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Is the bible 100% true


Side Score: 177


Side Score: 374
4 points

I belive its true the thing with the bible is that it can never be proven until jesus comes back therefore this debate is stupid also therefore people dont accept others religions or points of view on this website as you dont no who people are so you can say generally anything.

Side: yes
ap0110(70) Disputed
3 points

Why would you have to wait until Jesus returns to prove the Bible? Of course this is prophecy, and wouldn't be "proved" until he actually did return. Then there would be other issues, but we won't go in to them at the moment.

So are you suggesting that the whole Bible's accuracy rests on Jesus' return? While there are some accurate things in the Bible (there is a place called Jerusalem, there was a King David), many of the stories cannot be verified. This does not make them untrue, but we should see more evidence if they did. Let me give you three.

First is the flood. If there was a flood that covered the entire earth, and wiped out all known species at the time, we would see evidence of this in the geological record. We do not see this.

Second, the Hebrew nation being held as slaves in Egypt. If there were millions of Jews being held in Egypt, and the Exodus story happened as the Bible says, we would expect to see more on these miraculous events. In fact, we do see some evidence of Jews being held in Egypt, but not nearly to the extent that is described in the Bible. We do not see evidence of the plagues that Moses rained down on them either. If this was an important event, we should see it recorded in Egyptian history.

Let me add my last, and favorite ones. Matthew 27:51-53 describes the events after Jesus' death, and adds that many dead Jews got out of their graves and walked into the city of Jerusalem. If zombie Jews were walking around Jerusalem, and people were seeing their dead relatives up and walking, wouldn't we expect to see this written down? This is really the only reference to this event, and we don't see any extra-biblical writers referring to it. If it were what really happened, we would see historians referencing zombie Jews.

The Bible can't stand on it's own merit, and is continually being shown to be a man made book, which is as fallible as the rest of our books.

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
1 point

Matthew 27:51-54

51At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. 52The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.

54When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”

Remember Jesus is the mighty God you can't put limits on his power. If these events never happened why would they last for so many centuries. Surely we all know that Greek and Roman gods were myth. All of the pagan spirits that used to be worshipped for the vast majority are referred to as mythology. I should say for common sense people. Yet Christianity has grown rapidly since the time of Jesus' resurrection. Don't be so quick to dismiss such miracles.

Side: yes
bookends12(5) Disputed
1 point

You raise good points but are not unbiased to the scripture in your arguments. You can prove the Bible now and don't have to wait for Christ to return. Read the evidence that demand a verdict by Josh Mcdowell. The Bible addresses all the points you brought up BUT you must be aware of the conspiracy against the Bible. This is from scientist,educators,governments and all others just about going thru great links to make people think it's mythology.

Side: yes
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
0 points

Your argument is that all books are fallible. Well I say if all books are fallible then wouldn't your own posting be fallible as well.

Side: yes
honie(103) Disputed
1 point

Your argument is circular as it assumes the fact that jesus will "come back" and you provide no proof for that, or reincarnation. Therefore it is invalid.

Side: No
2 points

Yes. It lines up with history completely. And almost every single prophecy about Jesus in the Old Testament came true.

Side: yes
jesusfraud(13) Disputed
3 points

Hi all

Anonymus7894 you are so sure that the bible lines up the history completely ? first of all , you need to know the History before you say that.....

can you reference me a historical record of the children genocide of Herod other then the bible ?

How can you call that prophecy ,you can pre-arrange them "the happenings" and called them prophesies ?

best regards

Side: No
Spadedude(227) Disputed
1 point

The prophesy that jesus would die and come back to life again, three days later, came true, and if you say not, I can bet I have an answer to destroy your compromise, or thing that happened that made it look like he did but didn't, if that makes sense! (LOL)

How could you pre-arrange a prophesy of ressurection. It was a miracle.

Side: yes
Spadedude(227) Disputed
1 point

I have witnessed, with may others, prophetic words that were not pre-arranged. I was with a church prophesy group, and one of the girls in our group suddenly felt like she was drowning in green. A girl suddenly walked by dressed only in green (well, I don't know about her underwear but the rest was green). Another person in our group suddenly felt a pain in thier wrist, and we found out the green stranger had broken her wrist. We prayed for her and it was healed.

Just because you weren't there dosen't mean it didn't happen. There is equal proof for and against that event, very little, exept witnesses, and I was one.

Side: yes
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
1 point

That's because the New Testament was a sequel to the ultimately successful Old Testament. Nothing actually happened inbetween them, they just made the prophesies fit. Nothing in either book documents any actual history. It's just Christian Mythology. No different from the Egyptians, Greeks, or Romans before them.

Side: No
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
2 points

your are very ignorant. a lot of the knowledge we have about ancient Israel and the nations around it come from the bible. also the history of the life of Jesus and early Christianity come form the bible. whether you believe in the events such as the resurrection of Jesus and all those miraculous events are up to you.

but on the spiritual side of the debate, yes the bible is the ultimate authority on all things and and is completely accurate. being a Christan requires this belief.

Side: yes
1 point

It was written and so many peope agree with it and have agreed with it for centuries.

Side: yes
JayAr(182) Disputed
6 points

So... wikiality then?

Does the majority agreeing with something make it true?

One more thing... how do you know for sure it wasn't written by the prince of lies?

Side: No
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

"Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

"Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.

That is how we know.

Side: yes
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
4 points

More people believed the earth was flat, and for a longer time. It did not make it so in retrospect.

Side: No
sop4life603(48) Disputed
1 point

Interesting how the world being flat and the Bible being real has no relevance. Not to mention things in Bible have came true in the past years. When world being flat was proven to be wrong. Yet no one has proven the Bible to be wrong in all these years...hmmmm....

Side: yes
ap0110(70) Disputed
3 points

You have committed the logical fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, or argument from popular appeal. What this means is that you claim your proposition, here the validity of the Bible, to be true because it is believed by a large number of people.

This is similar to making the argument that Elvis is still alive because "fifty million Elvis fans can't be wrong!" Because a large number of people believe something, this does not make it true. Many people believed the sun rotated around the earth, and now we know this is not the case. The amount of people believing a premise does not make it true.

Side: No
stmac10(59) Disputed
2 points

For centuries, people agreed that the world was flat, they were wrong.

Side: No
-2 points
aveskde(1935) Disputed
7 points

The bible is 100% true and all strong-minded people know it.

There was no worldwide flood. We are related to animals, not created apart from them. People cannot arise from the dead or walk on water. Virgin births are not possible for humans. Stars cannot fall to earth. The earth is not flat. The earth is not resting upon pillars. God does not cause lightening. Demons do not exist to possess things.

In other words, you're wrong.

