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That's a true statement Liberal media is FAKE
Debate Score:62
Total Votes:65
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 That's a true statement (23)
 Liberal media is FAKE (31)

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excon(18262) pic

Right wingers believe the media CREATES the story. Libs believe media REPORTS the story.

That's a true statement

Side Score: 28

Liberal media is FAKE

Side Score: 34
1 point

Nobody in their right mind goes by the BLC report ... that WOULD be "creating news". Did "libs" create the story of crazy Mika & psycho-Joe? No, it was there, in Humpty Trumpty's Tweets. Libs just reported it.

The "main stream media" is just that, the main stream of America's knowledge, of America's facts. Now, you take Faux News .... please! It's as phony as the BLC's "facts".

Side: That's a true statement
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Fake News is directly attached to CNN and MSLSD. That is a fact AL you just cannot escape as hard as you try.

Well AL seems the MSM had a real problem with facts.

Side: That's a true statement
2 points

The biased media CHOOSES to only report the stories that make Trump or other Republicans look bad.


Can your Liberal mind grasp the undeniable obvious truth to what is going on?

This is the perfect example why you get banned. Total waste of time dedating you.

Side: Liberal media is FAKE
Ramshutu(227) Disputed
2 points

Considering that you don't seem like the type of person who reads or watches the type of media that you are complaining about, I would like to point out that what you just said is not factually accurate.

For example.

1.) All major LIBERAL media outlets published stories AT LENGTH about Hillary's emails, hacked Podesta and DNC emails, possible conflicts of interest with the Clinton foundation, etc. Indeed, the NYT was a massive critic of Hillary Clinton, and frequently pointed out many of her problems and issues.

2.) All major LIBERAL media outlets reported AT LENGTH on the leaked Comey letter about the re-opening of investigation based on Anthony Weiner Emails; and this was the headline for several days.

3.) More recently, the LIBERAL media, has been openly exposing the problems with the DNC and democrats after the failure to win GA06, and have been reporting on some of the fallout for Pelosi.

4.) Trump was widely praised by the LIBERAL media over his handling and reaction to Syrian use of chemical weapons, he drew wide praise for his response to the Baseball shooting last week, and he drew a large amount of praise for his "Non-State of the Union address", with even liberal media outlets saying things like "He became president that day."

5.) The LIBERAL media, while many report on Russia have pointed out many times that Trump himself was not under investigation, and always caveat many stories with the level of evidence supporting them.

Hell, Even now; one of the big stories across multiple news outlets are the problems going on with Illinois; which make democrats look bad.

Compare and Contrast to Fox news, or any of the even more right wing biased websites; Fox repeatedly spikes stories that are inconvenient; and offers up false facts to support their candidate (they suggested British Intelligence tapped Trump to support his asinine accusations of hacking; and many suggested Susan Rice improperly unmasked several of the names for report sourcing; which now looks to have been a set-up by members of the administration to throw a shadow over some of the evidence being reported at the time).

I am not pretending that the Liberal Media is perfectly fair, and perfectly balanced. It is, as well all know, comprised mainly of liberal journalists, and follow a for-profit model where coverage is aimed mainly at fellow liberals; which has an effect on the tone, and nature of stories that are reported.

However, accusing the liberal media of "[Ignoring] THE STORIES MAKING DEMOCRATS LOOK BAD, OR THE STORIES MAKING REPUBLICANS LOOK GOOD!!!!!!!!"

Is so utterly false, and demonstrably false when you actually pay attention to any of the coverage; I cannot understand how you can possibly make that accusation in the first place.

Side: That's a true statement
1 point

And told us looking at wikileaks was illegal...

Side: Liberal media is FAKE
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Since even many Liberals have admitted the blatant Liberal bias in the media, that makes you someone living on some other planet, or it makes you a deceptive fool.

Which ever it is, I have better thnings to do then waste my time with a Liberal denier.

I sat through 30 seconds of CBS news one night, and their lead story was how some idiot put bacon inside the Quran, and hung it on a gate at a Mosque.

CBS did what Liberal media does and interviewed a man who blamed Trump for the act.

I gurantee you CBS did not run a lead story on Trump's severed head displayed on our publicly funded College walls, with an intervue with some guy who blamed the Hate Art on the hateful Democrat Party.

That's when I switched the channel just like I'm going to do with you.


Side: Liberal media is FAKE
1 point

Fox News is a right biased site. But they openly admit it. Judge Jeanine gave a full disclosure that she knew Trump personally as a friend and that she was voting for him in full disclosure. It'll be a cold day in hell before CNN does that...

Side: Liberal media is FAKE
1 point

is so utterly false, and demonstrably false when you actually pay attention to any of the coverage; I cannot understand how you can possibly make that accusation in the first place

I did my college thesis on liberal bias in the media. I've paid more attention than anyone. That's why I can't hold your position.

Side: Liberal media is FAKE
1 point

Considering that you don't seem like the type of person who reads or watches the type of media that you are complaining about, I would like to point out that what you just said is not factually accurate

You either do not watch or are brainwashed beyond measure.

Side: Liberal media is FAKE
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Got to say you have some real problems now you better get with the New York Times !

Correction: June 29, 2017

A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.

There is the link that shows the Left is failing on the Russia story and all they got to push are false narratives. Try but you cannot escape the truth.

Side: That's a true statement
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

You know i am still trying to figure out where the Russian Ghost are that the Left is chasing ? Think the Left will ever catch those Russian Ghost ?

Side: That's a true statement
Ramshutu(227) Disputed
2 points

Bronto Lie Counter: 1.

Ironically, the video itself, due to selective editing; obvious lack of context; and the key portions OBVIOUSLY not talking specifically about CNN's coverage, and the guy being a Health news guys, is itself "fake news". It is a manufactured narrative, trying to make CNN look bad.

In actuality, there's not a great deal of difference between CNN's reports, and what this guy says.

Side: That's a true statement
1 point

3 people were fired from CNN for demonstrably false "Russia stories".

Side: Liberal media is FAKE
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

What happened with this false narrative put out at CNN ? CNN has nothing more than false reporting !

Side: That's a true statement
Ramshutu(227) Disputed
1 point

Bronto Lie Counter: 2.

Nothing in the video supports the claim.

Side: That's a true statement

So now we have proven that when libs believe the media reports the story, they are brainwashed demonstrably.

Side: Liberal media is FAKE
Ramshutu(227) Disputed
4 points

Bronto Lie Counter: 3.

Bronto has pasted two highly dubious video's, that would not support his contention even if both were true; as say anything has been created, and both are merely stating personal opinion. A personal opinion that, many people on the left actually share (and has been reported on every news outlet I am aware of): that there was probably no collusion.

Side: That's a true statement
2 points

Ramshutu Lie Counter:

So no comment on CNN firing 3 reporters for fake Russia story. I didn't think so.

Side: Liberal media is FAKE
1 point

Bronto has pasted two highly dubious video's

Nope. They're pretty straight forward. Even a caveman could see it.

Side: Liberal media is FAKE