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Debate Score:6
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Lucius(23) pic

Should Psychedelics be Legalised?

This is a vague way to phrase the question, but I did this intentionally.  I am aware that some people may wish to clarify that some would whilst others shouldn't, as well as the fact that some people believe in decriminalisation or other forms of liberalisation instead of total legalisation.  

Psychedelics such as LSD, mescaline, DMT, and mushrooms have played a large part in western culture for decades now, and the research on them is still in its infancy compared to with other drugs.  As a substance they are, themselves, quite fascinating - the legality of them is also, hence, a rather intriguing topic.  In several countries across several cultures (such as the Egyptians, for example) psychedelics were used typically reserved for religious and spiritual experiences, often talking to gods.  Old inhabitants of Mexico have been known to use DMT for this exact purpose, as well.  This is not an uncommon phenomenon, but the western political rejection of them is strong.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
1 point

Yes. Psychedelics are good for you. Give them to your kids and your pets.

Side: Yes
1 point

Hello L,

Of course. Ain’t nobody’s business what I put in my body.


Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Wait what Water Boy let's look into your insane claim !

Women are the backbone of the Democratic Party. We are the activists, the fighters and the energy. Women demonstrated to the world that Americans would not just roll over and accept rule from a party that lost the popular vote. We are the resistance.

I guarantee we’re not rolling back our right to choice within our own party. I’ll be the first one calling BS to every attempt to sell out women today for “A Better Deal”. Because if they’ll sell out women, who’s next? Immigrants? Jews? LGBTs?

That’s no choice for any American.

What Water Boy

Side: No

America's water distribution network is unprotected. Terrorists could just walk up and spike our water supply with LSD. It is thus imperative that we build up our resistance ;)

Side: Yes
1 point

Psychedelics harmfull .

I aware people who addicted Psychedelics . They are unusual and unremarkable . People who addict Psychedelics is restless as well as afraid of something . Sometime good to leave feeling , but they are ocupaid psychedelics . I addicted Psychedelics but I quit , no longer used because I get ready to get job .

Side: No
1 point

If there is no medical reason for it, then no. I can see both sides to it though. The 'my body my life' side does have a point but the consequences are still too high. People don't make the best decisions and can hurt others while they are under the influence, that's one of the reasons why alcohol is such a hot debate right now.

Side: No