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Any means neccessary not ethical
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Any means neccessary (4)
 not ethical (8)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Is violent protest moral/ethical in a free country?

Any means neccessary

Side Score: 4

not ethical

Side Score: 8
1 point

Eventually, just not automatically. Violence is a last resort and many of the recent applications of it violate that principle. But face it, even a democracy can oppress a group to the point it snaps.

Side: Any means neccessary
Eloy(190) Disputed
1 point

But a truly free country means a country that is free for all persons, surely.

Side: not ethical
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Yes, but the ideal doesn't always match the reality. .........................................

Side: Any means neccessary
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

When does violence become an appropriate protest is a free society?

Side: Any means neccessary
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

It's possible for a voting majority to do really wicked things to a minority and still call it democracy. Most of the time at least in the USA the minority can survive and counter through Constitutional protections. But were the majority to embark on a nasty or deadly policy crushing a minority then that minority's only choices are a) nonviolent protest, which they may have already been doing throughout, or b) violent protest, which isn't always planned, it can simply be individuals or crowds snapping because they've had enough, or c) leave the country entirely.

My response was not to say violence should be accepted. Indeed I said it's a last resort. But I think it's naive to say there will never ever be a group in a free country with a justified reason to get violent.

Side: Any means neccessary
1 point

Violence in self defense is moral. Violence in protest is assaultive and should be met with violence. Either enough violence from the victim to stop the assault, or overwhelming violence from Law Enforcment, to subdue and arrest the perpetrator.

Side: not ethical
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello A:

Lemme ask you this.. Is looting a liquor store more or less violent than looting a ship full of tea?

The fact is, our beloved country was BORN in VIOLENT dissent.


Side: Any means neccessary
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

The fact is, our beloved country was BORN in VIOLENT dissent

The country was born in war. Is that what you think ANTIFA wants? Is that what rioters want?

The notion that the Boston Tea Party is at all similar to looting is one of the big things wrong in this country.

The Boston Tea Party destroyed goods coming from a government supported monopoly whose accepted presence meant acceptance of government taxation without representation. Looting the goods of your neighbor and destroying their business in the process so that you can have their property for yourself in supposed response for some perceived governmental or societal injustice is in no way similar to the Boston Tea Party. That’s your cue. If

Side: not ethical
1 point

is looting a liquor store more or less violent than looting a ship full of tea?

One is by a group of people wanting independence from a nation across the ocean nearly 300 years ago. The other is theft from your kinsmen, intentionally breaking the law, which is not an act of revolution, but of lawlesness.

Side: not ethical
1 point

The fact is, our beloved country was BORN in VIOLENT dissent

1)So was every other country.

2)This country has already been born.

3)These people aren't revolting. They act in no militaristic way. They are simply law breakers and thugs who steal, destroy, and punch grannys.

4)Of course, if they were on the right, you'd scream about Nazis and the end of the world.

Side: not ethical
1 point

Hello bront,

Nahhh. But, disruptive and or disobedient - fine. Some would call that violent. Perhaps yourself. Not me though.


Side: not ethical
1 point

Looting, fire bombing the cops, shooting the police with long range rifles, setting cars and buildings on fire... look at all those righties! Oh wait. Those are lefties. Somebody's feelings must have gotten hurt again.

Side: Any means neccessary
1 point

In a true democracy protest is done through the ballot box.

Side: not ethical