
Debate Info

Are Is
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:22
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 Are (6)
 Is (4)

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BenShapiro(218) pic

3 points

See Menendez and Moore. .

Side: Are
3 points

Where utopianism is advanced through gradualism rather than revolution, albeit steady and persistent as in democratic societies, it can deceive and disarm an unsuspecting population, which is largely content and passive. It is sold as reforming and improving the existing society's imperfections and weaknesses without imperiling its basic nature. Under these conditions, it is mostly ignored, dismissed, or tolerated by much of the citizenry and celebrated by some. Transformation is deemed innocuous, well-intentioned, and perhaps constructive but not a dangerous trespass on fundamental liberties.

Side: Are
2 points

The left's version of morality is constantly point fingers, whether at the guilty or the innocent, but just make sure those fingers never point back at thyself.

Side: Are
1 point

The Left is running a Morality Scam

Hello Ben:

Nahhh….. Trump is giving my beloved country AWAY to the Russians, and I don't think that's very moral..


Side: Are
3 points

The problem the Left has with morality is that deep down they consider it a dirty word. If anyone dares mentions the word morals, the Left wing crucifies him as an intolerant judgmental Right wing hatemongering Zealot, creating moral laws and forcing them on everyone.

Now this of course is a complete lie. The truth of the matter is that those on the Left are the Big Brother Moral thought police, forcing their political correctness on all Americans.

If a private business refuses to cater events that go against his faith, the hypocritical Left wing Moralists try to sue him and force compliance.

These same Left wing hypocrites would never sue an African American business that refused to cater a KKK convention.

Do you think you would hear a peep out of the Colbert's of the world if a Feminist owned business refused to cater a Male Chauvinist convention?

As you say, their moral outrage is always conditional, and always dependent on the political side of the argument. If you are not part of the alphabet orientation....LBGTQRSUVWXYZ, your plight is buried on the back page.

Side: Is
AlphaBowser(87) Disputed
2 points

These same Left wing hypocrites would never sue an African American business that refused to cater a KKK convention.

Racist much? Got your white hood on right now, do you not Klukie?

Side: Are
Rusticus(809) Disputed
2 points

@FromWithin - As I've told you repeatedly, when the Republicans finally have complete control of the House, the Senate, the White House AND the Supreme court - THEY DON'T UTTER A SINGLE PEEP ABOUT ABORTION.

Get it now? Republicans will NEVER outlaw abortion, they just say they will because they know it's the magic phrase to get idiots like you to zombie walk to the polling both every election cycle and vote GOP.

You love being lied to.

Side: Are
HootiesWank(95) Disputed
2 points

Rusticus eat the poop ice pop from the nasty fridge. Rusticus only like the poop in mouth that draw the flies.

Side: Is
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

This is why I ban you from my debates. You are a pathetic liar!

I already explained a number of times to you that the GOP needs 60 votes to pass their 20 week limit on abortions (unless extreme cases).


One of the first things Trump did as President was to stop American tax dollars from funding abortions overseas.


Side: Is
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

So you are saying that the entire Democrat Party are a bunch of deceptive liars when they constantly spew their scare tactics of how the GOP want to prevent women from having abortions?

If the GOP does not want to prevent No Restriction abortions, why do Democrats say otherwise?

So tell me, is the Democrat Party pure liars? Did they go after Kavanaugh and accused him of wanting to outlaw abortions? Yes they did! So who is lying?

Side: Is