
Debate Info

Safe sex. Abstinence.
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 Safe sex. (3)
 Abstinence. (7)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Safe sex versus abstinence, which is better at preventing pregnancy + STIs?

An STI is a sexually transmitted infection, and pregnancy is when the mother has a baby in her womb.

Safe sex.

Side Score: 3


Side Score: 8

The best way to be safe is to drop your shorts, and whack off your nuts and wank as you stand.

Side: Safe sex.
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

But you don't have legs to stand!? When you do it while sitting down are you splooging into your own face?

Side: Safe sex.
2 points

Of course abstinence is more likely to prevent pregnancy. It is not a debatable point.

Side: Abstinence.
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

Safe sex is better because what if someone changes their mind at the last minute, has unprotected sex, then ends up conceiving a baby AND catching an STI?

Side: Safe sex.
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
2 points

There is no such thing as "safe sex" except in the marriage of two virgins who carry no STD's. People who engage in sex outside of marriage deserve whatever diseases they contract, and people who abort their babies are guilty of murder and need God's forgiveness which they can find if they will be honest with God about their wrongs in sexual behavior and their wrongs in ending a child's life before or after it was born.

It's no wonder people are mentally disturbed considering the things they have done in their past; things which have not been honestly dealt with, things in which people try to keep God shut out so they cannot find His mercy, love, and forgiveness and get their hearts cleaned up to function with new life.

Side: Safe sex.
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

That is completely illogical but I know youre not going to understand my explanation...

If you can say "what if someone changes their mind" at the last minute as a legitimate reason for why abstinence isnt save... I can saying "what if someone change their mind" and decides to not have safe sex when they were going to before. If someone changes their mind and decides not to do safe sex or abstinence then neither are safe, of course. But if neither change their mind then abstinence is safer than safe sex.

Side: Abstinence.
1 point

You are correct; it is not debatable. I have no doubt that this debate has the purpose of promoting abstinence as a political or educational policy. The weakness of such a policy is that it does not work. People will be having sex for some time to come.

Side: Abstinence.
1 point

i think it's obvious that the answer is abstinence. if you just don't have sex there's an 99.9% chance that you won't get pregnant or an STI. that 0.1% is because of rape victims and others similar scenarios

Side: Abstinence.
1 point

Abstinence. If you don't do the deed then there can be no consequences from it.

And now that we've all agreed to that we still have to face reality. Sex still happens. Telling people just don't have sex is about as effective as telling them don't drink or do drugs. You can try it, and then you can pat yourself on the back for doing the most morally upright thing, and then you can marvel at the wreckage of their car after they have the drunk driving accident, or their belly fat with child.

There are many simple ideals we can tell people from a philosopical standpoint. Don't have sex until marriage. Don't drink or do drugs. Don't use credit cards. Don't waste your time watching TV. Eat a perfectly healthy diet and exercise and get your BMI into the ideal range. Yet for the vast majority of people on the planet it isn't that simple. And that's why we have the plan B advice, like well then you better wear a condom.

Side: Abstinence.