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RSS Veronica

Reward Points:53
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

That's hilarious!!! And It is what that guy is saying. Right on KINDA~! V

1 point

I agree completely. Unless the guy has a uni brow, they dont need to pluck their eyebrows. ~! V

2 points

In my personal opinion, you can tell when a guy is gay without knowing his usual rituals for getting ready to go somewhere. If a guy is you know "finally got it right" is going out on a date (with a female), then there is nothing wrong with him taking alittle extra time to get ready. A guy is gay when skinny jeans two sizes too small and v-neck t-shirts that are two sizes too small come into play. It is sick to look at. I was at college the other day, I work there, and this guy walked into the library with that out fit on and earings. When he talked, he was gay faggot and everyone could tell. It was gross. ~! V

0 points

I watched it, it was funny, but I cannot stand her. She has all those fans and she is ruining their lives. She says she wants to age up... then she needs to mature and realize where her duties are... all those 6-15 year old girls who are going to end up like sluts if she doesn't "grow up"~! V

1 point

No, either I will get it or I won't. I am washing my hands, staying away from sick people, and I have purell in my purse. But I am not scared, I am not afraid to die, and I am not going to ruin my life over one little thing. ~! V

-3 points
0 points

Do you know how many people won't do it because it is illegal? Alot more than you think!!! Just because you and your whore friends get jacked all the time and it is illegal doesn't mean that you still should not do it. ~!

-1 points

So, we know where you stand on this whole thing. If it was your son shoving his dick into some girls vagina or your daughter vagina getting a dick shoved into it, you would be totally cool with it... when he or she was 14. What about if they were 16? You tell me~! V

-1 points

The kind who knows that kidds that are 14 years old should not be having sex. A girl having a guy's dick shoved into her vagina is some kind of stress to her body that NO 14, 15, 16, or even 17 year old should experience. And you know he isn't going to be gentle. He doesn't know the difference from her screaming 'yes, yes, more more' and her going 'no no stop'. Cuz they are KIDDS!!! They don't have the self control. That is why you are not allowed to leave your parents until you are 18. ~! V

2 points

Kinda, you must be a homo. I don't really know or care. What I do know is that sex between minors, protected or unprotected should be illegal. ~! V

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Winning Position: non-Socialistic
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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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