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Ultra Right wing Propaganda Just the facts
Debate Score:225
Total Votes:277
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 Ultra Right wing Propaganda (56)
 Just the facts (37)

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PungSviti(552) pic

Fox News: "Ultra Right wing Propaganda" or "Just the facts"

Ultra Right wing Propaganda

Side Score: 156

Just the facts

Side Score: 69
5 points

I've heard some say that Fox News isn't "Right Wing enough."

My opinion is that it's fact, skewed by a strong opinion.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

And just what about all those other 'Ultra left wing stations'? They, too, are skewed by strong 'left' opinion.

Side: Just the facts
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
3 points

Reality seems to have a natural Liberal bias. That's why Conservatives seem insane and self-contradicting.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
5 points

Propaganda, It's a joke how some people can be brainwashed apparently into or pretend (hopefully) that fox news presents anything but a sham and what is laughed at and discarded by everyone else.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
4 points

I believe they cherry pick news just like I believe MSNBC does with their news. That's why if you want the real new you must look outside the US media.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
K1ll3r(52) Disputed
2 points


Look outside the country?!? That only confirms FNC's arguments! Look at Europe! Their own leaders are begging for less bias. Your argument is based on sand.

Side: Neither
Sazzz(96) Disputed
1 point

Who in Europe is saying that??????????????????????????????????

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
4 points

Fox News is SO right-wing. They criticize Obama for doing the same things that Bush did during his administration, and praised him then. They distort the facts and don't "just ask questions".

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
3 points

News on Fox, when did this happen? Hollywood stars are lined up for tryouts. Fiction is better than fact and ratings are what they are after. If simpletons didn't exists neither would Fox.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
3 points

Fox news is conservative, and nearly everything else in media is liberal such as NPR, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, etc.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
3 points

Fox news regularly spreads misinformation, under the guise of fair and balanced. There are whole websites that exist only to fact check fox news and point out blatant misrepresentations of political information.

If you spend any time reading this stuff, you can only come to the conclusion that fox news is the antithesis of journalistic integrity, with a blatant ideology, yet they use slogans like "fair and balanced" or "we report, you decide". It is so ridiculously absurd and obvious, yet we have a large segment of our population without the ability to objectively process information, that buys their propaganda, hook, line and sinker.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

Not being from America (USA) It never ceases to amaze me that there are people who actually take this station seriously

It was also scary to hear of a poll where more Americans liked the Colbert show and what it stood for beliving that it wasnt a spoof than those who got the joke (Granted that I havent checked out this poll and dont know if the poll itself was some sort of hack job or a spoof for that matter)

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
11 points

Both Fox news and the Colbert Report are fake, and both are hilarious. The Colbert Report does it on purpose, and understands the joke, while Fox News is taken seriously, by themselves and those who watch it religiously. I think they're both pretty good to watch on a down day if you need a laugh, but do get a nasty aftertaste after watching fox.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda

In spite of what you may want to believe..., most Americans don't have liberal views. Which is what makes it the best country on the planet ;)

Side: Just the facts
dwheel465(20) Disputed
2 points

That's not what the popular vote in 2008 said. A lot of people in the U.S are liberal.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
-1 points

"It was also scary to hear of a poll where more Americans liked the Colbert show and what it stood for beliving that it wasnt a spoof than those who got the joke"

That's a bunch of crap. Nobody thinks that show is real.

Side: Just the facts
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
7 points

That's a bunch of crap. Nobody thinks that show is real.

Irony is lost on some people.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
Sazzz(96) Disputed
1 point

Nobody should have to think that fox is real..........................................................................

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

While I don't fully agree that Faux News is "Ultra Right Wing Propaganda", I also don't feel there is a network on your boob tube that presents anything factual without a spin.

If you want facts, you watch/read a story and then do your due diligence to verify the veracity of the story. If you're too lazy to do're part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

Propaganda, and history will prove it. I'm not going to bother explaining because I've had this argument before, and there is no reasoning with those who are not used to reason.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

If the station is right-leaning, that's fine. All information is subject to interpretation. But their neoconservatism and presupposed moral righteousness that they derive from association with the christian right is unsettling. All of this I would be able to at least ignore, but when they claim to be fair and balanced, that's pure conceit used to cover up their right leaning agenda.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

