
NikkiHill11's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of NikkiHill11's arguments, looking across every debate.

I don't care that Tim Donaghy got caught betting on games and therefore has pretty much ruined his credibility...I believe him and completely agree that the NBA fixes games. Why do you think the Celtics lost last night? Obviously, the longer the series goes on the more money everyone makes. Plus, a referee can control points scored more easily than the end result of a game without getting caught....makes it pretty easy to decide on a winner before the game even begins.

4 points

My sister and I were both spanked as children, however I can only recall this actually happening a few times. Because it absolutely works as punishment. A slap on the butt while being sent to your room or bare bottom on the bed if you were really bad. I learned my lesson in second grade and I don't think I ever misbehaved again...that is until high school and grounding worked pretty well after that. I will most certainly use spanking as a punishment tool. My sister and I are both successful, healthy, normal women that have terrific relationships with our parents, friends and loved ones. As long as the limits aren't pushed I see nothing wrong with a spanking.

-3 points
2 points

Yes. It's almost like "how can I reword the same question over and over"?

3 points

OMG! I love whoever started this argument...amazing.

3 points

The reason people follow sports so passionately is because we thrive on competition. It's fun to have a favorite sports team: root for them, hate the competition and talk lots of crap. This has been going on since the beginning of man in some form or another.

The show Big Brother on CBS. It's called google...use it.

Please elaborate as to how it can be gay?

2 points

oh I missed this. Yeah Billy! This is the Pillor I'm going to marry ;)

3 points

I can't believe no one said Reggae. It is the best feel-good music ever and no one ever complains when it's played. And I say that as an avid country music listener and blogger.

I use twitter but often forget about it because I'm too busy updating my Gchat status or my facebook status....and twitter is basically the same thing. However, you can add twitter to your buddy list and it pings you friends' updates or you can add the application twitteroo. I think it will eventually catch on, as it's fun to eff with your friends over it....but right now I think it's mostly for techie nerds like me.

4 points

Have you met my sister? One of the funniest chicks I know. Also, have you ever watched Last Comic Standing? There are plenty of funny women on that show. Effing sexist.

HAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for the chuckle guys. I have to agree on ass....titties can look completely different once clothing is removed. Although, cottage cheese ass is easy to hide too.

4 points

I think Mixx is better than both. Here's my profile:

3 points

Well, I am a woman so I get maternity leave (if that ever happens), however at AOL they give 2 weeks paternity leave. My old manager is currently out with his new baby as I speak(type?). I think men should take advantage if it's offered. Having a newborn must be a challenge and I think if I just gave birth I would like to have someone around to help with the kiddo.

0 points

Hail to the Redskins, Hail victory

Braves on the warpath, FIGHT for ole DC!

Run and pass and score we want a lot more.

Beat em, swamp em, touchdown let the points soar.

Fight on, fight on til you have won.



3 points

I am going to buy a bike and start biking to work again. I did this last spring/summer but I am in the market for a new bike that isn't quite so heavy. Can't wait!

0 points

If I want to chat with someone online I have them on my Gchat or my AIM buddy list or I will message them via Facebook. I don't want some old "friend" from elementary school chatting me and asking about my life.

3 points

If everyone smoked the world would be a much chiller place :)

2 points

The debate is Skinny vs Curvy...not Fat. Some people just aren't meant to be naturally skinny, no matter how many sports they play, how healthy they eat or how much they work out.

