
Cynical's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cynical's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Holy shit. This guy's a more extreme version of Srom, isn't he?

Cynical(1948) Clarified
1 point

...He's saying, in the limited perspective of us humans, time has always existed, not the universe.

EDIT: Nevermind, it does seem like he's talking about the universe. But yeah, still not a contradiction.

1 point

Murder is, "the killing of another human being without justification or valid excuse..."

There is justification for abortion, no matter how trite you may think of it. People don't do it for the fun of it.

"...and it is especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought."

It's neither unlawful, nor done with malice.

And regardless of all that, a women's right to abortion is protected by Roe v Wade, as long as is it's not done within the third trimester.

2 points

My point is, the religion is only violent if you go to it with violent thoughts.


That's not because they're Islamic

They'd disagree with you.

1 point

You want to ban freedom of choice?

Cynical(1948) Clarified
2 points

It does. but when anyone brings up examples of Islam having loads of bad ideas or their adherents doing fucking disgusting things (such as ISIS seemingly trying to continually one up themselves on how big a piece a shit one organization can be), the general Muslim population comes out to say how those aren't true to the religion. Even though, a large percentage of Muslims believe in really stupid shit. I'm just wondering if the world would be a better place if it didn't exist, at all.

2 points

Islam. It's getting harder and harder to say, "Not all Muslims are bad; go after the Islamic fundamentalists and assholes that are under that banner." Just recently, two guys tried to stone a couple of transgender girls. No matter what you may think of those whole transgender issue, no one deserves that.

1 point

Probably not. It adds an unnecessary stigma, and that's the last thing those people need.

1 point

Good one.

2 points


1 point


Best Comic book movie is Guardians, without a doubt.

1 point

It's an e-sport. I thought everyone already knew that. Even if you're not a gamer, the competitions are huge.

3 points

I was lurking the past few days, wondering when this was going to get posted. Irrelevant, I know, but anyone have the backstory on Andy's avatar change?

9 points

The Lightning Thief insists its contents are true on the very first page, and yet, it's clearly a work a fiction. The same principle applies. Why don't you give actual evidence as to why homosexuality is a choice, instead using an old, and irrelevant book.

3 points

In fact, how about this Srom: For every book you read with an atheistic perspective, I will read a book with a Christian perspective (I will even allow you to suggest them). If you don't know where to start, I can give you a ton of books in PDF form.

3 points

I also felt like I shouldn't be reading theses books anyway.

For fuck's sake, Srom; a requirement of being well informed is to read both of the opposing sides in any issue or problem (it doesn't even pertain to just religion); any issue, abortion, gay marriage, affirmative action. The whole point, at least if you want to debate it, is to be well versed on not only the side you support, but also the side you oppose, so you can understand WHY people oppose whatever issue you want to argue.

It's not just an elective option; it's a fucking prerequisite to debating. DO IT, SROM!!!

2 points

Are you so insecure of your religion that you can't bear to read anything that doesn't affirm it? If not, the Skeptics Annotated Bible is a good place to start.

3 points

If you think that homosexuality is wrong (and you do admit to hating it as you labeled it a sin), then you're a homophobe, and there's no way your going to get away from that.

5 points

Except that marriage is no longer an inherently religious practice. Even the definition you gave, recognizes marriage is purely legal.

11 points

The point is that the definition of marriage is outdated and needs to be changed to accomadate for other sexual orientations.

1 point

You don't need to be taught ethics, mate. Believe me, the Bible is laughable when compared to other philosophical texts, especially those regarding ethics.

1 point

I don't think most Christians hate science; but most don't trust it, and even less of those, believe it.

1 point


1 point

Why does everyone think all new troll accounts are Prodigee? Seriously, Prodigee is amusing, whoever this is is not.

2 points

Nope he never actually made the lightbulb. He stole and adapated it from 22 others who have created it prior to Edison.

1 point

Hmm, perhaps not the current present, but it is exceptionally unlikely that by erasing Darwin from existence, you'd similarly wipe out the modern evolution concept from both ever existing or ever being created. Besides, there's far worse people to wipe from existence... Like Edison!

5 points

Oh, Srom, you so silly sometimes. The foundations of evolutionary ideas were pre-Socrates era Greek philosophers, so yeah, I don't think wiping Darwin from existence would prevent the modern idea of evolution from existing; it would likely just be attributed to someone else.

1 point

Thomas Edison. Needless to say, he was an asshole, and also a thief.

1 point

One of the worst and most biased youtube video of all time doesn't prove me wrong, mate. Try again. Also, even if this was presumed correct, you have not discredited the other four games I listed.

3 points

Anyone who thinks any Call of Duty is the best videogame of all time is mentally retarded. My top 5 in no real order: Skyrim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Mass Effect 2

1 point


1 point

You know lolzors, sometimes you're not as stupid as I'd believe you are. Provided the religious classes are voluntary, I'd have no problem with them being included in schools.