Side: No
stmac10(59) Disputed
4 points

Ace Ventura Pet Detective is a more believable story than the bible. Just because you were weak minded enough to be indoctrinated doesn't mean that the things you believe are true. You are not strong minded, you are the exact opposite, but you are stubborn...these delusions are so deeply ingrained that you will never accept you are being irrational. Even if it was 100% true...why would you want to revere your god? He is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

Side: No
Warlin(1213) Disputed
3 points

The bible is 100% true and all strong-minded people know it.

That... really depends on your definition of strong-minded. If you mean stubborn, then probably.

Someone without fear of disapproval of what might happen to them if they announce their doubts of the audacious claims of an extremely old book probably has a more powerful mind than someone who follows something blindly because they were told to.

We could get into a fight over evidence and lack of evidence, but that's no fun. 100% true or not, faith doesn't have to be blindly and unexceptionally accepting something as the truth. Doubt isn't a bad thing, and it isn't always contrary to faith.

Side: No
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

According to Carl Marx, religion is used to cope with our harsh realities. To relegate our fears of death to fantasies of a Utopian afterlife.

It must take a strong mind to live one's life whilst believing that death is the end, don't you agree?

Side: No
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
1 point

"The bible is 100% true and all strong-minded people know it."

On the contrary, it actually takes a very weak and easily-manipulated human being to blindly accept what the bible says.

Side: No
1 point

Well, God wrote the bible. Of corse it has been modified a little but for the bulk of it, it is the real thing.

Side: No
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
2 points

"Well, God wrote the bible."

Correction: Man wrote the Bible and claimed it to be god's word.

Side: No
ap0110(70) Disputed
2 points

When you say that God wrote the Bible, you presume that a god exists. You must present some proof that a god exists before you make this claim.

Side: evidence proof false premise
Sazzz(96) Disputed
1 point

No, God did not write the bible. It was written by people in the name of God. The ONLY thing "God" supposedly wrote, were the 10 commandments.

Side: No
1 point

Lots of people rip on the bible for not being accurate. Yet many of them have never read it. They claim that many things "Did Not Happen" When there is no other historical record of it. HOW CAN YOU CLAIM SOMETHING DID NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER RECORD OF IT. YOU DONT KNOW BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER RECORD. Such arguments defeat themselves

Side: yes
ap0110(70) Disputed
2 points

No, that's actually not the case. There comes a time when we have to begin looking at the absence of evidence as evidence of absence. I have a degree from a bible college in bible, and have read it from front to back many many times. The Bible is a human book that reflects the morality of the times in which it was written.

Side: No
1 point

why would you want to revere your god? He is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

A bully that gave you life.

Side: yes
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

In this case you should worship your mother, she gave you life.

Side: No
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

No she did not God did, your mother was simply the vessel.

Side: yes
1 point

its realy2 true,can u imagine that different people who right,different events,different time,different place...

but how come they have the same principle,the same philosophy,and most of all,have the same message.. is that possible?no!why?because it is impossible...make things as one with different people?oh no...

but why it happen?because GOD is true...and HE made all this things become possible..

Side: yes
Trudistian(99) Disputed
1 point

The pure stupidity radiating out of this comment made my brain hurt.

Side: No
1 point

if it is not true...why there are many bad people became good because of the bible?it is true cause it change my life..

Side: yes

Of course the bible is true! It's TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE T.............R..........U.........E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and there's nothing on earth that can change that!

Side: yes
imrigone(758) Disputed
2 points

My, you are repetitive...where is your evidence?

and there's nothing on earth that can change that!

Well then, everything on Earth should verify it, therefore, science should never be able to so often does.

Side: No

Why of course! It depends on your beliefs obviously, but I have always believed in God's words and have never once doubted them.

Side: Yes
1 point


The Bible is a computer like written code. Digitalizing our physical existence, and programming full circle beginning to end. And to prove it, pi is right in the 1st verse. Gen 1: 1

I'm amazed at this. And e in John 1: 1 which is in line with exponential growth out to all nations in the era of the new testament.

An alien authored it, coincidences pile to high to dismiss.

If an alien left a document in your attic, how hard would you

look to find it?

After you found it, how hard would you try to decifer it?


Side: Yes
1 point

Fyi - The constelations even say 2017 is significant!

Mind blowing. God went from keeping mysteries hidden and sealed to opening up understanding by the truck loads!

Side: Yes
0 points

Proving whether something is true or not is called apologetics. This word is derived from the Greek word “apologia,” which means “to defend.” The entire Clarifying Christianity site is filled with apologetics—proofs and explanations for many Christian-related issues. The focus of this page is the proof supporting the accuracy of the Bible. After all, if the Bible is not true or if it is filled with errors, Christianity would only be a “blind faith”—something people believe without any evidence to support it.

However, Christianity is not a blind faith. It is the only religion that can prove itself, and a main source of that proof is the Bible. Although it is becoming less common, there are still people who tell others that they follow Christianity “because it feels right” (or use wording like that). This is unfortunate, since there is a lot of evidence supporting Christianity. The existence of all that evidence is one reason we started this site. We want people to learn about the solid evidence that supports their faith, and have a place that collected that evidence so they can show it to others.

By the way, if you would like some reference materials that are a little more portable than a computer with an Internet connection, a book we recommend is Know Why You Believe by Paul Little. This book is available in larger bookstores and most Christian bookstores. Also, the Tucson Community Church recorded a seminar called “Knowing The Facts Behind The Faith.” It is available on DVD and VHS video (NTSC format). If you are interested in purchasing a copy, you can get one directly from the church that produces them at the Tucson Community Church website. They also handle international orders.

The Proof of Science

There is a great deal of scientific evidence that supports the Bible. Enough that we have a separate page to discuss this proof alone. If you would like to see our science page, click on this sentence.

The Proof of Prophecy

One of the strongest arguments for the accuracy of the Bible is its 100% accuracy in predicting the future. These future predictions are called “prophecies.” The Old Testament was written between approximately 1450 BC and 430 BC. During that time, many predictions of the future were recorded in the Bible by God’s prophets. Of the events that were to have taken place by now, every one happened just the way they predicted it would. No other “sacred writing” has such perfectly accurate predictions of the future.

One Type—The Messianic Prophecies

Of these prophecies, the most striking examples are the predictions about an “anointed one” (“Messiah” in Hebrew) who was to arrive in the future. About 4 BC, a miraculous event occurred—a boy named Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary. You can read His story in the book of Luke. Starting at age 30, Jesus fulfilled more and more of these prophecies written about the Messiah. His fulfillment of these prophecies was very spectacular: Jesus gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, cured those who had leprosy, gave the deaf hearing, and raised people from the dead! These miracles and others were done many times in front of thousands of witnesses for three years. About 30 AD, Jesus was crucified (a prophecy) and died (a prophecy). Three days later he rose from the dead (another prophecy), after which He was seen by over 500 witnesses. Since these prophecies were written down at least 400 years before they happened, there is no doubt that the Bible’s writers were inspired supernaturally—by God. To examine these prophecies yourself, click on the link below.

aqua ball The Messianic Prophecies

A Second Type—Fulfilled Prophecy Dealing With Nations

There are many prophecies that can be proven through archaeology, especially prophecy dealing with entire nations. Typically, when God declared judgment on a nation, He would send a prophet to announce to the citizens why He was judging them and what He was going to do to them if they continued their evil behavior. On occasion, God would also tell the citizens how He would reward them if they started doing what was right. The book of Jonah records a case where the Assyrians stopped doing what was evil as a result of Jonah’s short prophecy. This is what God wanted, and God did not punish them as a result of their change of heart. However, most often the people would jeer at God’s prophet and continue their bad behavior—later becoming recipients of the exact punishment that God threatened.

