
Supremepizza's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Supremepizza's arguments, looking across every debate.

I'm coming straight off the bat and saying it's not a problem at all, or shouldn't be anyway.

First of all, it's just a bad film. Poorly acted, poorly directed, poor cinematography and production values that make The Evil Dead look like Avatar. I think it's more insulting that something as, to be quite frank, shit as this got more air time and recognition than 99.9% of other good indie films that rightfully deserve it.

Anyways, that aside, really all in all it comes down to freedom of speech and people being absolute bloody idiots.

The people burning the American flag and protesting and all that other jazz are about ten million times worse than some wanker that made a really bad and insulting video (something of which thousands of people do every day, by the way).

They have absolutely no right to act as they are, and they're only making complete jackasses out of themselves anyway, I know I for one look down upon them considerably more after this incident.

Let's look at it this way; personally my favorite film of all time is Starship Troopers, and my second is Robocop (both heavy satires, both directed by Paul Verhoeven, for those interested). News came around to me that they were remaking both, I've read the draft script for the Robocop remake and heard news on Starship Troopers remake, both have me quite pissed off. I'm a pretty big movie buff and I've written several Essay's on Paul Verhoeven's work, so this for me is a major blow to and an insult to what I love and base my life around (film).

That may sound really corny and absurd to everyone else, but in the same vein so does Islam to the majority of those that don't follow the religion.

But do I go around with a picture of Neal Moritz and Toby Jaffe (Starship Troopers remake producers) on fire and randomly start beating people up while screaming at the top of my lungs? No, because I'm not a freaking moron.

Also consider this, there are thousands if not millions of videos against Christianity, but (for the most part anyway) do you see Christians bombing buildings and rioting because of it? You certainly don't.

Everyone seems to think that Islam is somehow superior to the rest of us and we need to be all respectful and lovely, and all that other shit to them.

Well I say fuck that, I'm not going to treat them badly, I'm not going to treat them worse, I'm going to treat them in the same way I'd treat anyone else, and that's the way it should be.

Metaphorically? Definitely.

Literally? Absolutely not.

It depends how you view the "soul". Personally I just see it as a metaphorical thing, so in that instance, yes, yes I believe it's real.

Magic is about as real as Harry Potter himself.

That's a "no" for all you people out there that do believe in Harry Potter, thus revoking any right you have to an opinion.

Australia, but you already know that ;)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... ohhhhh, good joke man, good joke ;)

Yeah, because the point of this debate is blatantly obvious...

There is absolutely no evidence of an afterlife at all, your "evidence" is barely plausible in any way, shape, or form.

You're way too fucking impressionable man.

It's quite reminiscent to SupremePizza's image

Yeah, because I rule dude ;)

Am I against something people do on their own free will and have the right to do? No, I am not.

No, everything you mentioned in your debate description is ignorance at its worst.

Well seeing as the Earth isn't a biological creature... you're an idiot.

No, why should they?

Do you please have a link to this? :P

You're kind of... y'know... retarded?

My name rules, I'm keeping it ;)

Parker from the original Red Faction.

I was pretty stunned to see a lot of you guys still on here, I was kind of expecting yous all to move on, I'm very happy that's not the case.

Hit me up with a message if you want to talk (:

I'd fall off the left side 'cause I'm hipster ;)

Yes, in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger; "I'M BACK!" (Expendables 2 reference, geeky, I know) ;)

I'm pretty swell actually, just been taking a bit of time off for various reasons (:

How are you?

I've been a member of this site for quite some time, and a hell of a lot longer than most of you douche bags telling Srom to fuck off.

When I first started on this site I hated Srom. Why? Because he was/is extremely religious and at the time that annoyed the hell out of me. But since then Srom and I have made amends and we've both matured considerably, and while he still incorporates religion into many of his debates, he is much more proficient in giving evidence and creating good arguments for his causes, and that's what this site is all about. I'm not denying the fact that Srom may have multiple accounts, but if he does he shouldn't be banned, the multiple accounts should. Everyone can act like an idiot once in a while, so cut Srom some slack and leave him alone, he's only a kid and he's still learning.

If you're so butthurt about someone with a couple of different accounts that you feel the need to constantly bash him over the internet of all places, you seriously need to take a good hard look at how pathetic your life is. So Mackindale, learn your place and stop trying to be an internet hero.

