told to us as children, remember one history, is written by the victor, think about that.

Side: No
1 point

Um... no. Thanksgiving is exactly what it's title says, a day to give thanks. It's a patriotic holiday, that's for sure, but there's no religious background story to go with it. Though there may be one day. ;)

Side: No
TheAshman(2299) Disputed
1 point

It is based on the English Harvest Festival were you give thanks to God for a bountiful harvest it's celebrated on a different day so technically it isva religous festival.

Side: Yes

I don't believe that it is. When Thanksgiving started, not all of the Pilgrims were of the same religion (although most of them were probably Christian,) and people of all religions celebrate it today.

The idea of giving thanks is not solely a religious idea, but is a common value and idea of people everywhere. Celebrating Thanksgiving does not have to be religious, although it can be.

Side: No

Although most people who originally celebrated were religious, this holiday has nothing to do with religion. Its was (and still is) a holiday where you gather with your family and friends and just be thankful.

Side: No
1 point

i dont think so i meam i dont know for a fact really, but i dont think it is, i mean anyone can celebrate it, you dont just have to be a chritstian or belive in any religion to have thanks giving but YH i dont think so :)

Side: No

It can be if you want it to. Otherwise, nothing is inherently religious about sitting down with family and eating a big meal and socializing.

Side: No

There is the annual Thanksgiving Macy's Parade that has nothing to do with religion.

Side: No