Like other prophecy recorded in the Bible, these predictions support the supernatural inspiration of the Bible. The prophecies recorded in the Bible came true in such a detailed way that they could not have been predicted by chance. Further, archaeologists have evidence that these prophecies were written down many years before they were fulfilled, proving that they were not falsified documents claiming to be prophecies that came true. (The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls stopped the majority of that talk.) Although an entire web site could be filled with this information, we will provide one example—the foretelling of the destruction of Edom and its capital city of Petra.

aqua ball Click here for an example of fulfilled prophecy dealing with nations

The Proof of Textual Evidence

Both the Old and New Testaments are strongly supported by manuscript evidence (the evidence of early hand written copies). The famous Dead Sea Scrolls are one example of the Old Testament evidence. These documents came from the “library” of a settlement founded at Qumran before 150 B.C. and abandoned about 68 A.D. Some of the manuscript copies were made during that period, and some were written earlier (third century BC) and brought to the settlement. Ignoring spelling-oriented (orthographic) changes and similar small differences, the Dead Sea Scrolls match the Hebrew text behind today’s Old Testament, in spite of the passage of over 2,000 years (where one would expect errors to creep in).

Over 20,000 known manuscripts document the New Testament text. This makes the New Testament the most reliable document of antiquity (a document written before the printing press). These manuscripts vary in size from a part of a page to an entire Bible (Old and New Testaments). The earliest New Testament manuscripts date from the second century (100-199) AD These manuscript copies were written in different languages by people of different nationalities, cultures, and backgrounds. In spite of all those differences between them, the New Testament texts all agree. (That is, those differences that we do observe between these hand written documents are occasional changes in the spelling of names or isolated cases of missing or changed words. Still, since we have so many copies, it is obvious to anyone but the hardened skeptic can that they all represent the same text.)

Note: Those minor differences that do exist between the Old and New Testament manuscripts are interesting for academic reasons. They are the topic of a future “in depth” Clarifying Christianity page. (It is currently about 10,000 words long and still under construction—stay tuned.)

The Proof of People Living at the Time of Christ

Special proof exists for the New Testament, since Christians were strongly persecuted by both the Jews and the Roman government. If the New Testament writings were false, these two groups would have produced a great deal of evidence to stop the growth of this “sect.” None exists. Further, the New Testament writings (before they were assembled into the “book” we call the New Testament) circulated during the lifetimes of thousands of people who had actually seen Jesus’ miracles and other historic events. No one ever refuted the New Testament writings as “fairy tales.”

The Proof of Historians

Secular history supports the Bible. For example, in The Antiquities of the Jews, book 18, chapter 3, paragraph 3 the famous historian Flavius Josephus writes:

“Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”

In 115 AD, P. Cornelius Tacitus wrote the following passage that refers to Jesus (called “Christus,” which means “The Messiah”) in book 15, chapter 44 of The Annals:

“Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.”

Side: yes
TimelordROOK(94) Disputed
1 point

So... the Qur'an is completely invalid... because the Bible says so?

Got news for you

The Qur'an says the Bible is invalid. I'd love to see your apologetics prove the Muslims wrong.

Oh, by the way, I'm something of a fantasy writer. See, I wrote this story where a prophecy was told.

Wouldn't you know it? The prophecy came true.

So, because my prophecy came true, is my story true?

Side: No
0 points

Yes,bible is true. Scientists refered bible and Proved the past.we can see the things really which are said in the bible.Example:NOHA'S SHIP Which is mentioned in the bible,have been found in the depth of see by the scientists.

Side: Yes
0 points

Yes,bible is true. Scientists refered bible and Proved the past.we can see the things really which are said in the bible.Example:NOHA'S SHIP Which is mentioned in the bible,have been found in the depth of see by the scientists.

Side: Yes
-1 points

Yes, the Bible is 100 % true. Every chapter, book and verse.

Side: yes
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
3 points

Exodus 21:7

"If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as menservants do."

This is definitely True!