The station is no doubt right-leaning, and while that may not initially be a problem because like you say, all info is subject to interpretation. I laughed when i first saw them advertising their "fair and balanced" bull. What a sham! The liberals they do have on their show are watered down and they are probably friends behind the camera anyways. If their viewers don't know that Fox is conservative then again i underestimate the people on this planet. To make them more biased, they derive their ideology from their religious roots. Hannity has said this on his show multiple times.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
AltonSmith(111) Disputed
0 points

Exactly what evidence exists to support this claim? A regular viewer of the show would note that the debates featured on the broadcasts contain members of both sides of the debate, regardless of the context. Even the hosts of commentary such as The O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, and The Glenn Beck Show invite guests with whom they disagree. Claims such as those that Fox News is owned by the Republican National Committee are completely false. Perhaps we would have seen monetary evidence of that. Indeed, the network is owned by News Corporation.

Side: Just the facts
2 points

Watch this movie and tell me that fox is not ultra right wing propaganda.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

Obvious propaganda. It's been proven that they shorten video clips to make the clip seem bad.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

Fox News just plain annoys the piss out of me, no argument about it. haha

And so does MSNBC!

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

I like to get my news from multiple sources around the world. That includes looking at the fox website now and again, but i usually end up criticising in the comments. If you read multiple articles, you can ascertain the unbiased facts and form your own opinion.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
1 point

Grow up and listen to yourself. Fox presents information (news and opinions) you need to accept or refuse the information. Get your mind into the game and don't listen to others for information (fact or opinion) and then you'll see this is a BS question from both sides.

Side: Neither
1 point

It’s obviously propaganda, but all media is propaganda in the United States. It’s a consequence of free press, and I personally can live with it. I just laugh off biased news reports I hear— Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC alike.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
1 point

All the news stations have an angle. Fox from the right, MSNBC and CNN from the left, and no one standing in the middle.

The thing that no one realizes is you have to get you information from more than just one source then make up your own mind.

Side: they all are propaganda
1 point

1997 Jan Arke Reporter of Fox owned News Station in Florida was told to lie and conflict with fact of a story! She would not and was fired and sued! She won the Law Suit and the jury said the Fox Owned news company provided false, distorted, and slanted story. Fox appealed the suit and in 2003 had it overturned. Lawyers argued under the First Amendment Broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately falsify news reports on public airways and won the appeal! SO You Tell ME What Fox News Is?

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
1 point

Hahaha, i like very much how over double the people think it is propaganda! it seems, over double of the people are right...

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda

I fear for you, America. With right wing authoritarians swarming like flies, you're headed into a fascist dictatorship. Fox News is wingnut propaganda.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda

FOX News is not fair and balanced and caters to the Right Wing.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
5 points

Propaganda v. Fact.

Almost all American television news stations (CNN, MSNBC, Fox ...) have placed a greater emphasis on the entertainment aspects of its content in recent years. The soundbites and images used to introduce pieces and fill the gaps within news segments is evidence enough. Each news station is fighting for its own audience and the ideological slant of this audience is reflected in both the hosts, their guests and treatment thereof, and their audio-visual tools.

Just as is almost every news organization in America, Fox's newscast are based on facts, which are then packaged for their target audience accordingly. And it is no surprise that Fox's primary audience leans to the far right (whereas MSNBC leans to the far left and CNN leans to the left).

So while I agree that Fox is not reporting "just the facts" in the absolute sense, I would argue that no American news station does so.

But is Fox News propaganda - is Fox deliberately spreading information to further the right wing cause or damage the left wing cause? I would argue that Fox, like CNN or MSNBC, is responding to the desires of their primary audience by packaging the facts in the most attractive and entertaining manner.

I don't believe their involved in some larger grand scheme or take cues from the GOP - Fox is simply pandering to their audience, who, for the moment, would rather hear the talking points from the right than the left.

Side: Neither
2 points

Nope, nothing wrong with Fox News.

They haven't gotten things wrong("lied") more than any other news station.

While I will admit that most of the people on fox news lean towards the right, they give both sides of the isle a chance to talk.

Even if it was a bunch of right wing agenda(it's not) it would only balance things out a little. I mean, look at some of the other news stations.

Side: Just the facts
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
2 points

"they give both sides of the isle a chance to talk."

Oh yeah, us liberals are free to talk on Fox...

We just aren't allowed to defend ourselves when our statements are taken out of context, correct you when you misquote or misread soemthing for the benefit of your stance on a topic, or have the last word....

Other than that, we may speak....

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

"We just aren't allowed to defend ourselves when our statements are taken out of context, correct you when you misquote or misread soemthing for the benefit of your stance on a topic, or have the last word...."

