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Where was your god during the Holocaust?

It's a simple enough question for you Christians. all your infinite wisdom of how there is a special and perfect creator of the universe who loves you and listens to your prayers...........please tell us.

Enlighten me!

So you say god listens to your prayers?

Did not many of those holocaust victims also pray to god?

Surely they did!

So.........Why did he not help?

And thus: why would he help you?

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2 points

Promises, promises, promises! The problem is, these promises were made as "hearsay". There is absolutely NO PROOF that they were ever made by a "god" (or even his/it's "son"), or for that matter, an Islamic prophet named Mohammad .... OR Jesus!

If I was a "god", and I insisted my "creations" follow my specific rules, I would show up, once those rules got "confused", and straighten them out, otherwise I may be considered "incompetent" (as any CEO would be).

I'm waiting to see "his" competence, before I will "serve" him without question. Not too much to ask.

jerbear(118) Disputed
1 point

im not sure if I have talked with you .....before so thank you for your input here we need good old fashion diference of opinion and im very sorry for my spelling this is not my area of expertise ..however this area is a lot of times you will encounter angry pissed off people in these debates however this is the salt of life learning and thinking and sharing good or bad ...I have lost a lot so I have had to retool myself a lot and im sure this will happen again so hang on if I may ask can you give me a specific reason for your thoughts on GOD and were it is you think he is not on the job ....if you think a ceo watches the floors get swept your slightly mistaken the whole point of self replicating cells is well you can go do other stuff while things continue to move....GOD was very hands on in the old world and people still turned on him just ask noah adam eve and enoch for that matter he is still quite hands on for me im a wreck he keeps me moving though but I bet he wishes he could walk away ...even for just a second...I said all this to say I would love to have a kind exchange of ideas and thoughts ....perhaps I can give you what your asking for ...

dadman(1703) Banned
1 point

where will you be when Jesus returns to wipe out the wicked ?

crouching in the caves and praying for the rocks to fall on you in order to hide you from the face of the glorified approaching Son of God ? .... where will you be when the waters turn to poison and 100 lb hailstones fall from the sky .... when the Sun goes dark and the moon no longer gives its light .... where will you be when the stars fall from the sky and every mountain is moved and the islands flee away .... where will you be when Satan is cast to the Earth and 200 million demons are released from the pit torturing men that they would pray for death but death will flee from them ....... do you fear men ? .... better off / fear Him who after He has killed your body has the power to destroy your soul AND body in an eternal Hell ..... indeed fear Him

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

If the last 2000 years of Him not coming back are any indication, we will all be long dead before He comes back to wipe out the wicked. World War II would have been a great time to come wipe out the wicked. Why didn't He?

dadman(1703) Clarified Banned
1 point

whether he comes back in your life time or not ..... your eternal fate remains the same .... all will be resurrected ... some to life and some to death .... rev 20 ..... ps: the Holocaust is not yet over for the Jews .... the worst still to come

0 points


I love how these religious wackjobs ignore my question but say that JC will one day return.

If the holocost wasn't enough evil to prompt his return, or gods wrath, then nothing is.

How can the Christians not get it?

Not know they have been brainwashed with a bill of goods?


They say the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. could adjust that axiom to state that insanity can also be construed as not facing reality after centuries of the continual absolute absence of God. Despite a plethora of evil actions that more than warranted his intervention.

Just as the Easter Bunny, Thor, and Vishnu live only in the fantasy laden minds of their believers, so does Sonny Jesus.

If the history of the world has provided even a hint of the existence of any supernatural being, that entity is surely Satan.

Not God, whom Lucifer appears to have made his bitch.

And certainly not some long dead bastard carpenter from some shithole middle Eastern village who could not even climb down from the cross.


Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

So.... you're saying we can hide in caves behind rocks and God won't be able to find us? Got it! Thanks for the tip.

