
Will1026's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Will1026's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I'm going to say first that I'm definitely capitalism all the way. Now with that said,a part of me and most other people who choose capitalism is because of the fact that we're used to it. It's basically proven that people tend to always choose what they are the most used to because they fear what they do not understand or have no experienced. From the socialism that we have seen in places like China(And yes I'm aware that China is communist but it basically coincides with socialism) we know how dangerous socialism can be. But how can we be so sure that the same type of socialism would happen in America? As far as we know,our "socialism" might not go any further than losing private property(which admittedly is still pretty bad). I just think it's a good thing to keep an open mind about this situation but as I said,I'm a capitalist 100%. I like having freedom,rights,and liberty. I like making money and buying things for myself rather than making money for people who don't work. But that's just me,everyone has the right to their own opinion.

1 point

Not necessarily,that just makes Halo and GTA more innovative,not better. There are many games they were highly innovative before they were released but when they came out they were a FAIL!!!!!!

1 point

I completely agree with you,I stopped listening to rap after Tupac died as well. Ciara honestly needs help,there are very few singers that I can just bluntly criticize but seriously if you're going to be a singer then make sure you can actually sing

Ciara's audition for American Idol
3 points

The bible has many valid things in it,I mean whether you're a Christian or not you can still admit that the bible has proven to be somewhat prophetic. But there are some things in the bible that make absolutely no sense and no amount of rationalization can be put behind them. The bible condemns some groups of people for being who they naturally are,it convinces people that possession of slaves are ok(as long as you treat them right),and it just says all of these other contradicting things. It's best to not consider the bible a completely reliable source but at the same time,don't blow it off as being totally inaccurate because you're allowing yourself to be just as closed minded as the ones that believe in it 100%

4 points

Of course a ninja would be a pirate in a fight. Ninjas are all like now you see me,now you don't and pirates are all like arg,give me your booty!

1 point

Considering that fact that they are already in pre-war conditions,I'm going to go with more than likely. It's no secret that North and South Korea aren't exactly"allies" of each other and war between the two is always bound to happen. The real question is if and how will this war between the two will affect the U.S.

2 points

Hands down,these are some of the best type of video games there is to date. Throughout the years,war video games have constantly made improvements in graphics and gameplay. It only continues to improve with franchises such as Call of Duty and Ghost Recon. Along with RPG's,this is the genre that I look forward to the most for gaming.

1 point

I respect anyone who does believe in global warming because as of 2 years ago,so did I. But time and enlightenment has changed my opinion on that. I've come to a conclusion that the whole"going green/global warming thing" is just another way for the government to make more money. The government will find any and everyone to rob Americans of their finances until we are literally"broke". They'll raise our taxes,put out new bills,and get us to spend more money all for the better "advancement" for the country.

1 point

New Yorkers should allow the mosque to be built,what really is a good reason to not have it built? There is none,um hello people See: U.S. Constitution freedom of religion. Many people will fire back at me and say "well it isn't morally right and look at what the Muslims did to us on 9/11". To be honest,that is a relatively weak argument because history shows that American has not always had the same allies it has now. Japan,one of America's biggest allies to date used to be one of America's biggest enemies. But what did we learn to do? We learned to make amends with them and move on from the past,perhaps we should try doing the same thing for the Muslims.

1 point

Socialism,it's already starting with America. Whether you like Obama and Bush or not,you have to admit that our economy has become steadfastly worse and worse from Bush's presidency to now. Though Bush did many things to make our economy,he simply laid down the carpet for Obama to finish up the job. Are they aware of what they are doing? Of course they are,it's intentional. You really think that Obama,much less any other president would "coincidently" put arguably the best nation in the world,3 trillion dollars in debt. Of course not,this is all being done on purpose as we make our slow but steady approach towards socialism. Some of our leaders do not care about doing what is "morally" or constitutionally right anymore,they simply care about one thing and that one thing is money. What better way to gain money than through a socialistic government? In truth,there is no better way other than going up to everyone and demanding their money which wouldn't work very well in a country where the constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms. So then Obama must act like he's doing one thing,while in truth,he is doing another. Hidden motives,that seems to be the main way any corrupt leader can accomplish what they want to accomplish. Just look at what is going on in France right now,a fight over socialism. It's sad but true,that is the future of the world. The middle class and the upper class will soon know the horrors of living the life of a poor person. Of course,knowing Obama,he will offer government jobs to those who really need it and in exchange all you'll have to give him is 60% or more of what you make ans you'll most likely pledge your allegiance not to the U.S. Flag,but to him and his czars.

1 point

It's always nice to have ignorant people around,they tend to give me some entertainment from time to time. Plus,why deport them to Antarctica? All they'll do is find some way to make the environment even worse than it already is,they'll probably pollute the atmosphere and cause global warming to get so bad to where all of the ice in Antarctica will melt within the first 6 months of them being there causing the entire Earth to be flooded and we'll all die.