0 points
hahah I guess no one watches BB9
5 points
Did you watch the Superbowl? No way that ever could have been rigged.
0 points
Sushi...think of all the different types of rolls. YUM!
4 points
"Long you live and high you fly...And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry...And all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be."-Pink Floyd
3 points
As long as you are getting them for yourself and no one else. It can help your self esteem. Plus, after I've breast fed a few kids I would rather have fakies than saggies.
2 points
McNabb is done-zo. Eagles suck.
2 points
I do love Atlantis, however there are too many kids running around. I would prefer a more relaxing, private beach than Atlantis. My favorite was probably the Ritz Carlton on St. Thomas. Beautiful.
Gotta go with Vail. The pow pow is gnarley out there.
-1 points
I totally 100 % agree.
2 points
Dr. Phil is a fraud.
Yeah stay on the west coast.....traitor.
hahahha your response is hilarious. Ever heard the expression "Deny 'til you die"?
4 points
Tickets to the Nats opening game in the new stadium. Kori we need to get on this ASAP!!!
3 points
As a sane, young, single woman I take offense to your stereotypical view of cat owners. I love puppies and kittens equally and am the happy owner of both. Each bring different personalities and joy to my life. I have had my cat since I turned 10 years old...he will be 16 in May. He has never hindered my ability to date or changed my state of mental health. Have you owned a cat before? If not you are quick to judge.
0 points
Biggie and Tupac both surpass those two.
3 points
V to the iz A :)
I'm too busy catching up with my Tivo at 10pm to even begin to worry about tomorrow. Procrastination is my life.
-1 points
This is a really hard question b/c I love so many movies for so many different reasons. But I think I am going to have to go with Top Gun. (for now)
2 points
Actually I would say neither. We got a great deal on our Visio at Costco.
-1 points
East Coast baby baby!
0 points
Definitely! He's a great player and I think being on the Redskins will actually tone down his attitude. The Skins don't need drama to attract fans...they have the best in the NFL already!
-1 points
Great minds my sistah.
5 points
Yes...because of this video.
Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you.
0 points
Whoa Debbie Downer.
Hells yah. Points for you.
Just because you're a virgin James, doesn't mean we can't all enjoy some kissy noises now and then.
-1 points
I seem to remember Rollins College being ranked as #3 in Playboy my Junior year :)
Supporting Evidence: Rollins College Country Club (
0 points and are my two absolute favorites.
0 points
Best place to get SILLLLAYYYY: Do me (Dewey) Beach
0 points
Excuse least they don't call people the C word!!!
"All celebrities should take a big step back and look at what fame can do to someone." There are plenty of sane celebrities. I think it's how you choose to handle yourself and your surroundings. Britney can easily leave LA and hide out from the paparazzi. That being said, it's our society that reinforces the frenzy by buying magazines and reading blogs...but everyone needs to adapt to changing times.
4 points
I continually go back and forth on this issue weighing the pros and cons. Sometimes I feel as though it should be illegal because if you are responsible enough to be having sexual intercourse you should assume responsibility for a child. However, I agree with the above poster on unsafe conditions for those that will ultimately seek out an abortion whether it is legal or not. There are plenty of irresponsible people having sex and having children. I think abortion should be legal and safe sex practices should be enhanced in schools. Abortion should be the last resort.
0 points Should_same_sex_marriage_be_legal
2 points
Yeah no one does like redheads....especially redheads named James.
0 points
Oh....there are too many seasons to keep up with. In that case, yes he should have won.
0 points
Although TMZ paparazzi are stalkers, they are much classier with their subject matter. Perez is an arrogant ahole.
5 points
Just because someone has the means to make an inspiring video and have famous people back him doesn't mean he will make a great president. Catchy ditties don't parallel leadership.
4 points
Meaning I would want to be her, but my fav Harry Potter character is Ron Weasley. He is hilarious.
3 points
This is a hard question, but I think I would have to go with Ginny Weasley. She ends up with Harry after all :)
0 points
AOL...just b/c I work there doesn't mean I'm biased or anything ;)
0 points
Although Chris Daughtry is great, Carrie Underwood is better and deserved to win AI that season. Both were top selling artists in 2007, however Carrie's debut album was certified 7x platinum and is the fastest selling debut country album in Nielsen SoundScan history. 'Some Hearts' sold a total of 7 million Recording Industry Association of America-certified copies as of February 2008, it is now the best-selling solo female debut in country music history ever.
Supporting Evidence: Source (
5 points
Miller Lite....mmmmmmm More taste, less filling.
2 points
James, I had some Tagalongs last night and agree that the peanut butter/chocolate combo is delicious. But I still think Samoas are the best.
Erin Andrews...hands down beats Czarniak.
-1 points
Homosexuality is determined pre-birth. How can you deny two people in love the right to a committed relationship in God's eyes? He created them as such. How would you feel if the one you love was dying in the hospital and you couldn't even see him/her because legally you are not married?
2 points
She's the next Anna Nicole. Overdose waiting to happen.
-1 points
Facebook's photo application is above and beyond any feature on Myspace.
0 points
I agree with Kori however, the Harley rocker chick is pretty damn good. I'm really feeling the Janis Joplin/Bob Seger feel.
3 points
I concur. The mixture of the chewy coconut with caramel and the crunchy cookie covered in chocolate is perfecto!

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