1 point

"indeed fear Him"

Fear is the path to the dark side
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

Man is what we have to fear. Man can wipe out this world in a few days, it's taken "GOD" 2000 years of threatening (some would say 6000?). Man can do it with the push of a button! FEAR MAN!

MAN, we KNOW is real! "GOD" hasn't protected us from ourselves in those 2000 years. The fires of a nuclear holocaust, possibly brought on by a religious difference, will burn just as hot as any "fires of hell" and we KNOW they exist. I find reality MUCH more scary than what is written in an ancient book of hearsay.

1 point

I hope nobody sees this I hope we all miss it ...not because of a bullshit rapture ...but because we turn from our ways and repent ...myself being first to do so because I do this funny thing called being a loser ....your right in what you said but the world doesn't need law it needs love and grace even you the worst offender at offending I need to take my own advice but maybe we together can come up with way to show the love and mercy...that is why we are here not to condem please forgive my horrible spelling

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
0 points

Jesus will not be returning to wipe out anything.

Since he's been dead for 2000 years and shall remain so for eternity, the dead carpenter from Nazareth could not even wipe his own ass.

Why didn't he wipe out the Nazis?

You never addressed my question?

So I have no choice to ban you for Zealot trolling.

Adios, asshole.

jerbear(118) Clarified
1 point

the reason is so simple my friend ...are you a father...if not this is a very hard thing for you to imagine...did you have a good father....if you did not it is not likely you can get what I have for you for the Nazis this is simple GOD gave us freewill ...and let me tell you im NOT a fan not at all most people I do a lot of selfish dumb stuff that really hurts others and were was GOD watching me fail and hurt others...but he let me learn thru my failure who I am and what my limits are....everyone would love GOD if we were programed robots....everyone would love GOD if there were no dark bad people .....but GOD lays out all that we can imagine both good and bad and we can sample all of choose who your going to be and what flavors you eat....if your fat and lazy it is your fault not the cable company or mcdonalds or the sofa manufacturer its your fault.....why ....FREEWILL again ...yeah... hitler made a choice so did every Nazi who participated evry german who turned a blind eye.....but so did the jews who did not listen when they were told over and over by friends and family I THINK WE SHOULD LEAVE....but on the flip side every American who stepped up to stop hitler made a choice and every European person who willfully disobeyed and hid jews made a choice....but at the end of this the jews were given there land partially back that rome took from them ....this is now the only place on earth with growing forestry not shrinking this is a place to say never again to being rounded up and out of the pain came good out of evil came triumph and I assure you isreal will be attacked soon by a world coalition and GOD will save them as a father you must watch children get hurt to learn from their mistakes ....riding a bike is a good example of this ...they will fall and get hurt but this is worth the pain ....child birth is another...between freewill and the example of birth pains start to see a picture....if a rich man wants to see who his real friends are let him pretend to be broke ...let it seem as though he has nothing they need or want outside of friendship.....what is real will stay what is not real will be washed away....I hope this helps

1 point

Can't a God get a bathroom break once in a while? Geez ...........................................

1 point

Hi SlapShot,

I'm not for sure why you ask such a question. You being a U of M grad I know you know your statistics. It is estimated that the largest number of victims of the holocaust were Jews around (5.93 million). I'm sure there were Christians, Islamic and Atheist victims also. This question might be better ask to those who practice Judaism. I will do my best to answer your question from a Christian view. If I understand you correctly you are asking (if God answers our prayers why would he allow us to go through sufferings and death.) A deep rooted Christian understands that suffering, persecutions and death is the cost of being a Christian. When you have time look up Christians in China. You will see what happens to Christians when a government persecutes us. Most of the New Testament is explaining what is to come to us who follow Jesus. You must be under some assumption that when you become a Christian your problems will just disappear. if you do you are wrong. When you become a Christian you understand how to handle the problems of this world. You understand that life isn't about buying and selling, killing and stealing but Love and Joy in the Holy Ghost. It's about self sacrifice dedicating your life to the betterment of others. And most of all trusting in God's word which is Jesus Christ.