And Srom, if it's true, stop with the multiple accounts, I have respect for you already, but you'll only gain more from me if you play fairly.

Yeah, me. Duh.

See that Joe is still taking the piss out of absolutely anything and everything ;)

The only 'children' I have are my two Labradors, and I think putting them in dresses could be some kind of animal abuse, so no ;)

You know what's funny? I log onto my account properly for the first time in two months and people are still going on about Srom's multiple accounts. Oh how I love this site :')

There already has been, about three seconds ago actually, when some bloody ass hole decided to throw eggs at my neighbor's house. The chickens are now migrating to Antarctica to escape the brutal slaughter of their kind.

Kidding guys, kidding, don't go all keyboard hero on me, I might cry 'till I die.

The best part about your argument is that you felt the need to comment on mine almost a year after the fact.

I think they're exactly the sane as us, 'cause, y'know... They ARE exactly like heterosexuals, minus the sexual preference of course. Basically they are no better or worse than you or I, if you think otherwise you're a bloody idiot.

Yeah, because his avatar is a Swastika he MUST be a Nazi, right?

Grow up.

Morals are stupid anyway; everyone's are different, and everyone thinks theirs are right.

You die either way.

No, it's your body as soon as you're born.

What you've said is one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard.

supremepizza(846) Clarified
1 point

822 days ago... wow.

People are starting to question things rather than just jump on the bandwagon.

And it's about time.

I believe in myself existing because I exist.

I also believe that typing this is a waste of time.

I also believe that this could be considered trolling.

But what I most certainly do not believe, is that any form of deity exists.

I think you have a fucked up sense of what's morally right and wrong.

U mad?

Do you ever support arguments, or is it just "dispute town" up in this bitch? :P

Seeing as you've kinda irritated me with this P.C bullshit, let me rant for you:

May I ask you who's body it is that I inhabit? In case it wasn't blatantly obvious, let me tell you; my body. Is it the police's body? No. Is it the government's body? No. Is it Michael J. Fox's body? No it most certainly is not.

So what right does the government have, and the police to enforce, to try to stop me doing things with my body? As long as I'm not harming anyone else, why shouldn't I be able to do what I want with my body? AGAIN, it is my body. Want me to repeat it? My body. Mine.

When a child is under the care of their parents it should be just that; under the care of their parents. It shouldn't be the government coming in and parenting the kids for them, and then continuing that on when they turn into adults anyway. Granted, the government should step in if the parents are fucking pedophiles or some shit, but that's a given.

If I want to drink (I can legally anyways, but for this example I'm talking about before I was legal) I'll drink, if I want to hit a bong I will, if I want to take acid or shrooms or some shit, I fucking will.

Not one person on this Earth has the right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body unless what I'm doing is physically hurting someone else.


Why would you feel sorry for me......?

Yep, you're definitely a Republican. That answers it all.

The drinking age is already 18 here in Australia, jealous? ;)

Haha, seriously though, yes it should be infact lowered in the states, for pretty much the same reason as everyone else has already stated.

Do you really think that a couple of years is going to make a great difference, especially seeing as the person is an adult in both situations?

That's why I said do both...?

supremepizza(846) Clarified
1 point

You don't have to use bold for everything... it's kinda irritating...

If you just diet as soon as you break that diet you'll start putting that weight back on over time anyway. I suggest doing both.

"Sexist VS Non-Sexist"

"Illegal Alien" is a term, not a derogatory one, but a simple legal term. If you don't like it, tough shit ;)

It's not a waste of resources, per-say, it's just not necessary.

Nope .

Please shut up.

Shut up and stop being such a twat. You can't prove he has multiple accounts, and even if he does it's none of your business, so fuck off and leave Srom alone.

Same reason most people stereotype anything else; the media.

Because there are people in this world.

For anyone that doesn't know, "monogamus" means basically having one long term sexual relationship with one person.

Yes I don't see why not, if they really wanted to they could, it's not like their entire brain structure is completely different to hetero/homo/transsexuals, or whatever your orientation is.

Correction, *Androids.


New York Mayor is an idiot.

I will agree with you on this one. I believe, in fact I know, the first one was necessary, but the second drop was purely just for testing purposes; there's plenty of evidence to prove so, I just couldn't be bothered looking it up. Google it.

No one really, there use to be a few, but I just try to distance myself from them now. There are a couple of people I think of higher than anyone else on here, but nobody lesser than the majority.

