
Debate Info

Because not sure
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:18
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 Because (3)
 not sure (6)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28599) pic


Side Score: 6

not sure

Side Score: 9
2 points

All of you guys are anti- liberalism, huh?

Side: Because
1 point

I think it depends on the state, not if they're liberals.

Side: Because
StiflersMom(9) Disputed
4 points

Liberals are poor because they can't get a job or don't want to get a job. That's why all the atheists and liberals are on welfare.

Side: not sure
negligent(202) Disputed
1 point

Where's your proof that ALL atheists and liberals are on welfare? Because I'm not.

Side: Because
DBCooper(2194) Clarified
3 points

What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected

a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Side: Because
StiflersMom(9) Disputed
1 point

Yes... but the KKK with less members nationally than little hillbilly towns.

Side: not sure
1 point

I think it is probably because liberal policies have destroyed the economic infrastructure of areas where minorities are located, because the left is racist.

Side: not sure
1 point

Hello bront:

As we discussed yesterday, it ISN'T.. Seattle has the nations fastest rising home prices... That doesn't happen unless your town is BOOMING.. 2017/04/25/seattle-has-the-nations-fastest-rising-home.html

By the way, MY link works.. Yours doesn't..


Side: not sure
1 point

Here's the latest unemployment by state, Sunshine. You'll notice a thorough blending of red and blue states throughout the list.

Side: not sure