2 points

Although I myself am homosexual,I do not think that it is up to a single person to decide whether it is right or wrong. Everyone has their own opinion and while it may right to one person,it may be wrong to another. I personally don't think it's wrong because for me at least,it's natural. It's something I have always been since I can remember. Now,speaking from a more broad perspective,I do not think that society,as a whole should consider it wrong. That's a pretty big and harsh judgement to place upon a specific group of people. Gay rights and such shouldn't even have to be fought for,these are things that should already exist due to the equality that the U.S. Constitution grants all of us as Americans. Whether you think it is wrong or right should not influence your decision to vote on laws like "gay marriage",what does it matter to you if two people want to get married? It shouldn't matter at all as long as they aren't like trying to force you into a gay marriage. Come on America,it's time to think more like Americans and less like a group of dictators.

1 point

While it is completely understandable why many Americans feel as if having possession of guns is irrational,perhaps those people need to consider the fact that in the United States Constitution(which I remind you is the document that our country was built upon),it states that Americans have the right to bear a firearm(2nd Amendment). This right already restricts inappropriate behavior with guns and states they are to be used in self-defense. Taking this right away from us is the first step in disobeying the constitution,which is also the first step to becoming a socialist society. Not to offend those who are supporters of Obama or anything but these are things that he actually wanted to and attempted to do. About last year,Obama considered writing a Bill that would prohibit the use of guns due to the fact that they play a role in gang violence in America. However,Obama should be informed that the leading cause of death in America is not murder by a lethal weapon,it is cardiovascular disease. In fact,death by a firearm is amongst the lowest leading causes of death. So,in order to keep our country at the somewhat stable democracy that it is now,I suggest we do not attempt to question the United States Constitution.

1 point

Sad as it is to say,he does have a chance of getting re-elected in 2012. There are those that will support Obama no matter what he does,how he does it,and how transparent he's making it. There are people who will always believe that Obama's only doing"what's right for the country",no matter how many crappy Health Care Bills he may write or how many secrets such as oil spills that he may attempt to keep secret for the right amount of money. It was the same thing with Bush,there are those who will continue to believe they Bush was the absolutely worse president in history and there are those that will always view him as being a "racist white republican",says some people that I personally know. Truth is,neither one of them is the absolute worse or best presidents we've ever had. They just made some huge mistakes and irrational decisions. And on a side note,Bush got re-elected after his first term so why wouldn't Obama have a chance of getting re-elected. The sad,but undeniable truth...

1 point

Yes,it is highly arrogant to assume they humans are the pinnacle of evolution. Humans have,for far too long,assumed that they are the absolute best thing that has ever happened to this Earth. Most people are convinced they we,as humans,are the the top of the food chain,the judges of whatever happens in society,and basically the "Gods" of the Earth. It's absolutely ridiculous because most humans seem to not be able to accept the fact that maybe we aren't the pinnacle of evolution and maybe we aren't the most highly intelligent species to ever exist. The problem with humans is that we have this self-centered conceded attitude's because we have for so long adapted to being the "top" or hierarchy of everything. So no,humans are the pinnacle of evolution.

1 point

This argument makes me laugh for the simple fact that not only is it a simplistic and ridiculous argument,it's highly irrational. Ok,I'll give you some credit because I can understand that you may be trying to be sensitive to prisoner's catching STD's and such. But really,prisoners shouldn't be having sex in prison in the first place,and since they want to go ahead and have sex regardless of what the law says or whatever,I say let them do it without penalty. Considering the fact that of them are crabs infested child molesters in the first place,I don't see why one would go so far as to put more money on tax payers just so prisoners can have "safe sex".

2 points

I agree with you to a certain extent. I mean yes,music is definitely contributing to the downfall of society. However,I won't go as far as to say that we need to return to the days of Beethoven. I think that music needs more truly talented people. Not people who go through desperate measures just to get 1 million album sales. The 90's had the most talented artist in history. Michael Jackson and Kurt Cobain are only two of the fantastic artist of the 90's. The main thing our industry needs today is some truly talented artist that have morals.

1 point

Everyone had free will,that should go without saying. However,there are some things,though few,in life that are predestined. These are things such as you meeting a person that eventually ends up becoming your best friend or life partner. Things like that are destiny,at least from my point of view. However,anything else in life definitely revolves around free will and the choices that you choose to make.

1 point

I don't think people have forgotten about current crisis's,they are just so drained. Americans don't want to sit around 24/7 and mope thinking about "all of the problems of the world". People have just come to the realization that they'd rather live their lives as they are without putting more problems on themselves and their minds.

