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 Obama and The Religion Of Islam (10)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Obama and The Religion Of Islam

Is it not clearly obvious to all Americans where this POTUS does stand as well as his administration ?

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3 points

Yes it does. Obama, along with many Democrats, are trying to get as many Muslim refugees into this country as possible. Although this article should cause concern for all Americans. Looks like the fallacy that ISIS isn't trying to use the refugee program is false.

The State Department said the K-1 visa vetting process was thorough and we found out that is false. Do we really want to take a chance on the Syrian vetting process also. Besides, even if they are not ISIS members being allowed in, we know for certain some are at least sympathizers to the cause, which will lead to terrorist attacks in the future.

2 points 2015/12/07/hillary-clinton-gun-control-part-fight-terrorists/

Hillary follows the narrative of the POTUS and more gun control is needed to deter the terrorist. The insanity of these people are beyond any comprehension.

3 points

Obama is a well educated, well qualified smooth talking fool. Nothing more nothing less, an utter stubborn and highly dangerous fool. The fool's ethnic background has caused him to empathize with the nation's sworn enemies and to give them comfort. Muslims are totally dedicated to the destruction of everything western, our democratic form of government, our justice system and our principle of equality for all. Our treasured value of equality does not include cells of terrorist combatants devoted to the annihilation of the nation. The Muslim filth have spurned countless attempts to negotiate and have let it be known that they consider such offers of peace as a clear sign of our weakness and confirmation of the righteousness of their cause. The Muslim's military position has been dramatically strengthened by the presence of the ''enemy within'', i,e., the Muslim communities who infest our society with their alien and barbaric customs and practices and their religion which teaches a creed of death to the infidel, all non believers, that's all non Muslims, us. Despite all the glaring and indisputable evidence of the deadly danger which the presence of Muslims present to the nation's safety the fool continues to insist on the acceptance of 10s of 1000s of actual and trainee terrorists who will without a doubt take a terrible death toll of American lives, men, woman and children. Obama has clearly taken leave of his senses and really does need to be impeached as a matter of extreme urgency. Surely to God Americans, the nation who put a man on the moon decades ago, cannot sufficiently dense to permit a lunatic provide an avenue and free passage for enemies of the State.

2 points

Banning people on the no fly list from purchasing guns is a joke. There are so many people on that list who should not be on it. Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard was on that list. Members of Homeland Security have been on the list. I don't trust the government to get it right the first time.

I also believe Ted Kennedy was on the no fly list, too. The terrorists in California were NOT on a no fly list and therefore the left's argument is ridiculous at best.

2 points

Who would want to see Ted Kennedy with a gun? That's a plus for me.

1 point

I just have one thing to say it is the first small step for the government to try and ban guns in this country. That is what the Leftist want !

"Okay people, we have an enemy that is ruthless, insane, and brainwashed. Now, they have stated their goals, so what should we do?"

" about exactly what they want us to do?"

"Great idea!"


1 point

The true danger of terrorism is not the terrorist but the ignorant, and therefore the terrified.

1 point

Please make the pictures bigger so I can read the print. .