1. Sure they are.

2. When does any of that mumbo jumbo happen? Be specific. I feel like you are assuming all of that.

3. Are you perfect and in position to judge? Or are you against msnbc for those same things?

Side: Just the facts
NOMZA(1) Disputed
1 point

The fact that Fox News is a right-wing news channel should not be an issue, since media should be plural and news is subject to relative opinion WHAT IS CONCERNING HOWEVER IS CLAIMING TO BE FAIR AND BALANCED WHEN YOU ARE NOT, NOW THAT IN MY OPINION IS PROPOGANDA ON FOX NEWS BEHALF.Being right wing is one thing but misleading people to believe you are unbiased in opinion is SO WRONG especially considering the fact that this news channel reaches a frightening amount of people.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
1 point

I agree with Nomza. On the point that Fox News is misleading in that its underline is being "Fair and Balanced." Its not, at least not realistically. However, neither is MSNBC or CNN, realitically. They reach the same number of People, more or less. However, the application of the facts, which is the system used by all (Reliable) News Stations is a theoretical structure for the elimination of bias entirely. Based off of this, Fox News, MSNBC, nor CNN are liable for their Bias Directly as its the people on the show and the way in which information is packaged by the Editors that make shows lean one way or another. I personally watch both Fox and CNN, Fox for the interviews and CNN for everything else. Being a Liberal Fiscalist, these two combined seem to level each other out. As such, I would NEVER call Fox News ULTRA RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA and generally agree with Nomza as a whole.

Side: The Editors not the staff are biased
2 points

It's really neither. Fox News separates there programming into two. There's news, which is Just the facts, and then there's entertainment which consists of the debates that we all love. Fox presents both sides of the argument very well. People will talk about how O'Reilly yells at his guests, but that doesn't change the fact that his guests still got to present their view. O'Reilly just criticizes them for it... yeah, because he's a PUNDIT. They're entitled to opinions, and that's what the show is all about.

And for PR sake, the people who run FNC make sure that it gives exactly equal airtime to both sides of the spectrum.

Side: Just the facts
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
8 points

There's news, which is Just the facts, and then there's entertainment which consists of the debates that we all love.

Actually, their news, which you claim is "just the facts", often parrots the talking-points presented by their opinion shows, which in turn often parrot the talking points of the GOP almost verbatim. And there's often very little distinction between the two. It also doesn't bode well that the news segment of Fox News takes up maybe 10% of the programming schedule. A simple look at it will tell you that Fox is, first and foremost, a commentary network and not a news network.

And for PR sake, the people who run FNC make sure that it gives exactly equal airtime to both sides of the spectrum.

Which is... not true. A simple look at guests and right-leaning slant of "news" coverage--as opposed to reporting--suggests otherwise.

But even more important, Fox News is a propaganda network in the literal sense. Rhetoric is when a person uses language for the specific purposes of convincing someone else of a certain position. And propaganda is language used by an institution to convince others of a certain position. And Fox certainly uses language (editing and coverage) for the specific purpose of convincing others of a certain position--and it's more than often Republican, Conservative, White and Christian. And it functions in such a way that reality is distorted and events misrepresented.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Wow, I really thought you were a well-informed person all the way up until here. It's almost as if you don't watch Fox News at all.

New coverage is actually a lot like Local news, a reporter asks simple questions and an anchor tells a report.

Now, I haven't watched any news for a while, but from what little i do watch now it seems that Fox is still doing their duty when it comes to News. I am not a right wing person (if you don't believe me, I will lay out perfect examples) but I can still realize that this whole "FAUX NEWS BE BRAINWASHING, YO!" bullshit is really just some kind of misled fad. I guess the real reason it started was because of Rupert Murdoch being the head of News Corp.

And yes, Fox makes sure that both sides of the argument have equal time to speak in their entertainment shows.

Side: Just the facts
gcomeau(536) Disputed
3 points

You appear not to really understand how Fox "news" works.

Step 1: Put on your "opinion" people like Beck to make outrageous ridiculous statements then disavow responsibility for broadcasting them because, hey, those are just the opinion guys. We never claimed anything they said was factual or anything!

Step 2: News guys report on the news about how "people are talking" about startling new allegations... without mentioning that the reason they're talking about it is because the guy in the next time slot after them started it the night before. But they ARE talking about it (now). So that's just reporting the news to say so! We're still not saying it's true!

Wash, rinse, repeat.