Side: No
Kamekaze(205) Disputed
1 point

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

Side: No
-1 points

I was lost in the Darkest parts of my own wicked ways, spiraling down a path of destruction leading me away from His Almighty ways, and all the while im going down ONLY ONE, He could save me. No matter how far i looked on this lowly planet, i never once found a soul who could manage, to show me the love that i truly needed, because on this planet aint nothing but hate and contempt have been breeded. the lowly snake slithering as he goes through the towns of man looking for lowly lowly souls, to feed on so that it could plant it's evil seeds, and so that throughout the generations nothing but evil and hate we could recieve, but those where the ways of the past, my brothers and sisters. the devil had a hold of us and he managed through our parents, down through the generations His ways have been lost, and because of the us, the devil has turned and tossed, We can All be saved, all we need is Thanksgiving, to the One who Above, for All of His Givings. The devils trying to stop me right now as i speak, but Faithful to the Lord and willit He, that i may be meek. Because it is He not i that gives you this message but it is The One that we All should seek. i know that it is hard to find Rest, as we all go through this test some call a game, every single last one of us, probably, training to gain and retain our fame. But That is not what this life is about, i have a Strong feeling that we are All getting our Water from the wrong wrong spout. because thats all the devil has for us is a little bit, of pleasure, then comes the pain. steady feeding our bodies what i see now Is Insane. because ya'll hafto see that we are all carnally minded, and This is the reason The LORD, us he has blinded, binding, ourselves to our own flesh, so that eventually we would All fail this Test. but know that The Lord, He loves us, and wishes nothing but the best, and all He wants is for us to Love Him all the while through this Test. some wonder why we see nadoes and quakes, He needs ya'll to know that its Ya'lls souls that He is trying to shake. and bake if you will, so the devil may not have his fill, to letchya'll know that there is NONE like that ALMIGHTY AND ALL POWERFULL ONE. i say full because Hes filled with Love, like None that we have seen on this lowly earth, but now that i have SEEN, my Eyes have been UnBlinded, and now it is He, He who signs this, letter so maybe that some of Ya'll could listen, and Maybe get the Message that He is trying to dish, out of His spout, so that ya'll might be fed, with all of His Love, His Water, And His Bread. Don't for a second think any of Ya'll are living, All of ya'll are dead and for the devil are you "living" as i sit here and do this all of the "dome" just know that it is Not me and that this is His tomb. He is singing through me in these words and this song, so that maybe one day we All can be free all the day long, and ya'll can say its cheesy if ya'll want, but just know the devil in you he does flaunt x) i had to stop and show ya'll how i felt about that one, cuz its the truth, and right now i have a Strong feeling He is swinging harder than that brother Babe Ruth, or ballin harder than micheal jordan, and in this song he Is Playing His Accordian. Ya'll just need to know that He is our Guardian, and right now im flying Higher than any single air jordan, because my love i gave to Him more than any of Ya'll so i guess i can say more than them. But dont getit twizted like boi's if ya'll know, that me and moreover Him, have a lot to show. we are all brothers and sisters, but i should call us the missers, because we all fail to see the smaller things in this world, without even thinking twice, what truly brings a man alot of happiness or to see the pain that ALOT of us have in us. i know that we are all hurting on the inside, and for ya'll who say we dont, Boi, you know that is a lie, because only with Him and not that evil leech from down south, can we truly fly. higher than the highest of trees or the tallest of mountains, But in Him we Have to trust, so that We may Drink From The One and Only True fountain, only because of Him can i do this for days, and its Because i gave Him my love, thanksgiving, and praise. so now that i have seen what it is truly to be Man, Men of God, all these hater out there who bout to say something aint nuthing more than sod. sorry if it dont make sense, just know that me and Him the latter first, We are just trying to give His children, ya'll some mother lovin cents. forgive me if i pause for no longer am i a vulgar man life is just a beach, and Now, He is playing in the sand, hopefully in the minds of the young, the daughters and sons, i have my holster, and now the Lord is my Gun, Shining Brighter, than a million suns, times two, because His love is True, actually make that twenty twenty, because He is aplenty, in me in you and All, i just hope that ya'll can hear His call, so that maybe that ya'll may not fall, into the Pit, but right now i can say the devil is probably having a fit, of anxiety cuz he is losing his "children" just know that we are God's and with me He has been pilfering, in my mind day and night, as i have been in my room trying to stay out of sight, of ya'll because all it seems like to me, that nothing to ya'll it would please, more, than to see one of your own fellow brother get shot and fall. when i look around me i dont see any real love, this evil surrounds me, but Now i DO NOT CARE, because the Lord, THE LORD, HE has found me. so now ya'll cannot touch, because with His love, im about to bust. with loving Faith and Trust, i put in Him, so that i can be led away from this life of sin, and Now that i have His Trust, my brotha's and sista's, not just the black ones, comeon now, that just is not a must, there is no such thing man, all that is, is nothing more than an evil thought, brought up in vain, so that maybe a man's soul, that leech, can be bought. Quit being evil, for it is Love, that should be sought, out so once again we may be fed from His Spout, for only He can give us what we need so that in the end we may succeed. my brothers and sisters all we need to do is Believe, and then, Anything, together, WE CAN ACHIEVE. this is an ode to ya'll so in hopes once again that ya'll may hear The Call, and will not fall, so one day me, ya'll, and The Almighty,Perfect, like a prefect without the er, Omnipotent, and Patient ONE, that together we May All Ball. and they keep telling me to stop, but i just cant my brothers me and Him are headed to the top, and right now i got The Heart Of A Lion, King, and pray tell me my brothers and sisters who are reading, what single Beast can stop that king? of the jungle we are running but with Him we can be free. out into the open pasture we all can roam, just know this is not me, and that this is His Tomb. its wierd how they're spelled alike but do not rhyme, im talking bout bomb my brothers, and its One of a Kind. in the Hopes that this petty rhyme, can help lead the black sheep, away from the Blind, being themselves, for who? tell me can save them from that? if you dont answer right then your a part of this blight that runs rampant through the streets, evil im talking about and all it wants to do is eat, your souls because it is angry at the Living God, hahahaha for it is nothing more than a sod, on His Cleat as He is Running, Hoping that some of these Words, hit you right in the stomach, and make you sick, but not you, im talking about the evil you, for we are all children of God, but we have made ourselves nothing more than a sod =( i say with a heavy heart, because all this time we have been playing the devil, his part, but with Him it is nothing but a fart, because He Forgives, and Only Through Him may we EVER, get the chance to Live, and im not talking about on the earth, im talking about another, and maybe one day you can see and i can Truly call you my Brother, for there is Life in Death, but it is only gained through this life which is a test, just know that when we die, if you have lived righteously, on that day you will Fly, for the Lord will Breathe His Breath in you when you die and like i said before You Will Fly, but not if you keep eating from the devil's table, for you can only eat from one, and i hope its Not the devil's table. for if we Eat from Him, we can All go back into His Stable, and only in doing that can we Ever truly be stable, only only if, we are eating from, The Living God's Table. and for ya'll who are sitting at your computers steadily dissin Him, i pray for you, because it you are missin, Him and the bigger picture, just know right now im taking a Big Gulp From His Ultimate Pitcher, not one from the MLB, and if you are listening then i pray that you sea, i mean see, but with Him we can fly over the one before, and higher than mike, dunk it in, right for a score, but not for 2 for it is for 3, because He is Holy in me, but atm holy in you, because you missing some parts, we all need to change, so that we may play His Part, that He intended from the Beginning, because only With Him can we ever be winning, but hahahaha not as long as we are sinning. for that is not the way that we was meant to walk, With Him we was mean to Walk and Talk. once again i say this way i, used to, but we choose to live, is insane in the membrane, but He is using me as His Template, lol or templar whichever you prefer, just know that He is Prefect, ha just without the errrr. as i sit here steadily dissin em i mean the demons in the minds of the children of the One and Only, God Who Is Kind, i hope that they depart, so we can All gaze upon The Divine, not like wine or watch, i aint lil wayne, just know that i feel like im the only one who is sane. because i AM NOT PERFECT, do not get the wrong message for that would hurt me, only He is, and He just wants some love from His Kids, but for some odd reason... we still choose to do the evil leeches bids, for i feel he has sucked to much from us, all of our blood, i mean soul, it has tucked from us, and right now He is aiming at it with a Big Ol' Blunderbuss. to shoot it and unleech it, from His Children's Soul's so one day maybe we can gaze upon, That Wonderful City Of Gold, and dont letit peak your in ter ests, for if you do your not getting whats bests, from this test that He has beset, for our minds to ponder and think on, maybe in some of the hearts out there this message is shining, for He is a Beacon of Light, to shine out all the evils, and end this ugly, hateful blight, that courses through our vains, that nasty garbage that makes us feel insane, because no one is living right, and for That NONE is sane. you can talk and sit there and chatter, but i pray and hope that none get fatter, and im not talking because of mcdonalds, im talking about your ego and pride, because We Alll NEED to push that aside, all we seem to do is breed hate and