That's exactly what I thought as soon as I saw that Srom made this debate :P

Points don't really mean anything dude.

There is much proof in the world as to proove that the Lord Jesus lived and is to bring eternal life to those who follow him

Really? I was unaware, please show me sources other than a historically inaccurate book that's around a thousand or so years old.

but still people are arrogant enough to deny him.

You're arrogant enough to follow a mystical space genie.

Does our everyday life not revolve arround him.

No, no it doesn't.

A sunay symbolises the day God rested on the 7th day.

No, a "sunay" represents a day of the week.

No other religion has significant days like this.

I can name about ten.

For someone to be an athiest is saying that they dont believe in Jesus.

Really? Thanks for telling me, I totally thought Atheists believed in Jesus...

Is this because they have no proof that there is a God


or they choose to believe the world made itself?

Only an idiot would ask such a question. You're an idiot.


I don't think Christianity is useful, but if you do, so be it.

That's not called 'electronic English', that's called retardation.

I'm not even saying that in a derogatory term, that is literally plain retarded.



BD99 has been popping up here and there with these weird debates that really only seem to have any inside relevance to her friendship group.

Starting to piss me off, just sayin'.

"As a teacher, I'm not supposed to allow you to disrespect the president of the United States."


This is possibly... holy shi... I can't even...WHAT?!

Yes, this stubborn, arrogant excuse for a teacher should be fired, but I know she won't. In fact she'll probably just end up with a slap on the wrist at most.

It's not just teachers though, there are way too many people like this, but I find it quite insulting that people like that are allowed to be the influence on our kids when they go to school.

A piece of writing I saw on a related video pretty much sums all this up; "An audio recording of an exchange between a teacher and a student at North Rowan High School in North Carolina serves as a reminder that the school system is becoming a training ground for teaching kids to be subservient to the state while indoctrinating them into thinking that the First Amendment doesn't exist."

On a side note, these kids deserve a medal.

supremepizza(846) Clarified
3 points

Loving the unjustified down-vote there. Cheers.

Yes he is.

You're one of the few people I've seen that has actually been able to clarify the different aspects of 'bullying' and how they differentiate between each other. Well done.

Pretty sure I have a dick dude, I can't take the birth control pill.

As you can see, I'm a charmer ;)

Black Hitler... hahahahahahaha :P

Seriously though, who gives a shit? What's so wrong with him dressing up like that? If anything it's worse if you're going to say that dressing up like a black guy is bad. I HATE PEOPLE SO MUCH!!! Fuuuuckkk... :P

I suppose it doesn't reeeeeeally matter, however face to face makes you look a whole lot more confident.

Cut off his penis and eat it. Works every time.

I gave up on relationships ages ago; I'm more of a one-night-stand guy now. The one thing that has been a constant though, is that friends always come first; they're more important to me.


What, you mean someone that disagrees with your opinion? Oh, how dare they use their freedom of speech to express their varying opinion! They shouldn't have their own opinions! How dare they! Bastards!

The description pretty much nails it; there is no right or wrong, only what you perceive. Speaking Western socially though, I think it would be a 50/50 on whether it is right or wrong. So again, uncertain.

Honestly though, if someone killed my family, I wouldn't kill their's provided they didn't do anything, I'd just kill the guy himself.

I think this 'Strummer' guy has manipulated her.

See, she is speaking of some random individual none of us have ever heard of, who happens to be 'indie' and owns a van.

Deciphered, it means this; A man known for his independence through being an openly public pedophile, 'Strummer' owns a white van that he likes to kidnap his victims in. Now, through torturing and various drug intake thanks to our friend Strummer, this girl has been manipulated into thinking that Strummer is a lovely man, and wants to "get in his van."

Only logical answer.

I completely agree, I think trust is one of the most vital parts in a stable relationship. My opinion, anyway.

The description is worded awfully, so I don't really understand it. But I kinda gather what you're getting at. I'll just say that no matter what, you'll never truly know someone unless you are them.

supremepizza(846) Clarified
1 point

Pretty sure we'd still have cancer without war.

Absolutely not.

I've been on this site for a relatively decent amount of time, and I've loved every minute of it. You meet so many new and interesting people from all over the world here, something you don't often get the privilege of doing in your day to day life at work or whatever else. There are people on here that make me facepalm, and people that make me think, there are those that make me laugh, or brighten up my day. I value everyone on here, and it's a great way to spend my free time :)

supremepizza(846) Clarified
1 point

That was so hard to take seriously, you have no idea :P

Where would you put the dollar bills?

