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Debate Score:76
Total Votes:76
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 This (35)
 That (37)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

What do liberals think is the answer to Islamic terrorism in the West ?

What do liberals think is the answer to Islamic terrorism in the West, if we cannot block them from coming into our countries?






Side Score: 35


Side Score: 41

Liberals never have any actual answers or strategy for most of our problems.


They don't worry about such mundane problems as terrorism, 20 trillion in debt, loss of moral values creating broken families with no fathers raising their children, etc., etc.

These things help usher in their Big Government control of the people. Their answer is to replace fathers with case workers. Their answer is to keep printing money until our banks collapse. They have absolutely no understanding of debt spending and where it leads.

They actually think they can give every American a free lunch and free healthcare from cradle to grave, and mysteriously the money will just be there. There are not enough rich people in the world to fund their social programs yet they keep creating bigger government.

For my entire life, every time the GOP tried to merely cut the rate of growth of our social programs, the Democrats screamed like spoiled children always crucifying repubicans for supposedly hating the poor.

Side: This

Not letting them in sure makes it difficult for them to attack, but that still doesn't completely rule out terrorism. And what about all those people who are not terrorists?

Side: This
1 point

What is the best way to kill cancer? To not get it in the first place. Or if you already have it, surely you don't continue to ingest the things that feed it. And if you have it with force, you use radiation therapy to destroy all of it and some regular cells become colateral damage. The point?

1)Quit letting any of them in if we can't see which cells are cancer and which are normal cells.

2)We don't know that they aren't all cancer cells. With the principles of taqiyya and muruna and stealth jihad, we can assume they all plan on practicing those techniques as issued in Islam, and are not obligated to a group of people who's holy texts are an open decleration of war on our people and our culture.

Side: That
1 point

Not rational in any way, they aren't cancer cells, they're human beings, there's a lot of difference..

so you want to generalize terrorism to all belonging to a particular community.. hmmm....

Side: This
2 points

Their answer is a simple one.

Hand wringing accompanied with their standard flow of meaningless condemnations such as, ''this is an outrageous atrocity''. '' Innocent civilians, including children were specifically targeted''.

''We must all remain calm and permit the Muslims to blow us to smithereens and/or cut us in two with heavy automatic weapons'' without too much fuss''

While the political filth are spewing out their feigned and sickening words of sympathy they're holding the door open for the continuing influx of 100s of 1000s of dedicated and potential Muslim terrorists to enter the western nations.

The Muslim perpetrator of the Manchester suicide bombing was the son of a Libyan family of refugees who were given sanctuary in the U.K.

Unfortunately the radical steps needed to even address ''THE MUSLIM PROBLEM'' never mind resolve it will, as a consequence of the liberal bleeding hearts brigade, never happen.

At sometime in the future, and only after a lot more 'bloodletting'' the bullet will be bitten and the repatriation of Muslims back to their beloved homelands will commence and of course the total banning of Muslims. Rudyard Kipling got it right;- 'East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet.

He'd forgotten about the liberal filth.

To a greater or lesser extent every western politician has blood on their hands and should bow their heads in shame.

See Enoch Powell's ''rivers of blood speech'' ( he never used those words) and how his prudence and words of wisdom were pooh poohed by the liberal elite.

Side: That
2 points

The liberal filth excrete their verbal diarrhea about 'all Muslims are not terrorists'

Using that 'non argument' as a rationalisation for permitting their continuing presence among us is akin to people being asked to accept the injection of a serum which contains a % of cancer cells as most of the solution is non malignant.

As we saw in Northern ireland as the protestant population was being bombed to Kingdom Come there was a deadly backlash which would have resulted in all out civil war had it not been for the professionalism and even handedness of the security forces.

If the elected politicians do not take decisive action to rid western societies of the Muslim plague, other, more sinister forces will emerge

from the ashes of Muslim terrorism and do it for them.

Side: That
1 point

Hello bront:

It's simple.. On 9/11 we were attacked by a rag tag bunch of terrorists who got lucky.. Instead of declaring WAR, we should have sent in Special Ops... That's what they're for.. They do the job very well. They would have ENDED Al quaida..

But, our WARS have made it worse.. Bout a 1,000 times worse.


Side: That
1 point

I don't disagree with the premiseof your statement, but the fact is, that Islamic eschatology is very anti "us". And many Islamic terrorists want to and plan on attacking the West as many times as they can and with as much devastation as they can. Many of them are "home grown" terrorists. At what point do we have the right to shut off immigration from this part of the world in order to protect ourselves?

Side: This
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello bront:

It's HARD to say which mistake, in a cascade of mistakes, that brought us to present day..

I don't believe shutting down immigration solves anything.. I think it's just one more mistake in the barrage of mistakes that we made, and continue to make..


Side: That