
Debate Info

Spiderman Iron Man
Debate Score:82
Total Votes:106
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 Spiderman (15)
 Iron Man (25)

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anthrstofmnd(36) pic

Spiderman or Iron Man?

Who would win in a fight if they had to fight? MY friends and I would argue about this even though it isn't that important


Side Score: 37

Iron Man

Side Score: 45

Spiderman is the modern day, urban Tarzan. Tarzan swings from vines attached to trees, Spiderman swings from web attached to buildings. Tarzan has a loin cloth, Spiderman has spandex. Tarzan yells after a victory, Spiderman.....

Spiderman would win against Iron Man because he would soak him with water and Iron Man would rust. ;)

Side: Spiderman
3 points

dude i swear you have a thing for men in leopard undies


Side: Spiderman
3 points

SUPERMAN!!!!!! will own them

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: Spiderman

He's not even on the list! And besides, Spiderman would get a piece of krytonite and shove it up Superman's a.... you are so lucky this is a family channel and I can't finish my sentence ;)

Side: Spiderman
4 points

Read Amazing Spider-Man, #535 and #544. Not only has Spider-Man beaten the tar out of Iron Man, he's done it twice. Now granted on both occasions the battle really ended in a tie but only because neither Tony nor Peter could bring themselves to keep the fight up, not out of physical exhaustion but emotional. What people often forget is Peter Parker is a scientific genius in his own right and that Tony Stark is an on again off again alcoholic and is currently a crazy pseudo-fascist and everyone knows in the Marvel universe the fascists and pseudo-fascists always lose.

...Now I'll go find a quite place to reflect on utter nerdiness.

Side: Spiderman
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
5 points

There is no way. In real life, if the both existed Iron Man would blow spider-man to smithereens. If he can take down fighter jets, tanks, and multiple trained terrorists within the hour he can take down a mutant kid. Plus he has armor, and he can fly, and he is a genius who can build something out of nothing.

Faster, Smarter, Stronger, Deadlier, Cooler.

Side: Iron Man
5 points

that other guy who replied to this is an idiot don't listen to him your right 100%.

Side: Iron Man
pvtNobody(645) Disputed
2 points

First of all Spider-Man is actually faster, and arguably as smart as Iron Man maybe even smarter, he certainly holds his own with Reed Richards. The fact is his overblown sense of responsibility has reduced his opportunities to exercise his scientific gifts. He's also not an alcoholic. Interesting that you of all people would be defending Iron Man. Spider-Man's been known to take a full on unibeam without so much as flinching, again go check out the issues I mentioned. Spider-Man a) outsmarted Stark, and b) overpowered him in the two issues mentioned. In the first case Spider-Man was in his "Iron Spider" suit and managed to trick Iron Man despite Stark's attempt to booby trap Spidey's suit. In the second a desperate Peter Parker overpowered Iron Man and promptly webbed him up even after taking a unibeam blast full on. Since neither one are real we only have precedents from comics to go off of and the precedents here are pretty clear.

Side: Spider-Man
3 points

I'm only voting for Spiderman because I prefer for my men to shoot out white stuff.

Side: Spiderman
tarantula101(21) Disputed
3 points

men are capable of shooting out white stuff....whether bitten by radioactive spiders or not=D

Lonely Island
Side: Iron Man
2 points

spider man is better because he is a spider man and he can sswing from a web and spider pig spider pig hess a pig can he swing from a web no he cant his a pig look ouuuuuuuutt he comes spider pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Spiderman
1 point

Although Iron man has extream weapons and powers, his speed(dexterity) is nowhere near Spider-man. Also, Iron man cannot fight without electricity, so his power duration is limited :p

Side: Spiderman
2 points

Iron man would just grab spider man fly him thousands of feet up into the air and just rip his arms off and drop him to his death

Side: Iron Man
0 points



MAn that made me laugh

Side: Iron Man
2 points

Spiderman would be buried to death under a misplaced crate of pickled peppers.

Side: Iron Man
1 point

Iron Man has a multi-billion dollar corporation at his disposal. I think he'd win. Just a maybe though.

Side: Iron Man
1 point

Iron man could just shoot spiderman, or blow him up, ............ .... ... .. ... .. ........................... .............................................. .......................................

Side: Iron Man
argo76(1) Disputed
2 points

Spiderman has proven he can stay out of the line of fire with his sixth sense and reflexes. May I remind y'all of the many antagonists with similar offenses and defenses. Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, and Bigwheel to name a few. Spiderman has remand the ultimate victor against all these foes.

Supporting Evidence: List of SpiderMan enemies (
Side: Spiderman
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

So is there some kind of matrix spider man I don't know about because I have never seen him dodge bullets, avoid them yes, but he can't dodge bullets.

Me may have spider sense, but he does not have supper speed.

Side: Iron Man
0 points

Heck Yeah.......................................................................................................................................................!

Side: Iron Man
1 point

I could kill both of them :D ahahaha but between the two iron man would totally will.

Side: Iron Man

Definitely Iron Man, he has got a powered suit of armor which is ladened with totally cool weapons whereas our friendly neighbourhood spider man is no offense* just a wimp!!

Side: Iron Man

Iron Man is so much better. Besides, Iron man is more practical of real life.

Side: Iron Man
1 point

spidermans webs aint got nothin on iron mans technology!!

Side: Iron Man
1 point

i would go with the iron man cuz hes tha best and has gotz the lotz of suitz!!!!!!! XD He canz killz the pplz of the worldz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :P XD XD XD HEZ ALSO GOTZ LOTZ OF SLUTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Side: Iron Man

Iron Man would destroy Spiderman. He has all the cool weapons.

Side: Iron Man
1 point

Obviously Iron Man!!

mORE TECHNOLOGY, he can listen to music while fighting:D!!

Side: Iron Man
1 point

Iron-Man's suit is more powerful than Spider-Man, and could simply fly out of his reach and use all his weapons on him. Also Iron-Man is more intelligent than Spider-Man.

Side: Iron Man

Tony Stark is so suave and intelligent and he can use his intelligence to thwart Spiderman.

Side: Iron Man
1 point

Iron Man: billionaire, playboy, philanthropist

Spiderman: Hormonal teenager

Side: Iron Man
0 points

Ironman is way cooler than spider man. Just think about it, what do people around the world kill every day. Spiders. But they don't kill iron. Spiderman is so weak and gay, ironman is awesome

Side: Iron Man
PhoenixHero(54) Disputed
1 point

Your logic is sad. People all over the world use iron to build, but imagine a world without spiders. There wouldn't be

Side: Spiderman