
Debate Info

Do good Feel good
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:24
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 Do good (7)
 Feel good (7)

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Spuds(1074) pic

Is it more important to feel good or do good

Do good

Side Score: 10

Feel good

Side Score: 9
4 points

It’s more important to do good. If you’re a good person, that will make you feel good. If you’re a shitty person, you won’t feel very good anyway but doing good will at least keep your neighbors safe from you.

Side: Do good
1 point

Ask Jesus what He thought about the cross.........................................................

Side: Do good
QuapoDog(79) Disputed
2 points

That would be an example of doing good. Liberals are more interested in feeling good while not doing dick.

Side: Feel good
Hootie(364) Disputed
0 points

Liberals are more interested in feeling good while not doing dick.

Gee Bronto, that must be why when I mention the 41 million hungry people in your country you always reply by telling me the economy is booming. Because you're a liberal, right?

Your Freudian projection is the stuff of legend, mate. Always looking to accuse libs or socialists of your own faults to deflect attention away from your own sociopathy.

Side: Do good
1 point

Feeling good means just tasting pleasure, doing good means being righteous. Adult knows what's more should be prioritized. If you choose the 1St option, you need to grow up.

Side: Do good
1 point

First of all it depends on your definition of good, if you see it as an ULTIMATE benefit that relies on the action and its consequences , then doing good (the right thing) will cause you to feel good eventually ; but if your goal is to feel good no matter what you do just to have enough temporary great feelings to make your delusional thoughts disappear for the time being then you'll never fully understand what your brain and body can really experience.

See there's a connection between feeling good and doing good to spread that positivity but the real question that everyone needs to think deeply about is “what is the ultimate good?” because once you realize that your behavior and thinking shifts to something greater.

Side: Do good
1 point

In all honesty, it's more important to feel good. I never want to be that fucktard hero who hates every second of it, gotta dip into my villainous side and fuck a bitch here, slay a foe there in a spanky, torturous manner. Why? Because that's the reason I save the rest, it's my way to stay addicted to doing the good.

First feel good, then do good. World will tell you to do good first, but the world is hypocritical if it doesn't want you to feel good first; just think about it.

Side: Feel good
QuapoDog(79) Disputed
1 point

In all honesty, it's more important to feel good.

Feelings accomplish nothing. No one gets fed or helped by you being high because you are afraid of reality.

Side: Do good
Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

No one gets fed or helped

No-one gets fed or helped by you telling us how great the economy is or how evil libs are.

You need a serious psychiatric evaluation young man.

Side: Feel good
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
-2 points
Svidrigailov(3) Disputed
1 point

I struggle to see how having sex with prostitutes, torturing enemies, and killing people in your way gets you "addicted to doing the good."

The world also does not tell you one thing or another, it just depends on where you choose, or were taught, to look. There are times where acting virtuously will make you miserable, and epicureanism (though, you tended more towards sadism) will satisfy you. But fornicating will not make me more faithful to my wife, nor will stealing from the rich increase my love for the poor. Your experiment has already been run (in Soviet Russia for example). It's a bad idea.

Side: Do good
1 point

You do what you think is good. Some activities are good in one's opinion and is bad for someone else. Therefore anyone acts according his/her criteria for goodness or badness.

Side: Feel good
1 point

Is it more important to feel good or do good

Hello Spuds:

I don't think you can DO good if you don't FEEL good. Frankly, when my back is hurting, I don't feel much like volunteering at the shelter..


Side: Feel good