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Debate Score:7
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My top ten most respected people in history (share your own list or comments)

10: Bethoven
He was one of the greatest composers in history and he was deaf, need I say more?
9: Musashi Miyamoto
A rogue Samurai (Ronin) who was consumed with ambition, pride and hatred but found peace later in life. He was so skilled that he once killed a master swordsman during a duel in a single strike with an ore.
8: Thomas Jefferson
If he was president in 1913 America would not currently be Israel's bitch.
7:William Wallace
Because they may take or lives...but they will never take our FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6: Sidhartha Gautama (Buddha)
Now adays he is considered a religious leader, but in reality he was more a philosopher than someone trying to start a religion. Many of his ideas have an eerie resemblance to modern scientific observations about the universe.
5: Karl Marx
Exposed the evils of capitalism and architected a precursor of the Resource Based Economy known as "Communism" which to this day has never been properly implemented, instead only corrupted versions have manifested which do the exact opposite of what Marx intended and centralize production rather than collectivize it.
4:Leonardo Da Vinci
Architect, artist, inventor, philosopher, and anatomist Leonardo was a master polymath who had many secrets.Β 
3:Galileo Galilei
Fought the filthy oppressive christian church of anti-science garbage in the pursuit of truth. A super intelligent mother fucker in many categories.
2: Jacque Fresco
Prolific inventor, futurist, engineer and social philosopher. Fresco combined Socialist, Marxist and Technocratic ideas and expanded on them to create the most scientific and advanced economic system ever conceived by man, free from the primitive social constructs and power structures that hinder and oppress the human species.
1: Nicola Tesla
The most prolific inventor and field theorist in human history. If Fresco is the greatest social philosopher Tesla is the greatest natural philosopher. He valued truth and progress above wealth and fame, and strived to bring clean, sustainable and free energy to mankind as well as world peace through his inventions. Tesla is a shining example of genius who was fucked over by capitalism and if you disregard this you are an imbecile of the highest order.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 5

My list is short. It consists of one famous composer. When I was a kid we used to play "famous composers" and i always said the same thing, "I'll be Bach." ;)

Side: Lists
1 point

The creative data base is jumped for the official and all values for the field. The implication for the turns and clubessay is assumed for the team. The signature is fit in the compact nature for the attachment for the realm for the citizens for the scores.

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Dermot(5736) Banned
0 points

Jacques Fresco

Want to know how a moneyless society would function? Buy a 24 minute video for $20. Get the book "The Best That Money Can't Buy" for only $24.95. How about a mini-poster for just $100 ?

It seems to me like a hightech version of the old scam "Your money is cursed. To lift that curse, send it to me."πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Karl Marx

Stock market investor , lover of fine wines , women and cigars yet a friend of the worker πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Marx also hated blacks and called them β€œniggers β€œ detested , Mexicans and Jews ( bit like you really )

Marx raped his maid and drove his two kids to suicide .......

No wonder you’re barking mad πŸ‘‰πŸ•πŸ™€

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0 points

What is your love affair with the rapist Karl Marx???????????????????

Side: Comments
1 point

Communism is a mental illness.

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