
Debate Info

A is me B is gud 2
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:17
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 A is me (4)
 B is gud 2 (1)

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excon(18262) pic

You know you're a Trump supporter if


A:  Your two remaining teeth can’t help you properly pronounce “Climate Science”.....your red MAGA cap hangs on a special peg near your bed, next to your assault and your children have Family Night sitting around the TV watching Hannity.....there is a confederate flag in the rear window of your actually believe Trump is joking when he backtracks to say he “was only joking”.  

B:  You're from Bumfuk


A is me

Side Score: 11

B is gud 2

Side Score: 3

For every Liberal fool to keep wondering why we voted for Trump....

More Border walls.... CHECK!

Constitutionalist Supreme court nominees... CHECK!

Tax cuts for the working middle class... CHECK!

Ending tax payer Federal funding to Planned Parenthood's abortion trade... CHECK!

Nato Nation's paying more of their fair share of military spending... CHECK!

Mexico helping us stop illegal immigration... CHECK!

Destroying ISIS strongholds... CHECK!

Strong GDP growth... CHECK!

Wage gains for American workers... CHECK!

Low unemployment for Blacks and minorities... CHECK!

Getting the NFL to stop American haters from taking a knee during National Anthems.... CHECK!

Trump is a work horse and the Left truly hates him for it. He is showing the world what a strong Conservative leader can get done when not in bed with the rich Government powers to be.

He took on Fake news, and is showing the world how fake they truly are. The Left is truly intolerant and hateful towards him, while totally ignoring all the wonderful things he is accomplishing for our great nation.

Trump proved what one man can do when not not in bed with a corrupt Big Brother Government. It's nice having a businessmen, instead of a career politician, who knows how to get things done!

Now the fools on this site will try to take us back to corrupt Liberal Socialist Politicians who will always tell us one thing, and then do another.

Side: A is me

Ditto. Add:

Kicked political correctness to the curb.... Check.!

Putting America first as a president should... Check!

Finally taking on China and others for trade violations... Check!

Deregulation... Check!

Side: A is me
3 points

Thanks for those other reasons why we voted for Trump. The same reason we and many others will vote for him again.

Side: A is me
1 point

SUPER STUPID did you type this ?

Your two remaining teeth can’t help you properly pronounce “Climate Science”.....your red MAGA cap hangs on a special peg near your bed, next to your assault and your children have Family Night sitting around the TV watching Hannity.....there is a confederate flag in the rear window of your actually believe Trump is joking when he backtracks to say he “was only joking”.

CLIMATE CHAOS is a joke , Don't be scared of a black rifle you LEFTIST like NIGGERS,

How would a LEFTIST FOOL like you know what FAMILY NIGHT is , Did you know that CONFEDERATE FLAGS are in LEFTIST trucks , Did you actually know that your PET NIGGER OBAMA was a LIAR !!!!!!!!!

Side: A is me

You know you're a Trump supporter if watch leftists burn down their own cities and trash other leftists' businesses, and think they are idiots and ass clowns?

Side: B is gud 2