
Debate Info

do don't
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 do (2)
 don't (2)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

The British owe Conservatism a debt of gratitude

Winston Churchill opposed the Nazis and protected Great Britain from the Nazis. Churchill was also a diehard Conservative who had the mindset and said the same things as the diehard Conservatives on this site. The British owe a debt of gratitude to Conservatism, for without it, the Brits would be Nazis as we speak.....


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2
2 points

Conservatism has its time and place and contributions throughout.

Conservatism, just like liberalism, can go to an extreme in which they hurt more than they help. But in the right doses and at the right time they can be good things.

Fear not conservatives or liberals, and fear not any good idea or good argument no matter where on the spectrum it emerges from. Fear instead the closed mind and closed heart which comes from ideological extremes because THAT's when you lose the chance for contributions like Winston Churchill.

Side: do
1 point

They sure do but the Brits are a fickle lot and voted Sir Winston Churchill out of power on the first general election after the end of WW2.

All he promised was blood and tears while the lefties promised a socialist El Dorado.

That's what the dummies like to hear.

What actually happened was;- Labour made a mess of the economy with giveaway budgets and the Conservatives had to sort things out by making some unpopular, but necessary benefit cuts.

Side: do
seanB(950) Disputed
1 point

What a load of nonsense.

Britain's economy post-war was the most successful in Europe. Britain actually drastically reduced its debt under the Labour government, who had also implemented the NHS; the welfare state; and the greatest social housing project that had ever been undertaken.

Post-war Britain was a country of socialists precisely because of what it learned from the war: being surrounded by selfishness, and death, and inequality and destruction, is no way for civilised people to live.

Side: don't
0 points

Churchill wasn't Conservative, except in party name. And it wasn't "Conservatvism" that beat Hitler: it was inspirational words and Churchill's ability to read the mood of the public.

If anything, the man hated the Tory party. The entire lot of them were against him when he became PM, and the only reason THAT happened was because Lord Halifax refused the job and they knew that Churchill was the only member that the "liberals" the Labour Party would accept as leader after the resignation of Neville Chamberlain.


Because Churchill was a liberal man, and a staunch Contrarian. And he'd certainly take issue with what the Conservative party of the UK of today believe in, not to mention the American Republicans.

Churchill was about socialized medicine, helping the poor, the liberty for anyone to access education and for everyone in desperate need to be supported by a welfare state.

He was no jingoist like you American conservative morons.

Side: don't