And did you happen to turn the channel on during the multi-month period when it should have been renamed "Fox Tea Party Event Promotion"? They were actively telling people to come out for Tea Party events. Constantly. And it wasn't just their opinion guys. They weren't even pretending to be a news organization. At one point they were even advertising "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties" on air for crying out loud.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Beck is the largest Libertarian voice on Television. Why in God's name would a network that wants money shut him up? The man has an opinion that pisses off so many people, but it's an opinion that's very controversial. and you want him censored because Libertarianism isn't Liberal enough for you? Sorry... this ain't MSNBC.

You can just watch Geraldo Rivera, though... that guy is pretty Liberal and a lot of people hate him too. Or Watch O'reilly. He's more of a Cultural Conservative Humanist. That guy pisses off people too.

Sean Hannity, the guy you probably hate the most, is an outright Conservative. He pisses off people as well. But which one do you think should be censored? All of them? Or how about none? Let them speak.

1. Gets Fox News the most ratings and the most money.

2. Good to have a variety of opinions.

Side: Just the facts
JBXXX(53) Disputed
2 points

No one's arguing that they aren't entitled to their opinions, it's funny watching stupid people confidently present a false point. And even if they do give both sides the same airtime, only people like you would think that has any merit. The reason it shouldn't be taken seriously is because no one but ignoramus's watch fox news so it's only to appease their own audience into thinking they are giving a fair chance for another view. Fox News would be the last place where anyone who cares to hear both sides of an issue would go, stop flattering yourselves.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

I would like to point out that if Fox News is "Ultra Right Wing Propaganda", then what would NBC, ABC, CBS, and basically every other news station be classified as? Fox is one of the only stations that is not ultra left wing "propaganda".

Side: Just the facts
PungSviti(552) Disputed
5 points

The reason I put "ultra right wing..." as one side of the debate is because of how many times Ive seen Fox news people use this rhetoric to describe all sorts of different opinions (ultra left wing, that is) , it seems to me that if Fox news was the only source of information I had, I would have to assume that everybody except fox news where "Ultra left wing" something or other

I think It is a cheap trick that pundits use, a form of name calling, so that they need not criticize the argument of the opponent but just assume him as some sort of "un-american" loon(another name-calling device)

And when you think about it, there is no major station (that I know of at least) that is more right wing than Fox, and that by definition makes them "ultra" right wing - not that that has to mean anything very serious (in the same way that I dont take it seriously when pundits sway away from arguing issues by using this sort of name-calling.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
3 points

I would like to point out that if Fox News is "Ultra Right Wing Propaganda", then what would NBC, ABC, CBS, and basically every other news station be classified as? Fox is one of the only stations that is not ultra left wing "propaganda".

I would like Tu to meet quo and que.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
K1ll3r(52) Disputed
1 point

What the hell?

What kind of arumnet is that? Another sand-based argument.

Get out.

Side: Neither
JBXXX(53) Disputed
3 points

If you actually think that you're a moron. Im a conservative and i have no difficulty seeing what a joke fox news is.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
2 points

you people act like this is the only news staion that strongly caters to one political party or another. fox is just the most well known right wing based news organazation so they get the bad reputation for reporting the side of the news that caters to right wing beliefs. every news organazation is byisted one way or another so why just point out one if you are going to debate one you mine as well debate whether all of them are propoganda.

Side: they all are propaganda
2 points

I actually agree. I dont think there is any such thing as unbiased news. Even when a reporter strives to be unbiased he/she can never be sure he/she isnt unconciously so.

Still i think Fox news is the most, or at least one of the most blatantly biased news station and yet they put much emphasis on being "fair and balanced"

Side: they all are propaganda
2 points

Why do I get on here and just end up hating college kids a wee bit more every time? Well you know what, I won't answer that question because it is irrelevant. Fox News is just slightly shifted to the right. If one were to watch Fox News' actual news programs, one would find that it is slightly centered to the right. What many people are going by, are Fox News' opinion programs which are all moderately right wing. Now, although they are scheduled for primetime and are what most people see when they turn on Fox News, they do not claim to be merely reporting programs like "Headline News," on CNN or like local news broadcasts.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
1 point

It is really neither.

Rush, and Shawn are radical conservatives. They have a lot of facts, but hand-pick them. But I still like them.

While Glenn Beck is probaly the only guy there on FNC who shows just the facts. I see no facts that are not verifiable. His argument Health Care was great, along with many others.

FNC is mixed up.

