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Debate Score:165
Total Votes:187
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 No (56)
 Yes (55)

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Rockychico(7) pic

Is it okay to spank children

I have always believed in spanking to have a negative impact on the child's mind. I was spanked several times. Every time I wonder what I did to make them mad and that my parents hated me. I still to this day think about it. 


Side Score: 80


Side Score: 85
4 points

Abuse: treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.

I used the definition of abuse as a prelude to my argument so that anyone who opposes my argument is, by definition, advocating child abuse.


No, it is not okay to use an abusive vehicle as a means to correct undesirable behavior.

#1: Corporal punishment is not necessary. There are multiple techniques for correcting misbehavior, none of which constitute child abuse (physically harming your child). The most effective being positive reinforcement.

#2: The effects of corporal punishment, be it apparent or unapparent, are always negative. The parent may find the child's conformity to be positive, but the physical and psychological consequences of such abusive actions, most would argue, are negative.

#3: If you know of no other way to correct your child's misbehavior than intentionally harming him or her, then you are not fit to be a parent. It should be monumentally counter-instinctual to find solace in hearing your child scream in pain and agony and to not wish to help; and what makes the situation even more wicked is that you are the negative stimuli causing their pain and agony--with intent...

Side: No
1 point

Your arguments when you aren't attacking people are superb. It is so weird.

Side: No
Harvard(666) Disputed
2 points

But I am attacking people? I'm attacking those in favor of corporal punishment by asserting that they are irrational, incompetent child abusers whose nurturing instincts appear to be arrested when administering such violent and abusive discipline vehicles when there are more effective, nonviolent alternatives...

Side: Yes

If you're only way to teach your child what to do is by threatening them, you may want to reevaluate your parenting strategy.

Side: No
Harvard(666) Disputed
2 points

#1: If you find that the only way to effectively teach/discipline your child is to physically abuse him or her, you should reevaluate your competency as a parent.

One must also note that studies have shown that Positive Reinforcement is the most effective method to get your child to behave 'desirably'. For example, instead of beating your child senseless for taking a cookie out of the cookie box, after you told him or her to not do so, you should reward your child with an extra cookie(s) when they do not do so.

#2: Why is your position presupposing that the only disincentives for child misbehavior is either corporal punishment, or ineffective threats?

#3: Lastly, why did you post on the "No" side implying that you disfavor abusive punishment (when clearly you are advocating child abuse)?

Side: Yes
1 point

#1: I'm not quite sure what you're responding to, as I I agree with most of what you wrote here. Did you assume that by "threat" I meant "empty threat?" Because that was not my intent.

I fully agree that positive reinforcement is much better. I do not support spanking.

#2: Why is your position presupposing that the only disincentives for child misbehavior is either corporal punishment, or ineffective threats?

How does my position suggest this?

Edit: Also, I never said anything to suggest the effectiveness of the threat. Whether or not spanking is effective is completely irrelevant to whether or not it is "ok."

Lastly, why did you post on the "No" side implying that you disfavor abusive punishment (when clearly you are advocating child abuse)?

How does my position advocate child abuse?

Side: No
1 point

It was pretty obvious to everyone else that he was against spanking.

Side: Yes
1 point

Thank you.

Side: No
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Obviously your parents didn't smack you around enough.

Side: Yes
2 points

first of all what i would like to get clear is that we are HUMANS and thats the point of difference between us and the animals . we have the power of having control on your brain more than other any creature and at least we should act like that .

Would it be ok to spank a child ? ABSOLUTELY NOT ! it is true that in most of the cases a little spank is being used just to show our children that we "have always right " but that can be totally different . Being a child is such a difficult task , you are always in contact with new things that sometimes might lead you in a "wrong" path but at least we are on time to fix this . Making mistakes is part of our life people , so to fix this problems with violence would be totally wrong in my opinion . Just remember one thing that the history tells us : WORD IS THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON !

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

Making mistakes is part of our life people

How do you learn from your mistake?


Sounds like talking to your children should be banned then, and spanking should be allowed.

