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Debate Score:30
Total Votes:33
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Grenache(6053) pic

Trump will be the scape goat for the Republicans

When election times come around, any and every complaint against a Republican in office is going to try to be deflected by a shield of that was "Trump".  Either because Trump did something, or did not do something.  The commercials and campaign rhetoric will be birdshot aimed at him.  And since Trump is so keen on his media image and a winning persona it will drive him nuts.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 22
2 points

Come on now, he freaks out weekly about what the media and others say about him. But as elections approach the shear volume and voracity of negative statements is going to ramp way up. How can his ego possibly take that? Hey, if there's a hell, and if that hell is taylored to create maximum suffering for a person, than Trump's hell would be bombardment with bad press forever.

Side: Yes
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

You're kind of funny today, Bronto...

Your last link says most journalists are Independent. That should be good. That would mean there is at least a fighting chance they'll listen to more than one side. And then it says of those who express a lean they lean Democrat 4 to 1. Let's do a deep dive on that...

1) It doesn't quantify how many of those Independents say they have a lean, just the ratio of the ones that do. The conclusion remains most are independents.

2) Journalists in general are well educated and the ones in the major news outlets are in urban areas. Those are characteristics in common with Democrats. The shortage of Republican journalists may simply be the vast majority of you are in rural less advanced regions and don't really have the resume to go land a journalist job at a major news source (besides FoxNews).

3) The existence of a lean to Democrat doesn't have to mean bias, it can also mean the message coming from the right is pretty abysmal and utterly fails to persuade the educated to follow it.

Oh, and one last thing, despite all this deep dive on the nature of journalists, none of your argument disproves that "Trump will be the scape goat for the Republicans". When their constituents are pissed at whatever they didn't get done, or what they attempted to do (like killing their medical coverage) the Republicans are going to point to Trump. That's not the fault of CNN or whomever you think is biased, that's the fault of Trump and the Republicans in Congress.

Side: Yes
1 point

Hello G:

The only reason Trump is in power is because Mitch McConnell thinks he can STILL get his agenda through.. But, when he becomes convinced that Trump is an impediment to that, he'll turn on a dime, and Trump will be impeached..

At least, that's my hope. That would BE a co-equal branch of the government exercising its power.. Pursuant to another pose I made today, if they DON'T exercise that power by passing a LAW that will STOP Trump from firing Mueller, Trump WILL fire him, and the investigation will be OVER..

So will my beloved country..


Side: Yes
1 point

Wake up Boston Boy Obama was the scape goat for the Demorats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: No
Gossip_lies(9) Disputed
1 point

That's off topic. We are in 2017 not 2012. Hope you not like quam.......

Side: Yes