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

But your post does not answer my question.

All you did was claim that you Christians know that you must endure pain and suffering in this world.

But since you guys believe in absurd myths like trumpet blasts can destroy fortress walls and that some sort of supernatural sky God stopped the sun from moving so his boys had a few more hours of daylight for slaughter, well, what you think you understand means very little to educated and rational atheists like me.

You forget Jesus was a Jew, obviously. So what the fuck diff does it make about how many holocost victims were Jewish?

Why would I ask them?

I ask you guys.

Obviously your I!stomach bff either cannot or will not intervene when evil kills good people.

Thus, your God is either lame or cruel or apathetic.

Or, more likely, non existent.

Take your pick.

Until onme of you guys can give me some damn good evidence, I will always believe the latter of those options.

A claim for a omnmiscient and loving God in view of this world and its history is indeed an extraordinary claim.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. guys offer not even the slightest evidence.

Or hint, of your God.

Let alone extraordinary proof.

Sorry...the result of all this is inescapable.

You lose.

Your God is not real.

Saving101(17) Clarified
1 point

Slapshop I apologize for upsetting you in my answer. I indeed intended to answer your question but my answer was not sufficient for you. I know that my faith in Christianity seems foolish to you. I was simply attempting to give you a Christian answer to your question. To simplify it. Christians don't pray to God, for him to come down and crush those evil people who are persecuting us. We actually pray for there forgiveness and to give them understanding that there ways are wrong. We are taught by Jesus to pray for those who persecute us in an attempt to save there soul. The time of God wrath will come when it is time. I didn't forget that Jesus was a Jew. I simply was stating that your question was pertaining to the holocaust which was a persecution on Jews not Christians. There are many persecutions in history on Christians you could have chosen but you didn't. You said (Obviously your I!stomach bff either cannot or will not intervene when evil kills good people. Thus, your God is either lame or cruel or apathetic.

Or, more likely, non existent.)

So you want God to come and do away with evil people. I ensure you he will but now he is patient giving everyone time to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ and change. But the time will come when God will intervene but not before all has been fulfilled spoken of in Revelations. Your asking for evidence, what type of evidence do you need? If you really believe what you just typed then you are right I lose.....We have lost you and whom ever else believes your report. Slapshop what I tell you is the truth God loves you and he wants you to receive his gift which is Life everlasting which no one else can give you. Do yourself a favor and pray to God ask for help tell him you don't understand and ask him if he will open up your mind and heart to receive him. If you do this you will receive the evidence you are looking for. I know this is a scary thing but I don;t want to lose you. Please my brother understand that the evidence you seek isn't physical it is spiritual. You must go to God humble and sincere. Thanks for your time.

1 point

What god are you talking about exactly? _

0 points

So the resident idiot speaks now some intelligence and explain what the Holocaust was all about ! Use all the claims that make you an expert if you will you DUMBASS !

