
RavenLily's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of RavenLily's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

And lest ye not forget Son of Saint Now, whether it be now, or later. LOL

Son Of Saint Now
2 points

Hmmm... Well in that case we can make things even more challenging and change this debate to "Who will take their last breath in this debate?" LOL! :))

2 points

I could save the link until I myself became the missing link, but you'd always get the last word because it's your debate and you'll always be notified of any activity. Does that prove I'm not as dumb as I look, even if you can't see me? LOL :))

RavenLily(733) Clarified
2 points

And I choose to thank you for the clarification... It's so easy to misinterpret the written word at times, and for me, sometimes even the spoken, LOL :))

1 point

Because anyone knows if you should do so it will soon become a hoarse-fly in your throat! :))

1 point

Thank you for the welcome, but after reading much of the conversation between you and Jolie, I'm quite convinced that you will bore me long before I could ever persist enough to reach your limits, LOL!

And then there's Joe, who could never be boring because just when you think he's on the verge of achieving it, he morphs into his next persona, and it's party time all over again! :))

2 points

Pardon me, but I was addressing the subject title of this debate with my response. Where you got anything from what I said that was in any form judgemental, I have no idea. Personally, I don't support abortion, but neither do I condemn women who choose to have them, as I do believe that their choice is between them and God, not me. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and write-off your confusion being due to the fact that you're a liberal, which is your God-given choice.

2 points

All I know is I feel I should be declared winner in getting the last word in this debate for having to endure clicking through 'show replies' a gazillion times to finally be able to type what I hope to be the final word after the never-ending convo between JatinNagpal and Jolie which is the internet equivalent of War and Peace, whew!! :))

2 points

Unfortunately, the unborn can't exercise their right to choose because they're at the mercy of the woman whose womb they are in.

1 point

Five, four, three, two, one.... Hillary Clinton's done, done, done!! :))

2 points

LOL!! Well, I guess I'll just have to be infophobic til then :)) p.s. Happy New Year Joe-lie!!

1 point

While watching that video, I found myself fixating on the narrators face, which was kind of creeping me out- Does that make me Uglophobic? :))

1 point

I'm well, and hope you are too- Thank you for asking ...

1 point

I'd say the best way to stop is to ask his wife for advice- That should solve it very quickly!! LOL

2 points

Correct!! The Democrats fortunately made a severe miscalculation in thinking they could win the election by counting mainly on the states on the east and west coasts. These are the states most corrupted by the Progressive utopia vision of government dependency in trade for votes to stay empowered. Unfortunately, my once beautiful state is one of them where for the sake of votes and indefinite rule, we have been sold down the river in favor of illegal aliens freely crossing the border, along with countless refugees taking our jobs, receiving entitlements, and over-burdening hard working, taxpaying U.S. citizens to pay for the privilege of our state being raped by liberal rule and lawlessness. I fear it's too late for my state to ever recover, but hopefully under Trump, America can and will become a great Nation once again, where law, not lawlessness, is the norm.

1 point

Nope! My Grandmother used to say "Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free?", but I say "How do you know the milk isn't soured unless you try it first?" LOL

2 points

I would add to your description an arrogant, petulant, narcissistic POS who, with his team of co-conspirators, will do everything possible to put up roadblocks to Trump's successful Presidency.

2 points

Yup, crying racism seems to be a well-worn, tired tactic, followed closely by 'Homophobe', Xenophobe, etc. and mainly propagated by Liberal Trumpophobes.

2 points

Yeah, I'll get right on that as soon as you stop posting stupid-ass debates.

2 points

And don't even get me started on those freaking fascist frucks who always want to end off by telling you to "Have a nice day"!!!

2 points

Well, that's a silly question- Anyone whose ever been on CreateDehate knows there's not one person on this site who's unlikable!!

2 points

Now you should know telling me to stop it will only cause me to try your patience even more! :))

Trying your Patience
2 points

I have to totally agree, especially when I decide to participate in them!

2 points

Sweet ?

Sweet *Child* O' Mine
2 points

Voodoo ?

Voodoo Child
2 points

Yes, every year I have an ongoing tradition of giving my family members the bird when they run a-fowl.