Dogs usually prefer the nose; they inhale it, digest it, and then crap it out later. The money remains intact surprisingly, and they keep their money like that so no one will try to steal their hard earned cash. Any other animal will happily just eat it for the same effect.

Can you train them to use the pole?

Of course! There are a couple of animal pole dancing specialists out there that charge a fair amount to turn your exotic animal of choice into a certified pole dancer in no time! Just call 1800-animalpoledancingstrippers. Seems like a long number, but trust me, it's intended like that as a code - that way the fuzz can't track the suppliers down as easily.

Where do they buy G-Strings that fit? Here is always an option. I actually used to work in the animal stripper business and I learnt a few tricks here and there. Any human g-string is fine, as long as it's the same color as the animal's fur; helps them get more comfortable. The only problem is that some of them (by some I mean the males) have a tendency to get extremely excited and ejaculate all over the place, and it leaves a nasty stain that's near impossible to get out because of the consistency of the liquid and the fabric used in the g-string.

1. Do you like the video blog, what would you like to see added/changed/deleted?

I thought the video was quite good, I used to do vlogs when I was in high school and got several awards, the main factor you've got to focus on is confidence, enthusiasm and information - you nailed them all.

2. Do you like the challenge debates, what would you like to see added/changed/deleted?

Ashamedly I feel like the new kid again. In my absence it seems as if I've missed quite a bit, and I honestly don't know what's going on with most things any more :P Help would be appreciated.

3. Please click an ad or two each time you visit...this really helps!

I'll continue to :)

4. We will be adding a donate/tip section. We would prefer the monthly recurring choices...and remember $2 goes a long way per month when a significant portion of the membership contributes.

I've got to set up a new Paypal account as my prior one went crazy and I can't access it any longer, but as soon as I do I'll contribute what I can.

5. I am thinking about a live debate show (streaming). What do you think about that?

Sounds pretty good, I suggest some kind of age restriction if it's going to be open to all members though, just a suggestion.

6. We are trying to get to 50,000 registered members by this you have any ideas to get there? We will implement the best ideas and will likely run a contest to promote this effort!

I'm awful at advertising, so I can't help you there.

I'll put my dick in your ear and skull rape you to death. Don't try me ;)

I love how my computer is so bad that I can't even watch the video...

I'll run over to a friend's place asap though just to watch it :)

Or the sonic debates.

Don't even get me started on the Sonic debates... those things had me genuinely raging for a week :P

Because I've been absent from this site for so long, clearly :P

Seriously though, in my time away (I apologize for that, by the way, I was fired and was looking for a new job to pay my university tuition, so I've been immensely busy) I have been telling a number of my friends to join up. Most of them are quite similar to me in the way we argue, but our opinions differ on a great deal of things. Hopefully they'll join up and compensate for the amount of stupidity assaulting the site lately.

In all honesty I think a lot of us have this problem in one way or another; most of us would delete something, or go off at someone purely because we don't like them or their view. I'm 100% for freedom of speech and expression, but I know I would end up calling someone a "fucking twat" if they pissed me off with their stupidity, which wouldn't be setting a very good example for the site. I can't actually think of many people that would make good mods, but I know for sure that I wouldn't, ever.

Oh me, definitely me...

Y'know, if you want the site to crash and burn in three seconds :P

Umad bro?

I don't hate Muslims, I hate the religion, and every other religion. Why do I hate every single religion? Make another debate and I'll tell you, this isn't the place for it.

Commence down-voting in 3...2...

My favorite part of this debate is that you made three other identical ones.

When they deserve it. We're talking present day scenarios, right? Because if we're talking about history in general then that's an entirely different debate.

Wow, who even cares? Not important at all.

How dare two people that love each other express that love, what a travesty!

Fucking homophobes.

And the sexist debate of the week award goes to...

Should the sun be banned because you can get skin cancer without protection?

Should cars be banned because it increases the chance of a car accident?

Should dogs be banned because they can bite?

Should water be banned because you can drown in it?

^^^ All these questions are as stupid as yours. People have the right to do what they want to their own body, stop being a stupid parent to everyone that no one wants, because you look like a twat. Sick of these dumb debates. Cheers.

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