I look to local news for verifiable facts.

Side: Neither
jessald(1915) Disputed
1 point

Glenn Beck? Facts? lol, no.

Beck on

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda

Fox news is simply saying the 'conservative' side of the argument, as opposed to all these 'liberal' news stations.

Side: Just the facts
1 point

Fox news does deliver biased facts, but they are nowhere near as biased to the right as most other programs are biased to the left.

Side: Neither
1 point

I think something that all the people in this debate need to acknowledge is that It is not FOX News as a whole that can be considered ULTRA RIGHT WING, but merely the Editors, at the most. They are the ones who select what is broadcast on the station. In my personal opinion, the people who weigh the debates between the crazy people they air are indeed rather neutral and do a good enough job. Also, the propoganda part of it is something that can be attributed to all News Stations as they require some form of agitational hook in order to make money, Right? However, it is EASILY Argued that some of the company they keep is extremely right wing and rather crazy COUGH GLENN BECK COUGH, but again it is the opinion of the people who say those things that are ULTRA RIGHT WING, not Necessarily FOX News itself. The final point to remember here is: if you re willing to effectively gain anything applicable to your life by watching the News on any channel, you should either be prepared for a noticable bias toward one side or another OR be able to easily pierce the biases presented by the Editors and Teleprompters. Im jus' Sayin'...

Side: The Editors not the staff are biased
1 point

It's fact, the only reason someone started this debate is because it isn't leaning to the left. It's un-biased for the most part and covers all the news not just the news that makes the Democrats look good and make the Republicans look bad.

Side: Just the facts
1 point

Fox new is just like any other news station, its just politics. ITs good to watch Fox news and then to watch CNN, because you get both sides of the argument and you can make your decision. Its true Fox is for Rebublicans, and CNN is for Democrats. I believe that all opinions are welcome and should be exepted. There isn't anything wrong. But the facts are facts and you can run away from them. If we start telling people they shouldn't do what they want to do then you might as well go to Iran and work for their government. The point is that this is normal, there will be republicans and ther're will be democrats. And we shoudln't be selfish here and tell people that Fox news is bad, or CNN is bad. FOX news is for Republican party. And CNN is for the Democratic party.

-Omid Iron Mehrage

Side: Just the facts
0 points

Fox News is fair and balanced. The commentary is biased, but MSNBC's commentary is biased as well. At least, Fox News will have both sides of the argument on the show whereas MSNBC never participates in this activity.

Side: Just the facts
aveskde(1935) Disputed
2 points

Fox News is fair and balanced. The commentary is biased, but MSNBC's commentary is biased as well. At least, Fox News will have both sides of the argument on the show whereas MSNBC never participates in this activity.

Sometimes an issue has only one legitimate side. Also, having two sides doesn't equate to balance, it is representation that matters.

Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda
LibertyLife(197) Disputed
1 point

Sometimes an issue has only one legitimate side. Also, having two sides doesn't equate to balance, it is representation that matters.

Whatever, so only liberal representative of media matters because they are the only one who can provide a legitimate side to the story.

How doesn't having two sides equate to balance?

Side: Just the facts
1 point

I agree. I think people get the commentary and the news cast confused with each other.

Yeah the commentary is biased and slanted, but that isn't any different than any other cable news channel. You will never hear/read/see someone with conservative leanings on any other news station as a counter point, as much as you do on Fox.

Side: Just the facts
0 points

Lib = Far leftist liberal

Hallo Debaters, Look at your libs, now back to Fox, now back at your libs, now back to Fox, fortunately Fox isnt the libs,

but if it stopped using logic filled argumentation and told only half truth, Fox could be like the libs in the govt.

look down, back up. where are you? you are in financial turmoil, with the man you put in office that Fox could emulate.

whats that in your hand, back at the libs, I have it!

its the diminishing dollar with a letter from IRS,

now look again, ahhhh! your taxes went up.

Eveything is possible when your libs push for less freedom of the press like the Obama administration is trying to do, and not making people think for themselves like Fox.

im on a horse

Side: Just the facts
0 points

If it is as far right as the title of this debate suggests, one would assume that this propaganda would appear somewhere in the broadcasts.

Side: Just the facts
-1 points

This one made me "LOL".

People attack the "right wing" news station instead of the leftist?

Just a comment not open for debate.

Side: Just the facts
Sazzz(96) Disputed
2 points

If its not open for debate then why did you come here?


Side: Ultra Right wing Propaganda