
Debate Info

Sure, I will try it! No way!
Debate Score:50
Total Votes:52
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 Sure, I will try it! (21)
 No way! (23)

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addltd(5125) pic

Would you go to Mars...If it meant never returning to Earth?

(CNN) -- Step right up and prove why you should get a one-way ticket to Mars! Well, wait -- you might want to know a little more about the venture first.

A Dutch company called Mars One began looking Monday for volunteer astronauts to fly to Mars. Departure for the Red Planet is scheduled for 2022, landing seven months later in 2023.

The space travelers will return ... never. They will finish out their lives on Mars, representatives from the nonprofit said.

"It's likely that there will be a crematorium," said CEO Bas Lansdorp. "It's up to the people on Mars to decide what to do with their dead."

Still, the company said it has received more than 10,000 e-mails from interested would-be spacefarers.

Sure, I will try it!

Side Score: 24

No way!

Side Score: 26

Since there are no handouts in Mars, it is safe to assume that there will be no liberals there. Sign me up ;)

Side: Sure, I will try it!
OmniSinister(2) Clarified
1 point

Well.. There will be no money at all.. That means we have the utmost form of socialism up there:)

Side: Sure, I will try it!
2 points

I would love to go for the sake of humanity and myself.. I believe there is no good future for Humans without space-travel and making other worlds habitable. We need to go out there, i actually did apply for the space mission aswell.

Side: Sure, I will try it!

I'm one of those 10000 who asked for details :D

Side: Sure, I will try it!
1 point

The details are easy, life will be difficult, which means you are just there to try to survive that is why there is 8 years of training.

Side: No way!
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

I would still go for it. :D

Side: Sure, I will try it!
1 point

If it meant governing the first space colony, then yes. I suppose it wouldn't matter whose nation I'm originally the colony of, I will rebel and switch to British allegiance as soon as we were self sustainable.

Side: Sure, I will try it!
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

LOL, that's almost the entire plot to the new "Total Recall" movie

Side: Sure, I will try it!

I don't have a purpose here on Earth, so I'd give it a go if it meant I could serve humanity.

I mean here on Earth I'm just another person, yet if I could go to Mars and send them back information, that could help them maybe disperse our population, or even to grow something there, I'd be all game just for the knowledge that would be gained.

Side: Sure, I will try it!
1 point

If I weren't married and had nothing going for my life, why the hell not? As long as I can bring my guitar.

Side: Sure, I will try it!
1 point

your'd have better luck with a flute or a wood wind instrument. Think about it. A string breaks out on mars... The nearest music store is... well an interplanetary distance away.

Side: Sure, I will try it!

One small step for man, one giant leap for Star Wars :D

Side: Sure, I will try it!
1 point

it would be very interesting and adventurous too to travel

Side: Sure, I will try it!
1 point

Lol, this got me in a really giggly state. Earth a perfect planet we are already adapted too vs. Mars a cold, barren wasteland without a trace of any kind of food. Any volunteers want to go to mars without any hope of ever seeing earth ever again? I wouldn't be surprised if everyone said no. I however would go just so that humans can forever say I was the first man to walk on mars. I'd probably put a gun to my head shortly after.

Plus I have a better Idea. Since I'm not really in it for the money I'll share it with the people here on create debate. Since we know that other planets harbor oceans of water within the perfect distance from a solar source. Why don't we create tiny space probes capable of carrying microbial life across the distance of space armed with a self awareness program that can accurately steer its way to the target planet? Right now our space programs are extremely costly and in no way practical. My idea of the space ship would use Kinetic energy. I've worked on a few possible designs already. The best one I've got can be described as "playing pool in space"

You have a battering ram that is hooked to a spherical space craft via a crescent moon shape (looks a lot like an earth globe) where as this battering ram can be positioned anywhere on the surface of the craft for maximum steering control.

