
Debate Info

Yep Oh well hate Trump
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Yep (8)
 Oh well hate Trump (3)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Trump triumphant: 'We're going to go a lot higher' than 4.1% GDP growth


Side Score: 15

Oh well hate Trump

Side Score: 3

Trump is a cheerleader who puts forth a positive front and prognosis on America's future. It's a part of what a president should do.

Side: Yep
1 point

Trump is a cheerleader who puts forth a positive front and prognosis on America's future.

While he's busy ripping everybody off.

Side: Oh well hate Trump
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

How's he ripping everybody off?


Side: Yep
1 point

Well, you know. Obama did that. Trump had nothing to do with it. Or so I'm told. Lol silly libs.

Side: Yep
1 point

So if Trump says it, it’s true?

That would be a first.

Trump is headed for the best ever prison cell.

Side: Oh well hate Trump
4 points

The article is from cnbc...

Side: Yep
3 points

Trump is headed for the best ever prison cell.

Yes. I remember the other 150 times you said this.

Side: Yep
1 point

We're going to go a lot higher' than 4.1% GDP growth

Hello bront:


Given our cyclical economy, growth curves usually don't last longer than 10 years.. We had MAJOR growth under Obama for 8 years, and 2 with Trump..

You can SEE it shattering AS we speak.. Facebook and Twitter are the proverbial canary's in the coal mine, and they're cratering..

I SOLD everything at the top.. You should too.


Side: Oh well hate Trump
3 points

We had MAJOR growth under Obama for 8 years

Obama never had a year of 3% growth...

Annual GDP Growth During Obama Era

GDP growth rose as high as 2.9% under Obama, but never breached 3% on an annual basis.

And think about it Con. It's easy to get growth following an economic collapse. It's hard to get growth once an economic collapse recovers....

In other words, it's easier to grow lots of plants in an empty garden than in a garden with plants already in it. Trump grew more plants in a garden with plants than Obama did in an empty garden...

Side: Yep