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 Progressive Writer: Obama is America's Daddy, Trump is Stepfather Raping The Country (9)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Progressive Writer: Obama is America's Daddy, Trump is Stepfather Raping The Country

On Monday, a writer whose leftist credentials are impeccable, issued one of the most hilariously ill-considered tweets of the recent past, likening Barack Obama to America’s father, President Trump to the stepfather who would rape the country, and the media to the compliant mother enabling Trump.
Meet Virginia Heffernan !
Virginia Heffernan has worked as a staff writer for The New York Times, a TV critic for Slate, where she hosts its “Trumpcast” podcast, and a fact-checker for The New Yorker.

Here is what the Unhinged Progressive tweeted :
"When Obama left the White House in a helicopter that horrible day, I had the impression our true father was leaving & the nation was stuck with a stepfather who was going to rape us. Now I increasingly believe that the media is the mother who won’t stand up for us & defy him."

The Nanny State Progressive speaks and it's just another day of Undiluted Stupidity shown by the Progressives.
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3 points

Tub 'o' lard looking for the 15 minutes. With Obama as a father and the media as a mother, no wonder Democrats are ill-informed and delusional.

3 points

The real tragedy here is not that there are fools like Heffernan around, but that there are even greater fools who are prepared to pay her for writing nonsense.

An even greater tragedy is that there are so many people in the country who will spend money on a rag that will publish such drivel.

1 point

The Crazy Progressive has no mind. Their exposure of it daily proves to be true in their own words. But to the bigger picture is these people are all in for full dicktatorship.

2 points

Infantile Progressives do look at government as a parent figure there to take care of them. That's the real problem and what compost pile did this steaming pile of crap come out of?

You didn't have to tell me Obama's the father, it was obvious. He left us, and he's half black.

1 point

This poor deranged creature must have been abused as a child by one or more of her parents and has developed a jaundiced view of the world.

This crazy mixed up dumb broad seems to be tormented with images of fathers, stepfathers and mothers.

While ex president inertia Obama massaged the nation to sleep with one of his well rehearsed soothing speeches, numerous critical issues, such as North Korea, Iran, the shocking trade imbalance with China, were all being ignored and permitted to develop into a catalogue of full blown crises.

As President Trump clears up the disgraceful mess left by the KICK THE CAN UP THE ROAD KING by addressing, and, progressively redressing the important matters which are hurting the nation this eye-watering dimwitted infatuated school girl is drooling on about her pin-up hero Obama.

4 points

Poor deranged creature is a perfect analysis of the Progressives that look to government to control the masses just not them.

Obama was the first Senator to support No Restriction abortions and this Liberal fool wants to label his extremism as fitting in with the Father of this nation?

LOL, Liberals are truly the most extreme ignorant fools on the planet.

1 point

Daddy Obama shouldn't have taken away my healthcare plan, punished those without insurance, and turned the Middle East into a bigger hell hole than it already was.

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Think you missed the point. What Progressives are really looking for is a Cuba or Venezuela right here in the United States. Now they don't want that for themselves just those that they view as Political Opposition.