1 point

Yes,they should be allowed to drive at 15. For some people in general,they won't mature dramatically in a period of 1 to 3 years. The legal driving age for most states is 16,but there are many 15 year olds who are much more responsible than 16 year olds.

1 point

I say equality through flexibility because no one should be subject to having to attend a regular classroom in a public school, especially if their culture/religion believes otherwise. It could cause cultural shock and it could severely damage the child's sense of cultural.

1 point

Well I definitely think they should be allowed to adopt. Yes,it's true that a good amount of catholic priest have committed some type of pedophilia,however,we cannot say that all Catholic priest are prone to doing so. Never let a group suffer from an individual's actions.

1 point

As much as religion may aggravate the absolute crap out of me,I don't think it should be banned. Religion actually is one of the things that keep some people sane. As humans,we should have the right to express ourselves in whatever way possible and we should be allowed to believe whatever we want to believe. Freedom and speech and freedom of religion should be allowed everywhere!!!

1 point

The same ones that believe that you should go to hell for being gay and they you should be killed for having sex before marriage do go to hell for eating shrimp. lol However,the sane ones don't go to hell for eating shrimp. The whole point of Christianity being separate from related religions such as Judaism is that Christians are supposed to live by the New testament. Now,eating shrimp..well shellfish in general was an abomination in the old testament along with just about everything else. But the new testament exist so that all of the old abominations become...well not an abomination.

1 point

of course not, Everyone find their true love at different times. Some even tend to find that"right person" as early as 16 years of age and end up staying with that person for as long as 65+ years.

1 point

Well,for the most part,I would say yes. In Christianity and Catholicism,people normally(but not always)look down on other religions. Many of them believe that their religion is absolute and that 100% of the bible is true. Even though I'm a Christian myself,I disagree with the bible being 100% accurate. I also try to keep an open mind towards every religion,this is mainly because I used to be somewhat notorious with jumping around and trying to find the "right" religion for me. From what I experienced with Buddhism,Judaism,and Islamic,I can honestly say that they too have things they were predicted or teachings that end up being accurate and helpful. Just try to remember that no religion is entirely right,and no religion is entirely wrong. Keep an open mind to all religions and what they teach.

4 points

Wow,there isn't much to say here except that this is the absolute true. I'm part black myself and even I know that the whole thing about a black person calling a white person a derogatory name is something that they could get away with. But,needless to say,everything else is in here is as also as true as it can be. There probably was a time when the U.S.A. was a great country,but it is steadily going downhill and Obama is just making things worse.

1 point

Of course homosexual couples should be allowed to adopt children. Would you rather just leave them without a home? I sure hope not!! I believe that as long as the home is stable and the parents aren't abusive and are actually willing to be a true parent to the child then they should be allowed to adopt.

1 point

Yes,of course we should still buy gas from BP. True,they made a minor mistake...well it was actually a major mistake. But how in the hell can we expect them to come up with a liable solution until they have the right amount of money that they need to do so. Think rationally people

1 point

Well first,let me say this: I'm putting my argument on the side for creationism because it is losing by a lot!!! But I honestly thing that both are true. The Big bang theory,funny as it may sound,makes me valid points in it's explanation. I believe that the Big Bang Theory was actually the event that created God,not only the Christian god,but also the God(s) from other religions as well. Then, of course,it's obvious where creationism came in,in all of this.

2 points

Yes Joe,you are right now and you always will be. Similar to me,you just have the gift of being right all of the time haha,;)

2 points

This is honestly a hard for me. But I think I'll have to go with the Xbox 360,I feel like the 360 has a better selection of games. However,Microsoft is slowly pushing me more towards the PS3. Reason being is I hate when companies try to copy other companies and then make it dead obvious that they are doing it. For example,Microsoft's new Kinect is absolutely ridiculous. It's a dead obvious cry for help. They are getting desperate because they see how successful Wii sales are. It's as if Microsoft has no pride,the main reason why the Wii is doing so well anyway is because it's an ORIGINAL IDEA!!!! Microsoft,how about trying to come up with something original rather than copying other companies....fucking losers.

1 point

Of course not! It was said that since Jesus started preaching when he was 12,all of the sins that you commit prior to that age do not count against you. However,this is coming from a person that believes about 1% of the people that believe in a heaven/hell go to it. I think Hell is for the worse of the worse. I believe that those who committed sins that are minor(in society's eyes)are sent to purgatory

4 points

No,I don't think it's bad to lust for a man/woman. It's natural,as humans,we are going to do it. Even if it's a person you eventually end up marrying,you still lusted for them at one time or another. Chances are,you're physically attracted to that person,and that is considered lust,believe it or not. So go on and lust away,just try to avoid doing it too much,then it becomes not so good

1 point

There had been many many MANY terrible hip hop stars. So that I can avoid offending anyone,I won't mention some of the names. Of course,there has also been many good ones. Justin Bieber,however has to be THE WORST HIP HOP STAR OF ALL TIME!!!!!!! If I were to say that he sucks,then that would be an understatement. His voice sounds like a freaking 12 year old black girl. I have never,in my life,heard a noise that is so ear screeching and mind numbing!!!!!

