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Yes, He was a failure! No, He was successful!
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:30
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 Yes, He was a failure! (10)
 No, He was successful! (10)

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FUNMUN(127) pic

Obama's presidency: Failure or success?

In light of the Trump becoming the President elect what do you guys think of Obama's presidency?  Was Obama care a success? How did he tackle foreign and domestic issues?  Did he keep American citizens interests in his policies? 

Yes, He was a failure!

Side Score: 17

No, He was successful!

Side Score: 11

The black experiment has failed. People riot, cities burn; racial relations at all time low; foreign relations at all time low; health insurance industry is in chaos; rising, uncontrollable national debt; paralysis by political correctness; terrorism a bigger threat today..... yeah, he was a soaring success.... NOT.

Side: Yes, He was a failure!
kiara_oldrat(1) Disputed
1 point

Obama wasn't an experiment. Yes, he was the first black President, and that's one of the main reasons he will be remember in history. But he was elected for his intelligence, his rational mind, excellent education and affability. His presidency wasn't simply to demonstrate that American is making progress in overcoming the racism within its borders, but that, no matter what color is your skin, you are valued for your brain and soul.

Side: No, He was successful!
2 points

People voted for him for free stuff, and to prove they weren't racist, twice. And what did they get in return? They were called racists, homophobes, islamaphobes, chauvinist and many other pejoratives. Look at racial relations now; they are at an all-time low thanks to Obama, DNC n company.

Side: Yes, He was a failure!
2 points

Obama failed on many fronts. His Obammacare promised to decrease health care premiums and the ability to keep you previous doctor, but none of these came true and in fact health care premiums skyrocketed this last year, ad you in fat were not allowed to keep your old doctor. In addition, Obama's presidency is chalk full of hypocrisy and contradictions. Obama has said,"no external power is going to be able to force different religious communities or ethnic communities to co-exist for long.”

we have to insist that all parties recognize a common humanity and that nations end proxy wars that fuel disorder,”( the Atlantic Magazine). Obama has said that he discourages proxy wars, while his administration has been supporting saudi arabia in its proxy war with Iran, which has lead to the destruction of Yemen. Also, Obama said he thought that no external power could hold religious or ethnic communities together for long, yet his administration has actively tried to negotiate with conflicting communities and hold them together. Essentially, He says one thing while doing the other

Side: Yes, He was a failure!
2 points

President Obama compromised so much that nothing he did reflected his promises or were effective in achieving their goals. Affordable Healthcare only covers some Americans and leaves others with rising health insurance costs. We are still at war all over the middle east. Bombing Lybia and Syria without a declaration of war from congress is strictly unconstitutional. We are still stuck with all the problems left by the Bush administration and then some.

Side: Yes, He was a failure!
1 point

It depends on how you measure it.

He was successful at his agenda

It was a failure to usa and to free world!

Watch this

Side: Yes, He was a failure!
1 point

We're still alive and functioning, and most economic data actually isn't harsh at all. That's a success. Conservative like to trumpet that he's the worst President in history but that's just propaganda. He falls somewhere in the middle of the pack. So you can't really say he's a failure unless you're ready to say that a full half of all Presidents from our history are indeed failures.

(Wrong side)

Side: No, He was successful!
1 point

You can change what side you are on by editing your argument and choosing to switch above your argument.

Side: No, He was successful!
1 point

Thank you. I never notice that in the fine print............................................................

Side: No, He was successful!

we all suffered from the terrible crash of 2008, I dont think its fair to blame any president or prime minister of any country for bad times caused by criminal bankers in the states.

Side: No, He was successful!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Those criminals bankers are just the worst aren't they. Anymore more to your blame game?

Side: Yes, He was a failure!
2 points

You blame progressives for everything. Now you don't like the blame game?

Side: Yes, He was a failure!
1 point

a large part of President Obama's time in office was spent rebuilding the country after the Bush Administration. He is blamed making unpopular decisions that would have needed to have been made had Bush not taken our country down the path he did.

Side: No, He was successful!