Side: Yes
rigersmetaj(5) Disputed
1 point

of course you can learn from you mistakes it is obvious you wont do the wrong thing twice unless you are a dumb person ! Learning from a mistake you have made means that now you are conscient that you havent done the right thing and you are still on time !

so its ok for you not to talk with your children first but instead giving them a punch ? excuse me but that would be completely silly

Side: No
1 point

No, that is child abuse. Children have the right to feel safe and be happy.

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

Who says you can't feel safe and be happy just because you are spanked?

Side: Yes
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

Spanking is child abuse. It is traumatic to the child. /

Side: No
1 point

Spanking isn't molesting, only molesting should be allowed.

Side: No
3 points

Yes it is. Kids often aren't old enough or mature enough to understand the consequences that the politically correct society would have us use to correct behavior. One thing that they really understand well at that stage in their life is what it feels like to get a spanking, and it hurts, and it's not a pleasant experience, this is also known as a deterrant. Having a kid sit in a corner and "think" about what they've done only gives them the opportunity to think of a way they can get away with it next time, since you are openly providing them that opportunity to contemplate the inefficiency of their previous attempt. Spanking is more of a zero tolerance kind of approach that says "whether you choose to reflect on it or not, just know that what you just did is absolutely not tolerated in this house."

Side: Yes
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Kids often aren't old enough or mature enough to understand the consequences that the politically correct society would have us use to correct behavior.

You don't need to use the concept of consequences to correct behavior. There are non spanking ways to correct behavior that don't involve discussing consequences.

Having a kid sit in a corner and "think" about what they've done only gives them the opportunity to think of a way they can get away with it next time, since you are openly providing them that opportunity to contemplate the inefficiency of their previous attempt.

Except, this doesn't happen with sitting in the corner. This is seen with kids who are spanked though.

Spanking is more of a zero tolerance kind of approach that says "whether you choose to reflect on it or not, just know that what you just did is absolutely not tolerated in this house."

Without reflection they will do it again.

Side: No
1 point

I agree with all your points and not only are they well stated but they are clearly backed with evidence. It seems that the only case in this case is to vote "Yes"

Side: Yes

Where words fail, a swift kick to the rear end , or a wallop upside the head will get their attention. It got mine.

Side: Yes
1 point

The question isn't if spanking is effective to teach children, it's asking if it's okay, presumably from a moral standpoint. Is your argument "the ends justify the means"?

Side: No
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Yes, it's morally ok to get their attention by other means when words fail if meted out judiciously.

Side: No
2 points

Sure it is because a good attitude adjustment is needed from time to time !

Side: Yes
Sitar(3680) Disputed
2 points

That is child abuse to hit a child. A parent's place is to love and protect their children, not abuse them.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

I would like for you to show where spanking is child abuse if you can.

Side: Yes
1 point

I agree with you I believe in grounding not spanking. A parent should always love and protect there child no matter what.

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Until you become an adult, right? Then you get to keep your same shitty attitude for life.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What might that have to do with the response i wrote ? All children need a good attitude adjustment from time to time so if calls for a good butt whooping then so be it.

Side: Yes
2 points

Yes! Next question.

Side: Yes
instig8or(3308) Disputed
0 points

No! Next answer.

Side: No
1 point

Of course. The opposition's arguments all revolve around the three points that 1) It is your job to tell other parents how to raise their children 2) Spanking is inhumane and 3) Spanking is ineffective.

First, let it be observed that the prompt states "is it okay to spank children" not "should you spank your children". Other parents do not tell you to spank your children, why do you have the right to tell other parents that they should not spank theirs? In a pluralist society such as this one, freedom of choice and will are key aspects which makes it what it is, to violate other people's right to discipline their child in order to make them a better functioning member of society would be to trample on the ideals of the pluralist society itself. That's not to say child abuse should be allowed, because Child Abuse is not spanking in any sense and illegal and perpetrators should be swiftly dealt justice to.

Next, we must address how spanking is inhumane. It is as inhumane as you lecturing your children on how staying past curfew is immoral. Spanking simply adds a minor physical aspect to this lecture, and makes it more memorable. But enough of that, the effectiveness will be addressed in a later paragraph. Since it done with the intent to help, not harm, it cannot be considered inhumane, even at the slightest degree. Using physical methods in order to better incorporate offspring into society has been a popular methods since the beginning of mankind, and as you obviously can observe, mankind is still here. It causes little detriment, emulating a net positive, and the objection that spanking is inhumane should be as quickly as discarded as the objection that water is in fact, not wet.