contempt, sitting there looking for another hurt sould to feed on, thinking it makes us content, but just know NOW people, lolol all your doing is letting the devil be your PIMP! ha ha ha i think that really funny, because in the words of man that just makes ya'll some ho's, and please forgive my trespasses my sisters and brothers, for my vulgar words, because i Did Not mean to hurt, He's just trying to keep our faces from being rubbed in the dirt. but it really shouldnt matter because we are mud, and from One we all came, so can i not call ya'll blood??? nah im not talking about them two glock shotta's, im talking bout from The One Who Has Always Got Us, not us as in the navy, i mean us as in the ones who might sit on that bus, the one going to school and to the ones who drool in class, and all of us who needs a kick in the, pause, ya'll know what i mean, im just sitting here trying not be obscene, all im trying to do is get the bigger picture, through ya'll minds so that maybe one day, we can All WALK IN THE LORDS WAY. forgive me if i make any of ya'll mad, if i do know that i Am sad, but how about ya'll just go to the store and go and grab on of them happy hefty bags, you know i meant glad if you didnt you are simple, and forgive me as i sit here and bust this pimple, lol sorry that was nasty just know that i didnt, and know that we are all fake, and its time for some rhino plasty, or however its spelled im just hoping some hearts will melt, like the plastic we are, and become melded into flesh, as i sit here and type in this Soul Food test, for if ya'll can't hear me then your hearts are so cold, forgive me as i trespass, because, uhm, i Am not trying to be bold, im just tryna through some fia atcha hearts, in the hopes that you may leave the Dark, ness not loch just in case thats watchu thought, all you gotta do is leave your flesh behind, and know that He is the one who Should Be Sought, out so we can drank From His Spout, cuz the Lord Knows, man it has been a drought. we are all so thirsty, but in order to be filled its The Lord who must come firsty x) just know that me and Him are going Stooopid, and for those who are real maaan i thoughtchu knew it. and if you dont i pray you haven't already blew it, up i mean your ego, like a balloon, just know right now i feel like taz boi, yup them looney toones, or tunes whichever you prefer, just know that He is Prefect, just without the err. and i say pre because He was always here, yes before you and me, but with Him i wanna letchu know that we can all be as pure, and as white as the snow, just like powder we can all be melted, i mean melded into the beings we were meant to be, so one day we may fly free as a dove, Right over the sea, so that we all can reach New Jerusalem, yup just right where we was all meant to be, that is the Golden City for those who did not, know, im just hoping that one day we can All be as pure as the snow, because the evil has taunted and flaunted and given us a show, to peak i mean perk up our ears and it, that leech i mean, gave us nothing but fears, fears of ourselves and one another, fears from our sisters and daughter, Father, and brothers, but we have a right to Fear the Living God, because to Him we have all become a sod, He is sorrowful and cries as we follow, the evil being, who was never meant to be followed, and i felt His pain at one point in time, yes i Am talking About the Divine, we both cried together, in my room, because of the little things we miss, something just as small as, a heartfelt kiss... for it is the little things that bring us the greatest joy, not some diamond chain, or a, wind up toy, the biggest thing of all that should, is His Love, should bring us the Greatest joy, in the world, for thats all it is man just cars and noise, all the long going our way, Missing the sweetest noise, zes ya'll know what i mean, im talking about the One who is Never obscene, for He is Just And Right, in each and every single way, and for our sins my borhters and sisters, we have to pay, but do not fret for it is never to late, I think we all need to call upon The Divine, and we should All go on a date, do not worry for on this date there is no rape, or murder, or hate, for that is of the devil, and Your Soul it will take, there is no worries once you follow Him, we should all be hand in hand as we walk down this path, called, life Never having to worry about no pain or strife, or for a bigger picture His Wrath, but ONLY IF WE DRINK FROM HIS PITCHER. for The All Powerful and Righteous Wrath, only comes when you stray from His Path, it is there to show us our wrongs...can you feel His Soul as i sit here and Sing His song? and with Him i will NEVER fall, because with my Brother, I will always Hear His Call. i say we but it is Him, who say these words to in the hopes, that those who have an Ear to listen may never Fall, into the Pit, all you have to do is have Faith, Follow The Ten, Believe, and never EVER Quit, for in order to gain His All Perfect and Good Graces, we have to eliminate ALL the Hate and evil, in all sorts of places, i have a feeling this song was wrote long before, just in His mind and now in mine, and i sing His song in the Hopes, that you follow Him and not any of these "popes" for no hope lies in them, lol and if you truly think aboutit that actually rhymed, just know that im thinking of Him, foremost, but ya'll too as i steadily write This Rhyme, it comes from above yup, Straight From the Divine, in the Hopes that one day ya'll can SEE, exactly it was that we was missing, so we can All fly over the sea. Man this thing is long but i should Say God, because this is His Rhyme, and not from a sod, like me or you, if you real you can feel its True, as His Sword aims at the hearts of His good, flying Straight and Through, lol i mean True, but them if you can follow my friend, all we gotta do is sing Praises and Thanksgiving to Him, until the very end, and give Him all of our love, Because WITHOUT HIM, ha There WOULD BE NO LOVE, all there would be is pain and suffering, and i hope that the ones who are, suffer, i mean acating, Might actually stop and take the time to sit there and be debating, against the devil of course, cuz all it wants to do is, lead us, right, or left, but straight off our course. Lord Please Forgive me, if i am being coarse just know that i am your back, and You Are My Horse, lol ya'll might think He's heavy but He's really not, and i Love Him till Death, i mean Life, cuz i have found It, but back to the point, because i HE HAS TAUGHT, never went to church or none of that, maybe when i was younger but none of that, for our minds our are churches, ha gotit backwards but i feel as tall as the burches, talking bout them trees man im over the seas man, just know i cant, wait, My Father, until You Kick Over My Can Man x) aw man i thoughit was funny, because he's One Cool Dude, and i am His, Bunny, i mean Collie, and know that as i, i mean He, but as i bark, that i have a Strong feeling, that i am playing my Part, or His i prefer the latter but the choice is yurs, because it is His Puzzle, and i am the last part, i cant be for certain because the Knowledge is His, but im just trying to bring His Black Sheep back, you know i mean His KIDS, He thoughtit was funny, But ya'll best Believe that He NOR i the first comes first, but neither one of us is No, pause, Dummy, lol but if you choose you can beat and bite, whatever you do just know it is out of spite, and i dont capitilize because its an evil word, just know me and HIM, are trying to end this wrongful blight, and saying these words i Hope that maybe, just maybe some can be given the Sight, that HE intended us to have, right, from Go, talking bout monopoly,lol but no no more, from the start maaaan all HE ever wanted was us to give our heart, which is HIS, because He gave to us, All that is HIS, HE just Wanted someone to talk to man, thats why HE made HIS Kids, HE was all alone, and then HE built, a Beautiful place for us, and HIM, to walk and talk all the while, just laughing and talking, seeing eachother smile =) because HE is our FATHER, He's not as mean ha as ya'll would believe, just know that HE TRULY IS ONE BENEVOLENT KING. lol ha ha i think this is funny, He knows what im talking about, cuz this is all of the top of the dome with barely a second to pause, Just Know the THE LION KING, Has Opened HIS Claws, Blessed be the children who took the time to listen, to the message that a, and The King is steadily dishin, i say a because i am one too, but know that im a servant, and from a Seed i did Grew, i dont care if it makes no sense to ya'll because i have heard the Lords Call, and they, they know who they are, are always listening, and as He types, through, me i have a feeling they are about to call, Prayer is the Best Wireless Connection X) aint no service down here got that type of Connection, i just hope that i get to see some of ya'll at that intersection, i mean Crossroads, bone thugz n harmony, they said it first, man thats the song man and if you feel their soul, then maybe you should hurt, because those bois on the streets back in the day, all they was doing was searching for some Peace, but in the streets, the oppressors, following the devil, have no love for us in the slums, just know that we All have a Holster and God Is our Gun, we dont need no metal, for The Lord our issues HE will settle, all you gotta do is Have some Faith, saying this in hope that some dont see any wraiths, talking demons people come now and please listen, as the Lord spits his song and these Words HE is dishin, out yup you getting it word of mouf, lol or mouth whichever you prefer just DONT follow that lowly snake, yup the one down south, it might try and offer pleasure and happiness butits all fake, HA what do ya'll expect from a lowly snake? remeber eve as she sat under that tree? sitting there thinking and feeling the breeze? the snake spoke in her Ear temptation it did bring, and after teel me WHO did she fear? she had a split second of happiness and thats all it can give, and after that she felt the WRATH which is ONLY HIS, lol i hope that ya'll see, the way we live people, it just wasn't meant to be, i have a feeling that there all up there laughing, with, not at me as i type out His message, and i pray ALMIGHTY FATHER, THE ONES WHO HAVE AN EAR TO LISTEN PLEASE FATHER PLEASE LET THE HEAR. and the ones who dont i pray you dont hit him hard, maybe just a little tap, just like Babe Ruth, on that baseball card x) Peace be with you my sisters and brothers, just know that HIS LOVE IS LIKE NO OTHER, GOD BLESS ALL WHO FINISHED, AND I PRAY YOUR SOULS NEVER, DIMINISH. ONE HEART IS ALL, AND WITH THAT HEART WE CAN NEVER FALL, lol i said i was finished, but i dont think HE is as you can tell this words are not mine, THEY COME FROM THE UPPER BEING, yup THE DIVINE!!! i think im going to cut Him short and please Forgive me, because i know HE could go all day, BECAUSE I CAN FEEL HIM IN ME.