1 point

I love Sonic to death but I can't say I'd pick him. I'm so pro-Nintendo to where I'd choose a Nintendo character over anything. Plus,all Kirby would have to do is copy Sonic's ability and fight fire with fire

1 point

Dude,this is like one of the best websites ever!!! Especially for someone like me who absolutely loves debating. I find myself liking this website a lot more than myspace and facebook.

2 points

I second your opinion. Without religion,this planet would probably be damn near perfect

1 point

Nope,not all guys. Some guys(such as myself) doesn't have a very big attraction to Megan Fox. No,I'm not guy by the way,I just don't find her highly attractive. She's more so along the lines of a 13 year old teenage boy's dream

1 point

I hate to admit it but it's very well possible. The Ipad has many advantage over computers,especially desktop computers. Ipads,for one thing,have wireless connectivity. As we all know,people love to to have wireless devices so they can take then any and everywhere. Another big advantage is that the Ipad is touchscreen,ooo!!! We all know how much we love to be able to touch the screen and see the same effects that can happen with a mouse and a keyboard. I just don't understand why people are so crazy about this ridiculous device. However,I don't think that the Ipad will get ahead of the computer just yet. It still has a few more years ahead of it before that happens. I think that within 4-6 years,the computer will become another ancient artifact,thanks to the the hideous device known as the "Ipad"

1 point

I all ready said how I feel about this,government conspiracy indefinitely. How could this disease just randomly pop up out of nowhere,that just isn't possible. Plus,this happens ironically right after the sexual revolution. That of course makes it the perfect time to start getting rid of people,especially because more pregnancies were starting to occur

2 points

This is one I've been wanting to see for a while now. It'd be absolutely ridiculous to ban guns,why would you even want to do that. So what,people are using them for bad reasons. That comes natural with being human,we have to expect some people to misuse and abuse the things that can be of good use to others. It's just like the debate on whether they should ban rated M video games or not,it's just pitiful. If we're going to ban guns,we might as well bans knives,fireworks,and even computers. Anything CAN be used to hurt people,that doesn't mean that it's always used for negative reasons. If they are going to ban guns,then they might as well just ban everything else that's negatively used...ha good luck with that

1 point

I have a few short things to say about this. They want us to depend on the government so we can all become as I like to say "government Nazi's". They want to pay for students to go to college and in return,you have to slave for them for 10 years. It's complete BS. To make things worse,they want to turn America into a socialist country. God bless America,we're going to need it

1 point

Honestly,I'm at the point to where I want to say damn the democrats and the republicans. The Bush administration all ready did their fair share of damage to the U.S. As I'm sure everyone is very well aware of,Bush was a republican. Now,the Obama administration is in office and further doing the damage that the Bush administration caused. What provokes me is the fact that this new health care bill is the begininng of the destruction of America. I just find it sad that all we can do now is sit back and see what the democrats can do.

1 point

Hitler(and no,I don't like him...I just admire his skills as a military captain)


Alexander the Great


George Washington

1 point

This is hard to make a decision on for me because I believe that if someone believes their is an afterlife,then they're correct and the same goes for those that don't believe in an afterlife. Most people base decisions like this off of religion,and as we very well know,most religions have some type of afterlife. I do believe in an afterlife,although I'm not quite sure which one I believe in. Reason being is I believe in heaven and hell but at the same time I also believe in reincarnation. I've had many friends who have told me that felt like they have lived this life before and I sometimes get proof (arguably) of reincarnation. So,life after death = depends on personal belief

1 point

I don't think overpopulation will happen to our planet any time soon. Assuming that it will happen any time soon,then the government is all ready working on possible solutions to the problem. The main solution they have come up with so far is to place us on alternative planets/moons in the solar system. Needless to say,the main two candidates for this is Earth's moon(Luna) and our friendly neighbor,Mars. However,this won't be happening for at least another 10 years so we'll be fine for now. Plus,in case you guys forgot,their are still gay people whom can't directly reproduce with each other

4 points

Guys are definitely just as confusing as girls,if not more confusing. The only difference is where as most girls tend to show their confusion and emotions more often than guys,guys tend to act like "everything will be all right". Many guys don't like to show their emotions because they view it as a sign of weakness and femininity. I personally don't mind showing my emotions because in then end,it's better for me to talk about how I feel whether than bottling it up and letting it explode in the end

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