3 points

Yes, and apparently one of the Democrats of which I speak have shown their tolerance by down-voting my opinion and your response... Proving once again how blatantly hypocritical they are.

2 points

No, you're not missing anything- How can Democrats possibly have the answers to our Nation's problems when they're the common denominator in causing them...

1 point

Yes, but only if they're a Granny Smith. .

4 points

Dumb @$$??? Yes, most definitely!!! Cool??? Hell no!!!

3 points

I'm not sure why you're directing that comment to me, but no thank you. We use a gardening service I can refer you to though.

4 points

Without a doubt, it is you, and you alone. And after your latest response, I will amend my previous reply to be "If you had a PENNY for every time you made an idiot out of yourself you'd be even more rich." Keep it up and prove me right, LOL

3 points

If you had a nickel for every time you made an idiot out of yourself you'd be even more rich. WHERE did I say I was a Democrat?? I have never, ever voted for a Democrat. And I never said I supported women choosing to abort babies, just that they have the right to choose for themselves. God is the only judge and jury they must account to IMO, not me or you.

3 points

First off, I must say respectfully that I find your profile pic gif more amusing than that video... I really couldn't make it through the entire thing. IMHO Capitalism does work, and for the most part you get out of it what you put into it. People who are self-motivated may start out from the bottom, but will have the ambition to work their way up through hard work and education. Others are content with doing just enough to get by, and yet others are content to get by on government handouts, with no ambition or drive to better their situations. And then there are the lucky ones who come from already successful families, and do live privileged lives because of wealth earned by others in their ancestry. There are many other scenarios, but any that I can think of that pertain to a Capitalist system still outshine all others that have been tried and failed.

2 points

I'm not an extremist anything, I was just making light of the debate. But since you've taken it so seriously, I will say I'm personally against abortion but don't judge other women's right to choose.

1 point

S M H ! ! !

2 points

I think it's referred to in the political world as stumping for your candidate.

RavenLily(733) Clarified
2 points

No, I can't see it at all... That's why I was waiting with my popcorn. :))

1 point

I am for abortions but I also want the right to bear arms and legs!

2 points

I'm ready for my introduction to Capitalism whenever you are! :))

1 point

I don't know for sure, but from what they say, Satan is one Hell of a guy!

1 point

Bwahahahahahahaha!!! .

1 point

If I were God, I would question what I was thinking when I created Adam and Eve and gave them free will to sin. I should've known it would've ended badly with the end result being Progressive Liberals and the demise of my commandments.

RavenLily(733) Clarified
4 points

You forgot one of Cruz's other attributes... being without a doubt effing nuts.

4 points

The funny thing is everything you said in your second paragraph also applies to the Democratic Party's presidential race. Bernie Sanders has SO much support from young people, I doubt they would ever vote for Hillary should she secure the nomination. And if Bernie goes Independent, then that could put Hillary in the dump, and only most likely help to benefit Trump.

4 points

Ha!! Well, I'm not sure who the guy is you're referring to who's connected with the Creationist Museum, but if there were a Cretin Museum, Lyin' Ted's buddy Glenn Beck would be the Curator in Chief! :))

Whack-A-Doodle-Doo, Lyin' Ted & You (Glenn!)
3 points

When it gets to the point that a Trump supporter can make you look like an idiot, it's time to leave the clown show, Lyin' Ted.

3 points

And if they're really, really bad boys and girls he gives them names like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and kicks them to the curb for good!!

2 points

He turns them into a Progressive Democrat. That was easy!! :))

3 points

Why ban them, when you can get all the virtual violence you want on CreateDeHate? LOL

4 points

And I don't believe you know at all that of which you speak... I know firsthand, coming from a family from the Bronx, what it's like to be poor. I experienced it, lived through it, and motivated myself from it. Don't tell me that there aren't equal chances, you just have to be determined to make something of yourself and push forward despite the obstacles.

8 points

I'm good with the internet, it's the internuts I have a problem with.