Side: yes
TheJudge(5) Disputed
1 point

Really? What does he feel like?

It is really shocking to realise that people waste their entire lives - short as they are - believing this crap. All I keep thinking is "What a WASTE!"

Think about it. Living your one and only short little life devoted to a fantasy figure.

Side: No
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

If this so called fantasy figure makes you feel better, joy, then I would not say it is a waste, even if the hope of resurrection were a false one.

Side: yes
whatever19(6) Disputed
0 points

Thanks for the friggin book, i doubt that many people want to sit and read the damn dramatic story of your salvation. It's almost as long as the bible.

Side: No
6 points

It can't be 100% true, even the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John contradict each other in places. Such as the birth place of Jesus etc. You have to take your own interpretation of the Bible, and you can't call any interpretation 100% true.

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
2 points

What are these contradictions you project? I would like a few verses to review such an accusation.

Side: yes
Spadedude(227) Disputed
1 point

Just because the interpritations are not true, dosn't mean the actual original bible is

Side: yes
ap0110(70) Disputed
3 points

Unfortunately, we do not have the original scriptures. We have copies of copies of copies, but not the originals themselves. What we see is that some of the passages we have in the current form of the Bible are not found in our earliest manuscripts. Let me show you two passages.

The first scripture is the ending to Mark. If you take a look at Mark 16, you'll find that there is a short ending (ending at verse 8), and an ending that continues through verse 20. If the book that you hold in your hands is the inspired innerant word of god, then why would there be two endings? Why would we not know which one it is? Our earliest most reliable manuscripts say it ends at 8. This seems to be evidence that scribes through the ages added to the Bible.

Another example of this is John 7:53 - 8:11, when Jesus says "all of you without sin, cast the first stone," to the Jewish leaders who want to stone the woman caught in adultery. This is a cherished story by many people, and I remember that I used to love this story. Many of our earliest manuscripts don't include this story. Why? I believe it is because it was added through the years by scribes with an agenda.

Side: No
2 points

brilliantly said Spadedude, whoever you are. thanks for the support.

Side: yes
6 points

Well, the Bible contains a passage in Leviticus, which counts Bats as members of the Bird (Aves) class, when they are Rodents (Mammalia). We can, thus, assert that literally - at least - one thing in the Bible is not only not true, but not factual.

Side: No
Qa4133(1) Disputed
2 points

Can you give the reference to that. I would like to look it up

Side: yes
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
1 point

Bats are not rodents. They are a different class entirely.

(Leviticus 11:13-19) - "These, moreover, you shall detest among the birds; they are abhorrent, not to be eaten: the eagle and the vulture and the buzzard, 14and the kite and the falcon in its kind, 15every raven in its kind, 16 and the ostrich and the owl and the sea gull and the hawk in its kind, 17and the little owl and the cormorant and the great owl, 18and the white owl and the pelican and the carrion vulture, 19and the stork, the heron in its kinds, and the hoopoe, and the bat."

In verse 13 Moses tells us about the birds and then he lists them out. In verse 19 we see the bat is included in this list. We know that a bat is not a bird. Does this not mean that the Bible is incorrect?

The Bible is not meant to be a scientific description of modern biological categories. Instead, it is often written from the perspective of what we see. In other words, it makes generic categorizations. In this case, the bat is categorized as a bird because like birds, it flies and is similar in size to most birds. If we did not know that it was a mammal, it would be natural to call it a bird. To the Hebrew of ancient times, calling it a bird was perfectly logical. But, in modern times we categorize animal species more specifically, and have categorized the bat as a mammal and not a bird.

Also, we must be aware that it is modern science that has a different classification system than ancient times. To the ancients, creatures such as a bat were considered birds since they categorized all flying animals as birds. If that is the category that they used, then they were correct. It is not an error. It is a difference of categorization procedures. The critic has imposed upon the ancient text a modern system of categorization and then said that the Bible is wrong. This is a big error in thinking.

Quoted source

Please do proper research and critical thinking before speaking against an infalliable book.