Lastly, opponents will attempt to claim that spanking should not be allowed because it is ineffective. However, the exact opposite is true. In an unbiased joint-study conducted by CNN analysts and BBC experts, it showed that children who endured spanking in their early childhood showed much better capacity for not only the ability to follow directions, but to show empathy and compassion for their fellow peers. Moreover, Children who have been spanked have a 42.58% reduced chance to commit minor crimes later on in their career, as proven by an open sourced study conducted by The Economists with support through commentaries from The Wall Street Journal.

Although this may seem like a trivial matter, it is, in fact a major one that has garnered attention on the national stage from Democrats and Republicans alike. Although there are opposing views, as with any debate and/or disagreement, the answer to the question "is spanking ok" is an undeniable yes as in a pluralist society parents have the freedom of choice in raising their own children, it is completely humane, and it promotes better integration into society for children who lack the basic moral values to do so independently. Thank you everyone, I invoke you to vote yes.

God Bless America

Side: Yes
2 points

Spanking is not considered abuse, according to my dictionary contrasting to others' rote definitions found in Google. Spanking is a rather derogatory term for "disciplining," but either will work if your child is insolent or just a trouble maker. A "child" (rather a teenager) myself, I have gotten "spanked" numerous times, and yet I am thankful for this unpleasant yet effective discipline. In no way is it abuse if you are hitting a child for no apparent reason. Now THAT is considered child abuse. Spanking is a way that enables the child to reflect upon their mistakes and regret their decisions, rather than just locking them up in their room allowing them to do whatever they want. When you think about it, yes, the child may be affected by melancholia when hit, but remember:the parent is doing this for the sake of their child's future and personality.

Side: Yes
1 point

Of course. The opposition's arguments all revolve around the three points that 1) It is your job to tell other parents how to raise their children 2) Spanking is inhumane and 3) Spanking is ineffective.

First, let it be observed that the prompt states "is it okay to spank children" not "should you spank your children". Other parents do not tell you to spank your children, why do you have the right to tell other parents that they should not spank theirs? In a pluralist society such as this one, freedom of choice and will are key aspects which makes it what it is, to violate other people's right to discipline their child in order to make them a better functioning member of society would be to trample on the ideals of the pluralist society itself. That's not to say child abuse should be allowed, because Child Abuse is not spanking in any sense and illegal and perpetrators should be swiftly dealt justice to.

Next, we must address how spanking is inhumane. It is as inhumane as you lecturing your children on how staying past curfew is immoral. Spanking simply adds a minor physical aspect to this lecture, and makes it more memorable. But enough of that, the effectiveness will be addressed in a later paragraph. Since it done with the intent to help, not harm, it cannot be considered inhumane, even at the slightest degree. Using physical methods in order to better incorporate offspring into society has been a popular methods since the beginning of mankind, and as you obviously can observe, mankind is still here. It causes little detriment, emulating a net positive, and the objection that spanking is inhumane should be as quickly as discarded as the objection that water is in fact, not wet.

Lastly, opponents will attempt to claim that spanking should not be allowed because it is ineffective. However, the exact opposite is true. In an unbiased joint-study conducted by CNN analysts and BBC experts, it showed that children who endured spanking in their early childhood showed much better capacity for not only the ability to follow directions, but to show empathy and compassion for their fellow peers. Moreover, Children who have been spanked have a 42.58% reduced chance to commit minor crimes later on in their career, as proven by an open sourced study conducted by The Economists with support through commentaries from The Wall Street Journal.

Although this may seem like a trivial matter, it is, in fact a major one that has garnered attention on the national stage from Democrats and Republicans alike. Although there are opposing views, as with any debate and/or disagreement, the answer to the question "is spanking ok" is an undeniable yes as in a pluralist society parents have the freedom of choice in raising their own children, it is completely humane, and it promotes better integration into society for children who lack the basic moral values to do so independently. Thank you everyone, I invoke you to vote yes.

God Bless America

Side: Yes