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NomLovesMarx's Debates: [clear]

All Debates You are browsing through all debates. You can refine the results by using the drop-down boxes above. You can view more information about each debate by clicking Show Details at right.

Winning Position: The only person, place, or thing, you need to ask permission to think 4 yourself
Winning Position: Why was it only okay for Barack Obama, current President Biden, but not Trump
Winning Position: Yes.
Winning Position: No.
Winning Position: Nom banned me for the third time, for standing up to, his lies.
Winning Position: Now accepting application for the Naiont Of TapDancingClowns.
Winning Position: What do you think of this double standard?
Winning Position: Leftist hypocrisy re Capital Holl vs Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Winning Position: This is the second time Nom banned me, for disagreeing, with him. He is a hypocrite.
Winning Position: I condemn the violence against the Capital, but let's be real.
Winning Position: The United Nations, versus the Bible.
Winning Position: Nom banned me for disagreeing re the def of race discrimination.
Winning Position: Why did God become Man? John 1:14 Dr. Andy Woods
Winning Position: I call him Mr. Nombastic, not Clearly Fantastic!
Winning Position: Yes.
Winning Position: Acts 17:26!
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]