
Debate Info

Debate Score:73
Total Votes:77
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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Why is this good but this isn't?


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Neither is good. As per usual your argument is built upon your own deliberately false premise.

You need a girlfriend bro. Have you tried

5 points

Have you tried

I met a guy on here named Rusticus who hates Jews and loves Jew haters. Isn't that neat...

You need a girlfriend bro.

Are you arrogantly assuming my sexual orientation? I prefer to identify as oppressed. Don't culturally appropriate from my chosen ethnic and orientation groups.

Rusticus(809) Disputed
2 points

I met a guy on here named Rusticus who hates Jews and loves Jew haters. Isn't that neat...

Not that it really needs to be pointed out because it's a well known fact, but you sir are a lying scumbag.

1 point

I met a guy on here named Rusticus who hates Jews and loves Jew haters.

This speech is illegal according to American law.

In Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. (1974), the Supreme Court decided that there is "no constitutional value in false statements of fact"

1 point

Are you arrogantly assuming my sexual orientation?

If you want to describe making a simple mathematical deduction based on the 98 percent probability that you are straight "arrogant" then sure.

Do you find that girls find you difficult to put up with on account of you talking so much nonsense?

2 points

Neither is good.

Both are good. I don't see a problem with patriotism. Why do you think neither is good?

1 point

Neither is good. Again, you're making assumptions based on no evidence.

1 point

Hello bront:

Looks like Mexicans love their country as much as you do yours.. Why is YOUR love good, and THEIRS bad??? Oh, that's right... Mexicans are MS-13, and Americans are squeaky clean..

