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 True or False about Atheism (20)

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Viceregent(413) pic

True or False about Atheism

True or False:  Atheists are atheists for psychological reasons, not philosophical reasons, which is why when they make claims they have no idea how to connect them to reality or rationally defend them.  As the atheists on this site confirm with each post.
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1 point

Hello V,

Maybe I don’t believe in God for psychological reasons, or it could be philosophical reasons. I don’t know and I don’t care. I don’t beleive the moon is made of green cheese either. Do I need a reason why?


Viceregent(413) Disputed
1 point

This fool is perfectly illustrating the point. He believes what he believes without reason, which is to say mindlessly, proving God right that atheists are 1) unreasoning animals; 2) fools and 3) mentally reprobate.

SpicyMcChikn(9) Disputed
1 point

I really only have to say three words to sum up this argument: Argumentum Ad Hominem

1 point

It's true, except for point 3 should be changed to "morally reprobate".

Even the "good" atheist who follows some kind of moral guideline is still trying to replace God with himself.......hating God, trying to make God dead like the atheist is dead.

1 point

Atheism is a ploy created to direct the general public in to a single thought of only religious context to GOD. Though God as a public idea is most popularized as a religion only there are in fact non-religious legal description of GOD independent from religious definition.

Most provable none religious explanation of GOD. GOD is a numerical axiom that consist of the Numbers 400, 11, 500. When the logical formulation created by the axiom is followed it creates the number 89. When it is not followed it creates the number 911 or -111.

Atheist is a religious creation used to describe an accusation held by a religions members. The public struggle is to present it as a choice to hide the challenge made in representation of a non-religious entity all together.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You can know God personally. He explains you. You do not explain Him.

Viceregent(413) Disputed
1 point

The pagan already knows God, but because they refuse to worship Him, God turns them over to a reprobate mind, causing them to not know right from wrong.

1 point

Although I cannot speak for every atheist, I believe what I believe because I cannot find conclusive proof of a god or gods. The bible is unreliable as a source, as even the acclaimed "gospels" rely heavily on supernatural evidence to argue for their god, leaving much to be desired in terms of historical evidence. Additionally, the figure of Jesus steals from the Quran, Torah, and other predating religious works. Heaven and hell violate the laws of thermodynamics, as they are both massive energy sinks. It appears that argumentum ad hominem runs hot here, not a good practice in general. If you have an argument for your god, feel free to share it. I am open to reason.

Viceregent(413) Disputed
1 point

Does what you believe or not believe have ANY impact on reality?

SpicyMcChikn(9) Clarified
1 point

That's exactly it, I don't have faith in there being no gods, I know that there are no gods, as that would contradict science. Faith is nothing more than an intellectual cop-out for being unable to backup your claims

Mack(531) Clarified
1 point

Why did you ask them this question?????????????????????????????????????/

NumberOne(422) Disputed
1 point

Although I cannot speak for every atheist, I believe what I believe because I cannot find conclusive proof of a god or gods.

Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence.

Viceregent(413) Disputed
1 point

It is like a blind man saying he see no evidence that color exists. So?

SpicyMcChikn(9) Clarified
1 point

Next time read the whole argument, I go into how your Bible contradicts natural law.

NowASaint(1380) Disputed
1 point

Fools really only speak for themselves. You have to answer to God for your words.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Fools are not open to reason. You already think you are better, smarter, and stronger than God. You are an unreasonable fool, deceiving yourself and trying to deceive others.

If God ends your time today and you wake up in the fire of Hell, is He wrong after you refused to listen to reason of Him who offers you pardon while you insist it is not possible?

If you will not agree to His terms, why should He show you mercy?

1 point

Atheism is a religious philosophy in which the adherent feels exonerated in death and exempt from punishment. It's the religion of fools. The psychology is self-justification which is impossible or the atheist would not be dying.

It's completely illogical, twisted, and self-contradictory; it's the love of death taking fools into the fire of Hell.

1 point

Atheists deny gods, that means they claim to not believe in rulers or forces of nature that have dominion over them

Atheists deny God, that means that they claim to not believe that there is a Supreme Being, or Ultimate Reality.

The problem with atheists is that they learn how to be atheists from atheists. Atheists are clearly not a reliable source of information about anything, because that worldview is inherently self defeating and patently ignorant to anyone who knows better.

Personal whim is the god of the atheist, and they deny even this god because they are haughty and blinded by their pride. They point the finger, accusing others of what it is they are doing. Maybe the people they accuse are doing what they are doing, but the difference is that people who believe in God acknowledge their sin while atheists are haughty and in denial about their own.

Atheism is a very superstitious position. Watch and see, all they can do is point the finger at others and dispute the meaning of words. They are lost. It is a foolish position.

Because they received not the love of truth, they have been cursed with strong delusion.

It would be better for atheists to humble themselves, repent, and believe the Good News. The answer is God.

Atheists don't like to hear this because their god is the self. They are self righteous, despite the fact that they don't even believe in righteousness.

The worst atheists are the ones who appeal to science. They are being deceptive, because there is absolutely nothing scientific about denying God. In fact, without God, there is no such thing as science. They will say anything to be justified in the eyes of others. They are men pleasers. They don't care about the truth. Wicked to the core.

Thankfully, God is merciful and forgiving. Grace is given to the humble, but the proud are resisted.

Rick_Zeta5A(348) Disputed
1 point

I could not imagine a more intellectually feeble argument. Atheist deny a magic guy, so they are ignorant, but they’re not, they know all about your magic man in the sky. And then I learned it from other athiests, wow, that’s an insight, I’ll have to put that in the book. And then my superstition didn’t allow me to receive any ‘god’, but I don’t think I need anything inside me, thanx tho. The worst athiest is the one that relys on science. Wow. I mean wow. All of society and all of its advancements; flight, hospitals, schools, space exploration, cell phones, the internet, if reason was based on biblical intuition we’d all still be defacating in the gutter. Let’s not forget that the church burned witches and athiests alike back in the era of the dark plague, murdering scientists and children until one of them survived long enough to build a rudimentary microscope. Dull witted arguments only reinforce the need for more exploration into the mental disease that is called Religion.

TzarPepe(763) Disputed
1 point

See, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Atheism towards the big "G" is denial of existence of The Supreme and Ultimate Reality. Atheists don't even believe in science.

You don't understand what you are saying. You have superstitious ideas about God.

The Supreme and Ultimate Reality. Do you deny this?