1 point

You're getting dangerously close to being the second person I've dropped the banhammer on. Seriously, I mostly just made this for confirmation/so Andy knows, not shitty theories.

1 point

...Except that League of Legends was created before Dota 2, haha. Still though, I do think Dota 2 is better.

1 point


1 point

1) Objective morality doesn't exist, at all, anyway.

2) Bollocks.

4 points

Actually, it's more like you can't stand that people argue against your opinions, even through that's really the unifying reason for this site's existence.

2 points

Hey! It's not the government's job to stop the average Joe from wanking off.

(Yes, this is sarcasm, but that's because your arguments are retarded.)

1 point

God designed us to be attracted to the opposite gender not the same. The reason why they are attracted to the same gender is because God gave them over to what they were in to as what's said in Romans 1.

Then this would mean virtually ever other orientation is considered immortal by Christianity; asexuality, sapiosexuality, pansexuality, demisexuality, etc. Again, I don't care about bible verses.

I don't get your question.

Yeah, figures.

3 points

I don't give a shit about bible verses, dude.

4 points

Using "free will" as an argument is irrelevant, since both homosexuality and heterosexuality aren't things you can consciously choose.

Prove homosexuality is unnatural.

4 points

How is it unnatural for someone to have sexual attraction to the same gender? It's no more unnatural than heterosexuality is.

Besides, if God is meant to be infalliable, then how is it possible to have a deviation from his blueprint of how homo sapiens are "meant to be?"

1 point

Overall, yeah, although my persona on the internet is an exaggeration of my actual personality.

1 point

I'm asexual, you twat. You act as if your so goddamn above everything, but your not, not really. So fuck off.

1 point

You're such a fucking asshole.

2 points

Yeah, who cares? Kids probably don't even know where to go to find porn on the internet. And if they do, then restricting access on the internet won't do anything; they'll just find somewhere else to get they're fix.

1 point

Where's the option that states the internet should be completely uncensored and unregulated. I choose that one.

2 points

So, then you agree that, really, all your opinions are just a collective of those that your religion favors. You're sheeple, Srom. Thinking for yourself is about the best thing you can possibly do, and you refuse. I don't get you... I genuinely don't. You're encased in a sheltered bubble caused by your religion, and you seem to fucking enjoy it. All the things that you place a stigma on - drugs, alcohol, profanity, is solely because the religion you adhere to does as well. Break the bubble...

1 point

Humanism is not a religion, it's a philosophy. Wait... Whoops, haha, I thought the bold were your main points, not quotes. Disregard.

2 points

So, you agree you're being a selfish asshole in this scenario, right?

They're just suggestions, mate. GOOD suggestions, mind you. But, ultimately you are the one who'll choose whether or not to heed them.

2 points

No, you'd fail your children on not giving them the opportunity to think for themselves and discouraging beliefs that are different from yours for no reason.

...I'm going to feel sorry for your children...

1 point

Ok, but would you accept their decision? Would it cause you to, say, think of them any less? Would you prefer your Christian child to your atheist one?

"Praying" for them is probably one of the worst things you could possibly do, especially if the kid discovers you're doing it, since I'd imagine the content of said prayer is to attempt to pray to your deity to try and get said kid back into Christianity. They don't want prayer; they'd want your respect, love, and acknowledgement that, even though their decision conflicts you yours, you'd accept it.

1 point

God's law overrules that of the human laws.

Lol, trying saying that to the police, and they'll laugh in your face.

Scenario: If one of you kids came to you and decided that they were an atheist, what would you feel/do? And don't try to bullshit this question.

1 point

Bullshit, your parents clearly coerced you in some way. Actually, guess what? You can't raise your kids ANY way you want, because, you see, there l's this little thing called the law. Teaching them basic morality is fine, but teaching them to defend Christianity is going to FUCKING push them towards Christianity, shithead.

2 points

...There's nothing wrong with swearing. Besides, if your kid does IN FRONT of his friends, he's probably just trying to fucking impress them. Oh, and Srom, if/when you ever have kids, PLEASE don't force Christianity on them like your parents did to you. I'm not saying to stop them Christians (and god knows you'd never do, anyway), but, bloody hell, let them find out about religion and atheism at their own pace, and LET them choose. That will make you a better parent than forcing a religion onto them.

1 point

Has that been confirmed?

Geez, next thing your gonna tell me is Saurbaby was a dude, all along...

1 point

A disney princess? Pfft I wish. You dont gotta hate if you dont live the life I do. Then again this is the internet so I can say whatever. I guess you have a point there.

I stay on my high horse. At least I can afford one. Or many by that matter. You are the low class. I'm the fabu high class. You are not worth my time.

Money has to do with everything. I am who I am because of my family and my wealth.

Huh... actually... she does seem like a snobby jerkass. I mean I knew she was well-off, but what's with the flaunting...