Side: yes
5 points

Please do proper research and critical thinking before speaking against an infalliable book.

The book is not infallible. We have demonstrated this with the age of the Earth, and its being round.

Side: No
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
3 points

Bats are not rodents.

You're right. Thank you for the correction.

However, to suggest that an argument, which amounts to little more than "they did it their way, therefore they were correct according to themselves" satisfyingly absolves the Bibble of its error is mindboggling. It doesn't. It only means that they were wrong in their own way. And it's as simple as that.

Side: No
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
3 points

In verse 13 Moses tells us about the birds and then he lists them out. In verse 19 we see the bat is included in this list. We know that a bat is not a bird. Does this not mean that the Bible is incorrect?

The Bible is not meant to be a scientific description of modern biological categories.

Yes, because it is scientifically errant. Even so, many people foolishly take the bible to supersede scientific facts (such as yourself).

Instead, it is often written from the perspective of what we see. In other words, it makes generic categorizations.

Yes, precisely as we would expect from a book that was written by men at such time in history. If it were "divinely inspired" it would not be limited to such fallible perspectives.

So for whatever reason you might devise, the bible does contain errors.

Side: No
5 points

Random example:

There was no worldwide flood.

Therefore the bible is not inerrant.

Side: No
sop4life603(48) Disputed
1 point

Could you please provide evidence? Because I can provide evidence that there was a huge flood on earth.

Side: yes
aveskde(1935) Disputed
5 points

Could you please provide evidence? Because I can provide evidence that there was a huge flood on earth.

There isn't enough water on Earth to cover all land. If all land was covered with water at some point, all life on Earth except microbes would perish.

There have been many large floods in history, but never a worldwide flood.

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
0 points

There was a worldwide flood we see evidence in strata all over the world. In fact the flood is very easy to prove.

Side: yes
aveskde(1935) Disputed
5 points

There was a worldwide flood we see evidence in strata all over the world. In fact the flood is very easy to prove.

I'll just recycle and add to a previous rebuttal I made:

There isn't enough water on Earth to cover all land. If all land was covered with water at some point, all life on Earth except microbes would perish.

There have been many large floods in history, but never a worldwide flood.

Further, and this is obvious, a deluge sorts things out by mass density (buoyancy), while our strata is sorted by age. If there were a massive flood which upset all the silt and dirt as well as buried all the critters in the area, we shouldn't expect the present order of strata where density of objects is irrelevant to column position, but instead reflects radioactive dating ages.

Side: No

The bible puts the age of the Earth at around 6000 years. The measurement of the rate of decay of Uranium isotopes shows this to be impossible, given that it has a half-life of 703,800,000 years. The Bible has therefore erred and from that fact alone has a total veracity of <100%.

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
1 point

You are depending on uniformitarism which states radioactive decay rates have always been the same. This is not true and has been monitored as recently as the 1800s.

Side: yes
5 points

You are depending on uniformitarism which states radioactive decay rates have always been the same. This is not true and has been monitored as recently as the 1800s.

The time provided was the decay constant, or average rate. We suggest that you refrain from presuming superior knowledge of radioactive decay to established nuclear physicists.

Side: No
5 points

No it was written by humans who can skew and change information to suit there needs at the time.

Side: No
5 points

Just a funny little video. It is not to be taken as my argument, but it is still funny. Ignore the annoying voice of the little cherub. But contemplate it's message... try to be skeptical of what you were taught as a young religious child..

Pissing off one religious person at a time.
Side: No
2 points

That video made me laugh!

That being said, I'm quoting something I just recently read that made so much sense. It said this:

There are no thought forms or models of reality that can represent the entirety of the thing they attempt to describe.

They are each finite, and therefore incomplete. Expression can only be a reduction of the fullness being sensed. For truly objective awareness to be experienced, it must occur outside of time and the language structures bound to it.

When the experience of spiritual illumination reduces itself into the corridors of expression its narrowness defines the parameters of its inaccuracy.

Any attempt to describe God (presuming it exists) would be a limitation as God -by definition- is not only indescribable, but also unknowable. The best place we can stay is in the mystery.

Side: No
4 points

The majority of the Bible is Mythology, false prophesies, and moral stories. It hardly has any truth to it at all.

Side: No
sop4life603(48) Disputed
2 points

Let me remind you that you just said hardly which means there is truth to it so your contradicting your self.

Side: yes
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
1 point

"which means there is truth to it so your contradicting your self."

Not at all

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
2 points

"The majority of the Bible is Mythology, false prophesies, and moral stories. It hardly has any truth to it at all."

You say this, yet you know nothing of what is written inside it. Perhaps educating yourself, rather then just regurgitating the first page of your search engine results.

Side: yes
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
1 point

"You say this, yet you know nothing of what is written inside it."

Wrong again. I have read the Bible. Not all of it, of course. Few have. So yes, I do know. You might want to think before arrogantly assuming next time.

"Perhaps educating yourself, rather then just regurgitating the first page of your search engine results."

Might want to take your own advice there, hypocrite.

Side: No
4 points

Nothing is absolute.

Side: No
4 points

nope it cant be there is no evidence to show that any of it's true in my opinion the whole thing is made up!

Side: No
sop4life603(48) Disputed
1 point

There is evidence you just stay confined in your little hole and don't broaden your view.

Side: yes
Dremorius(847) Disputed
2 points

Irony ...

Side: No
4 points

I personally, don't study the bible. BUT: I do know the Adam and Eve story. I don't think snakes talk or convince you to eat a forbidden fruit. Just a thought...

Side: No
sop4life603(48) Disputed
1 point

Just like I think you use -2% of your brain. Just a thought...

Side: yes
sierraxy(59) Disputed
3 points

well, has a snake ever spoken to you? if so, i strongly recommend checking into that mental hospital on Gennesee AVE. they have a whole program for people with hallucinations. just a thought.

Side: No
3 points

How many times has the Bible been translated and re-translated? I recall that childhood game where the first person whispers something to the next in line, then that second whispers it to a third, and so on down the line; when the last person reveals the whisper to the first person, is it exactly the same? I'm sure the same thing has occurred with the Bible. And, yes, I capitalize the word Bible when I write, because it is a special book for me, even when it has flaws in translation... As far as "the rules" of the Bible are concerned, why is it really called the OLD testament anyway...

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
1 point

"As far as "the rules" of the Bible are concerned, why is it really called the OLD testament anyway"

I would suggest you refrain from commenting until you learn what the old covenant was, and what the new covenant is make sure you update us.

Side: yes

To say that the Bible isn't an important piece of literature is ignorant. The words in the Scriptures have been used for almost 2000 years to show people many things. The Church has accomplished many great things with the Holy Book, many of those things terrible, but to deny the Book's greatness is absurd. It is, one of, if not the single most important text in the Western world.