jerbear(118) Disputed
1 point

hey I don't know if I have had the pleasure of speaking to you very sorry I have not received a good education on words so my spelling is very bad so im very sorry for this it will no doubt make you mad ....the whole thing I believe is as simple as free will my friend ...also testing teaching and parenting you see freewill is mans ability to taste and sample all life has without restraint both in good and bad...let me say this next time you see a naked woman tell me GOD held back on pleasure ....hell no he did not sir .....same with bad its all here he does not tell me yes and you no this is not I hate freewill im not good with this concept I would like my brain to just be put on auto pilot .....and think of GOD as a very very very rich man the only way to see who really was and was not his friend would be to pretend to be poor to not have the life saving funds they needed and wanted from him.....the real friend would stay the false friend would leave the end would not the rich man settle the debts of his true friend ....and give him lots of trust in his estates ....but as for the shallow people who left him ...he would certainly not settle there debts...and would not have any place in his estate for them .....well this is the test of life we are here to see who still is GODS friend when things aren't going our way and part of this process is the conflict of free wills now as a parent you have to watch your kids get hurt to learn lessons ...riding a bike is a good example of this pain in learning ....... Rome took isreal and the post holocaust UN gave it back ...I bet the jews who inheirited isreal back thought it was all worth it to have a place to lay there head you know holocaust has a german translation ...burnt offering....and wasn't the third into the occult taking almost all advice from ladies of the vril burnt offering to who ....and if morning star could eliminate the jews he would make GODS prophecy to rebuild isreal and the temple a lie....well all that is left is the 50% so far and the temple material is being gathered so more like 85% now ...this is why the world hates jews they have a dark seeded desire to kill jews off to make GOD liar...this is why the world is prepping to destroy the US and then isreal but when the dark dunce tricked adam and eve into the fall then ran to GOD to tattle on them....GOD already had plan b in process this one begat that one so on and so on till jesus as you know him (even though not his name ) came to buy you yes you a ticket to the rich man buying out your debt and giving you trusted position in his estate ......your mad your hurt I get it you feel abandoned ...its ok ...your forgiven anytime you want ...freewill ...if you want to see the best after graduation party ever your ticket was expertly nailed to a wooden cross by a carpenter from some middle eastern town .......

0 points

well since this question is offered by a rep of the morning star then I guess I will field it as the rep of the ALL consuming fire ....any Satanists out there ever heard of the conversation between GOD and morning star was classic if you ever wondered about his sets of wings ....enough on that I like to lead with it is very obvious that there are some seriously angry people out there used to dealing with weak malnourished Christians ...well im here now to field any questions on there behalf this is not a English comp class there is no need to critique my spelling im sorry I never got a very good word spelling takes me a long time to even do this ...does anyone speak math....I wish I was a better writer but my brain out moves my brain and my fingers ....SO LETS GET STARTED....people always want to know why this and why that but who do they turn to ...cause most almost all Christians actively worship baal and don't even know it so I would not listen to is the real deal GOD created two sets of man one he made in his image the other he formed by hand from the dust of this earth he breathed into his nostrils the breath of real life and this breath made us a living soul....and everything was perfect...until they ate of the tree of knowledge ...notice here a very important thing satan worshippers....the tree of life was not off limits yet..... just the tree of knowledge... and witch tree do you think the illuminater of man lol had eve eat ....that's right not life but death ....knowledge is what killed them ....I have a lot of really cool science and math to back all this up if needed me I have a lot .....but when GOD came to talk with them they hid and said they were naked and GOD had to clothe them so he slew an animal to use its skins ....see something had to die to cover the sin...and if anyone says naked isn't a sin put me near a naked woman and trust me im sinning big time this is the birth of animal sacrifice to cover sin we have cain he killed able and the cells in ables blood cried out to god....this is were human blood was intro into sin ....sin caused its first murder ....GOD was merciful...sealed his number in his forehead and protected him from the OTHER SET OF MAN then genetic manipulation began...this is the "gods " of old ...because archon saw women naked bathing and made a packet to mate with them so to share the fall from GODS court and it was not met well by GOD...these are the archon and they bread a new genetic creation a grafting of DNA ...creating giants and all the greek and Egyptian gods of old ...and yes the archon came here from another dimension they are fallen sons of GOD not aliens and yes they have amazing tech and skills to us they would appear to be GOD like but then again you haven't seen micheal or raphial or until you see them guys yes the archon seem amazing ...seem... now then.... this rush to war on GOD had a new face other than satan his name is nimrod....he built a temple to siege heaven know what wow this is going to take years how about just ask me specific question and ill answer the real sorry but I got decades of material in my head so this is getting to take me to long im a two finger typer and a poop speller so I have to retype and retype to make right so please just ask and forgive me if I take a while to get to you but I have all you need to hear and it aint what the "church" is teaching ....these goofy jerks are actively worshipping nimrod as the church we wont believe them....they don't even know YESHUAS name when I say YESHUA I mean "JESUS" so give me a chance to show you the real GOD using math science and the world around us ....thank you