What the fuck happened?

2 points

Anyone else getting a Claire vs Bender vibe from this conversation. No, just me? Huh, guess that's because I just watched The Breakfast Club, yesterday...

1 point

The Red Scare; we imprisoned and killed our own citizens because of paranoia and fear.

1 point

What are you biggest priorities for future updates/features?

1 point

So, pantheism, basically?

1 point

Yeah, I knew you were an agnostic. What, exactly, happened?

5 points

What the hell? When did you become theist?

1 point


1 point


The similarities between the English Bill of Rights and the American Constitution, I believe. They're not the same, obviously, but eh.

1 point

It doesn't matter if God actually made such a request or not. The fact is, you've admitted twice you'd heed it if such a issue was placed, which, is awful. I could care less if you change religion, Srom; just stop acting like Christianity is infallible, because it's not.

4 points

Srom has said before he'd kill if God commanded. Same will lolzors; although, I think lolzors is worse considering he's arguments are just completely insane. With Srom, you can tell, there's just a lot of naivety there, or at indoctrination. Maybe, sometime in the future, he'll critically self-reflect on his religion; I can't ever see lolzors doing that.

1 point

Dude, you don't even know. Axmeister is like the most nationalistic guy here (though he doesn't get on often, anymore). But he has started to tone it down, which is nice.

2 points

Good sir, Doctor Who has always been amazing.

Same with Sherlock; it's a fantastic show, and Cumberbatch is great playing as Holmes.

1 point

Mermaids are also known as sirens.

This is not true, at all. The two are associated with each other because they're similar, but they're definitely not the same entity.

2 points

I'm pretty sure by Theatre, TheEccentric means plays and the like, not movie theatres.

2 points

Good TV shows:

Adventure Time

Regular Show

The X-Files

Doctor Who

Attack on Titan

Breaking Bad

Game of Thrones



The Walking Dead

Robot Chicken

1 point

Yeah, it's just a marketing stunt. Not that bad, honestly.

1 point

he is only the same age as me (14) so hopefully he will grow out of it.

Age isn't an excuse for ignorance.

1 point

Well, Mars One is expected to establish a colony there in 2023 or 2024. Obviously, I won't be one of the few in the initial colonization plans, but hopefully, after a few decades (if/when they have everything sorted out), they'll set-up open requests, to which then, I'll definitely try to join.

0 points

Mao Zedong; has a higher estimated body count than Hitler and Stalin combined.

1 point

Would you violate your own moral standards if there were laws contradicting them?

1 point

Jesus Christ was a white man

Lawl no. He'd be Middle-Eastern, assuming he actually existed.

Yeah... this guy's a moron. Best to ignore him.

2 points

Writer's Cafe is bloody dead; like 3 people go on there regularly. Put it on some other site, if you actually want opinions.

1 point

Not even close. He may be a good debater, but he's nowhere near the best.

1 point

Superman, Spiderman, Batman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder woman

1 point

Aquaman is the worst superhero ever.

1 point

The Holy Trinity of literature:


Brave New World

Animal Farm

1 point


1 point

I don't think anyone could be worse than Dana...

2 points

It's only a matter of time before you revert back to an inane shouting fest to everyone who disagrees with you.

1 point

And I'm pretty sure that every other Christian will say that they would do the same: if God told them to kill, then they would kill.

Except I know for a fact that he wouldn't, considering he has a rational mind, unlike you.

1 point

Every non-Christian thinks that Christians are insane. Its nature.

Actually, this is untrue. I don't think all Christians are insane, just you (and maybe Srom, since he advocates that murder, when herald by God, is perfectly acceptable). I personally know an online personality that I'm very much close to (and have the utmost respect for), and guess what, he's Christian.

1 point

That you're insane, derp. Also, add to the list a complete lack of understanding the English language.

1 point

You're obviously completely insane. The fact that you don't know this/deny it pretty much confirms it, 100%.

1 point

You should be enrolled into a mental institution.

3 points

Have you read the Bible? It is all about love and peace.

If you read the Old testament, you'll find this is very much untrue.

1 point


1 point

Using "God's will" to justify murder is complete and utter bollocks. pakietus is right; by doing so, you're no better than Islamic extremists, only with a differing religion, one that's just as fanatical and insane.

1 point

Five-man band

The Hero: Batman

The Lancer: Nightwing

The Smart Guy: Spiderman

The Big Guy: Superman

The Chick: No idea who this would be, actually.

(Tropes taken from TvTropes.)

2 points

Actually, most of their recent consoles are pretty terrible (coughWii and Wii Ucough). And they're practically founders of getting motion controls popular (and motion gaming is just straight up terrible). Now, Nintendo's games are another thing entirely, as they hold claim to several awesome franchises, but I don't dispute that, though

tl;dr: Recent Nintendo consoles suck

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