However, it is not important because the words in it are true. The words in it are tales of morality laced in allegory to remind mankind that we need not fear, that we can be better men and that, if we need Him, God can be in your soul. The Bible is important because it gave mankind an answer when no suitable one existed.

Anyone who says the Bible is 100% True is obviously misguided. A book that old, written with the means and relatively primitive language and understanding of the period's people could not possibly be more than allegory.

For instance, The Great Flood. To put it simply, there is not enough water on the planet to drown the world. It's a plain and simple fact. But, when you see that the Flood is simply an image to project the cleansing of man, say, the first steps into civilization, it starts to make sense. You can even throw in the fact that the Nile River floods every year. Though, I'm aware that the Nile is quite a distance from Israel, the environmental conditions for such events also occur elsewhere in the world. A particularly violent storm along with the natural swelling of a river during that time of year could catalyze a flood of (at the time) massive proportions. Such things could be seen by relatively primitive man as acts of God.

Side: No
3 points

The bible has many valid things in it,I mean whether you're a Christian or not you can still admit that the bible has proven to be somewhat prophetic. But there are some things in the bible that make absolutely no sense and no amount of rationalization can be put behind them. The bible condemns some groups of people for being who they naturally are,it convinces people that possession of slaves are ok(as long as you treat them right),and it just says all of these other contradicting things. It's best to not consider the bible a completely reliable source but at the same time,don't blow it off as being totally inaccurate because you're allowing yourself to be just as closed minded as the ones that believe in it 100%

Side: No
3 points

Nope, it's "according to" only. The originals (if they were even written as Jesus never wrote a word) are long gone. Though some say the vatican hold fragments but becasue they differ so much from modern teachings it exposes the faith as a human creation.

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
1 point

Your understanding of the Bible especially the new testament is severly uneducated. Jesus never wrote anything in the Bible. He was only quoted by the authors. The four gospels were written as eyewitness testimony by the apostles. You should do some research before judging a book you know nothing about.

Side: yes
3 points

As with most religious texts the contents of it are true until broken apart with facts. When that inevitably happens you are of course labeled as one who would attack another's faith, regardless of the many logic holes it possesses.

Side: Proved wrong on many occasions
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
1 point

Can I see some examples? I would be curious to see what "holes" you would like point out.

Side: yes
2 points

Well, considering how much the Bible contradicts reality...

Reality must be wrong!


Side: No
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Fyi - The constelations even say 2017 is significant!

Mind blowing. God went from keeping mysteries hidden and sealed to opening up understanding in truck loads!

Side: Yes
2 points

You know, for me the Bible is a book as another ones. We don't know, exactly, who wrote it and if was someone reliable who can prove that when the translators translated it was completely right? In addition, we know that the Church wanted to control all the world and write about God and his son is a good way to do it. For me, Jesus even was a God's son. He was a smart and witty guy and the Church just used him to earn money and devotees. I believe in God tough. But not in religion or bible.

Side: No
2 points

It's not even possible given all the contradictions within the bible.

Side: No
1 point

how can anything written by any man be 100% true? No man can tell the true word of god. there is a god, but religion is man-made.

Side: No
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
2 points

i agree with you on some points. but the bible is completely true. remember, the bible was inspired meaning God directed the writing and construction of the bible. as for religion. yes Jesus disliked religion. religion is man made and destroys the fact that we are to have faith in God for salvation, not follow rituals and good works for salvation or listen to a religious leader as being equal in authority as the bible is, for they are not.

Side: yes
AuntieChrist(801) Disputed Banned
3 points

remember, the bible was inspired meaning God directed the writing and construction of the bible

If you really believe that, perhaps you could explain why God directed the writing and construction of the part about beating slaves to death and it being completely A-OK with him, so long as they didn't die right away, because they're just property after all.

What kind of God would condone slavery, let alone beating them to death?

Side: No
tryreason(7) Disputed
1 point

It's more probable than not that a man named Jesus lived. My problem with him being more than a man is the fact that he did not know how to write. It seems to run in the family. We gods can create everything... but don't know how to write.

It just seems unreasonable.

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
1 point

The Holy Spirit is what inspires the prophets to write down the word of God.

Side: yes
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

And we know what "inspired" these men because of......? Things they themselves wrote? A mind-reading device? Take your pick!

Side: No

yes i belive that it is all true its just peoples interpretations of the message of god that can lead them astray.

Side: No
AuntieChrist(801) Disputed Banned
2 points

yes i belive that it is all true its just peoples interpretations of the message of god that can lead them astray.

Ahaziah acceded to the throne when his father died, and his father acceded to the throne at the age of 32 and died 8 years later at the age of 40. If Ahaziah was 42 when he took to the throne, then he would have been 2 years older than his father

So when you say you believe it's all true, does that include parts that mention people who are older than their parents?

Maybe I'm just not interpreting the impossibility of people being older than their parents correctly, or perhaps I'm just taking the impossibility of people being older than their parents out of context.

Side: yes
yellowfishyb(58) Disputed
2 points

duh not all fathers were actually their kids dad ever heard of step fathers?

Side: No
Genesis1vs1(31) Disputed
1 point

Where is this verse you are trying to quote? If you are trying to disprove something please provide the critical evidence.

Side: No
1 point

No. The bible was written hundreds of years ago and based on peoples own opinions of what God would approve or disapprove of.

Side: No
1 point

Wutan for your information you claim the bible is false yet your profile picture is of THE THINKER A MAN LOOKING INTO HELL. A little ironic dont you think?

Side: Hey Wutan Read this

I don't think it's 1 hundred percent true. Nothings really one hundred percent true. There's to many holes for it to be all true.

Side: No
1 point

I'm somewhat of a christian, but i would say that even true stories can have some faulty notes behind it to make it more interesting. God didn't write the bible, a bunch of dusty guys wearing dresses and sandals did.

Side: No
1 point

So, if the bible is true, we should kill all gays, wiccans, atheists and believers of other religions? Should we drink the blood and eat the body of Jesus? Should we believe that God let Adam and Eve to eat the apple? Didn't he know what was going to happen? Why didn't he send Jesus in sooner? He could've prevented the flood. The word 'trinity' isn't in the bible. Hell was not described in the bible as the church would have you believe it. Why, if God has a "plan", did he incorporate Hitler and cancer and starvation and war into it. If there is a God, I hate him and his whole regime up there in the clouds well down here we suffer.

Side: No
1 point

I cannot believe this is really much of a dispute.

"cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree..."

Side: Proved wrong on many occasions
1 point

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

It speaks for it's self.

Side: No
1 point

I am Christian and I don't believe the bible 100%. Just some things can change over interpretative. Yes, I belive in the recomming of Jesus. I belive in his reserection etc. Do I belive it to the word no. Who could. If we played a game where I told you one thing and it passed on and on and on at some point there would be a mastake.

Side: No

Since the Bible was written by man, it is therefore prone to human error.

Side: No