I've found the best way to go is to have the battering ram encased and be in free float. Using a vacuum and compressed gas (most likely air) you can recycle the effect of pushing and pulling giving it an unlimited fuel supply. Of course the biggest challenge I have faced is electric energy which I believe would have to come from solar sources via an extremely sensitive panel or even small nuclear power cells. These will produce the necessary heating (incubation chamber). Another problem I've faced is how to make these microorganisms self sufficient and reliant on either two or more different variants/species because they need food too. Although, who knows maybe it would be easy to create enough food for micro organisms to travel great distances without sacrificing to much.

Side: Sure, I will try it!
1 point

Sure, I'd love to be one of those pioneering colonists entering a free world.


1. Government is a Republic, and we don't answer to any earthly nation as protectorate or colony, like the American Colonies did to Britain.

2. Living there is actually feasible - Gardens, livestock, mining and basic manufacturing are available.

3. Access to the Earth's internet is provided

4. I'm already married before the ship launches, and my wife comes with me.

Side: Sure, I will try it!
3 points

There is no way in all the fictional and nonfictional hells that I would ever volunteer for such a trip.

Side: No way!
1 point

Just stating that this doesn't actually have a reason. To create a good debate, you have to add a why, not just an answer to the question. :D

Side: Sure, I will try it!
lupusFati(790) Disputed
1 point

Pretty sure I answered the question. It asked me if I would go to Mars, and I said "hell no".

Problem solved.

Side: No way!
2 points

Hell no, I think some very valuable knowledge to go by is that NASA put into consideration of colonizing there, and if you look into it, it is actually very damaging and detrimental to your life. In the near future they plan on sending people up to mars, they were discussing whether or not they wanted to send people there for six months or for three days. The reason for this is because six months would probably progress to the scientific goals more significantly than three days, however six months may be a lot more detrimental to people's physical health than three days. One researcher suggested colonizing the planet, however taking into consideration the negative health effects that made NASA hesitant to do a six month visit, coloniation would nearly kill you. Plus even if you could go up there with no negative health effects, sure it would be amazing to explore another planet, but there are practically no resources there, you can't eat as well there as here, live there as well as you can here, and although it would be amazingly exciting, it would also be drastically boring, being a dead red planet. No thanks I prefer to live for the rest of my life, around people, oceans, wildlife, society, with a blue sky, and lush green forests.

Side: No way!
2 points

Yeah my little cousin told me about this and since there are no Martians I gotta say no, I can't make any Alien-Babies :(

Side: No way!

Whoever chooses to do this is probably either a dying cancer patient or an undiagnosed mental illness sufferer.

Side: No way!
2 points

an undiagnosed mental illness sufferer.

SO you signed up?

Side: No way!
Side: No way!
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

Whoever chooses to do this is probably either a dying cancer patient or an undiagnosed mental illness sufferer.

---said by brain dead spammer.

Side: Sure, I will try it!

Surviving on Mars is going to be very difficult considering there will be absolutely zero luxuries such as computers, television, Createdebate, golf, cars and movies.

So, no thanks, I will enjoy life on Earth.

Side: No way!

Yeah man, it's fucking stupid to volunteer for this shit.

Side: No way!

To me, the most interesting aspect of the journey will be the sociology aspect of it - how will people act when they know that they are completely divorced from any chance of society, of any rules other than what they themselves do? Especially considering that only a certain type of person would apply for such an 'opportunity', could make for some very interesting headlines.

Side: No way!
1 point

Too cold... I prefer Venus.

Side: No way!
1 point

Don't you prefer Uranus?

Side: No way!
1 point

I would rather stay on Earth. Visiting mars is one thing, but living there is something else. I Would want to come back soon, and the trip would be to long anyway.

Side: No way!

Mars is hell after it froze over. No life, no nature, just a radioactive waste land.

Side: No way!
0 points

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Side: No way!
0 points

Triple post: please ignore.....................................................................................................................................................

Side: No way!