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Debate Score:19
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 Weekend at Hillary's (18)

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DBCooper(2194) pic

Weekend at Hillary's

Does this not look like a Weekend at Bernie's ! It could but it is a Weekend at Hillary's instead.

Hillary just can't make it as the life of the party and even high ranking Democrats know that. What are the Democrats going to do with this want to be Bernie ?
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Does this not look like a Weekend at Bernie's ! It could but it is a Weekend at Hillary's instead.

Oh I get it, you're making a joke. I'm glad you explained it.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Hillary is Bernie and neither are presidential material so which one you support.

2 points

I am a Hillary Clinton supporter. I did not support Sanders in the primary.

1 point

As long as Hillary can be propped up she might can make it but it is very suspect

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

I would rather have a propped up Hillary over a fully functional Obama.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Medically compromised candidate is what you want ? Now that right there tells who you are

1 point

Ha ha ha ha. That was hillarious. Really, it was. Thanks for the laugh. ...........................