5 points

Well, from the looks of it, I can't dispute that explanation :))

4 points

I know what you mean! I like to think of it as de wine intervention :))

9 points

This Cracka thinks the whole notion of white privilege is whacka! In this day and age, anyone of any race who is motivated to become educated and self-reliant has an equal chance at becoming self-sufficient. The notion of White Privilege is just another liberal tool to help their enslaved, uneducated minority voters to blame anyone else but themselves for their strife, rather that take responsibility for their own circumstances.

4 points

I like your post, specifically the last paragraph, and that's no laugh. But why do you dispute me, it appears you don't want to mute me, but it could cause me to mutiny!! :))

5 points

No, because I don't do it... Whether you need dope or the Pope to cope, as long as it gives you hope, I don't say nope!! :))

4 points

Zooooom! Right over your head!! Anywho, why should I give her credit for standing by her man by trying to destroy the women he did have extramarital affairs with? This from Hillary, the same woman who now has the nerve to say all women have the right to be believed when sexually assaulted. Typical liberal hypocrisy at its best.

4 points

Hillary Clinton will plug anything other than her husband!! :))

4 points

Why not, considering it's the Government trying to make all of us poor.

4 points

Well, if my kids have to be consumed by something, better that than a cannibal. I know, corny!! :))

6 points

Give poor Adolph a break... He could be a real gas but just got a bad rap!! :))

Rappin' With Hitler
6 points

He can call it whatever he wants, but whatever he calls it, stick a fork in him... He's done.

5 points

My bad, I forgot not only are you delusional in the attributes you ascribe to me, but also the supposed superior brain power you mistakenly think you possess. Do us both a favor, and fuck off, asshole.

Hope that helps!

It's how you roll!


6 points

Actually, he is not correct, so no need to admit he is, but whatevs... Intersex people were previously referred to as hermaphrodites, but the term has fallen out of favor as it is considered to be misleading and stigmatizing.

6 points

You're a little late to the party to be having this discussion now if you think you can stop it. It's socially acceptable and a personal decision between the parties, IMO.

6 points

Yes, but what's even more sad is the fact that black people have allowed themselves to be enslaved by being enticed with freebies by their modern day Slave Masters -AKA- Democrats, and most don't even realize it.

7 points

Umm, I think what you're describing as 'intersexuals' is what is more commonly known as hermaphrodites where there are abnormalities in the genitalia at birth. These people are not transgendered in the manner of what has become customarily thought of in today's norms such as the person in your video who surgically altered theirs, or Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner who was born with normal genitalia for his sex but prefers now to self-identify as a woman while leaving the family jewels intact.

5 points

That's all fine and good, but what they should know is no matter what they do to themselves surgically, they can't change their chromosomes that determined their true sexual gender. But really, who cares is what I want to know.

5 points

Considering it was YOU who replied to a comment of mine that had absolutely nothing to do with you with an unsolicited lesson from you on the proper usage of the English language, I'd reconsider who is the obsessed one. You know nothing about me or my life, but I can assure you it is nothing like what you've conjured up in that warped mind of yours. Please get back on your NPD meds- I think it's pretty clear with the amount of time you spend on this site spewing bullshit who is the one bored with their life, and their make believe wife. Now be a good boy and STFU... La La Land is calling you! :))

3 points

I don't know, but I'm sure if you asked SlapShot he could explain it all in minute detail until you want to blow your brains out. Maybe that's where the term 'big bang' originated? From everyone who ever came in contact with him and couldn't take it anymore, LOL

4 points

Bwahahahaha!!! And don't forget the other masterpiece of horror/fiction, 'Dreams of my Father'!! I still can't sleep at night in the dark after reading that one! :))

4 points

They won't face reality until mommy and daddy kick their lazy @$$es out of the basement and into the real world.

4 points

WOW!! The author of that article must've been SlipShit's ex psychologist, fits him to a me, me, me... er, tee!! :))

5 points

I don't recall asking you for an English lesson, Professor SlapShit. And I'm not going to waste my time reading your BS anyway, so don't bother writing anything more. Why don't you run along, little man, and find more posts to down-vote... It's about the only thing you actually seem to really excel in.

Hope this helps, Dumbass.

Say hi to your pretend fiance for me!


4 points

After trying to decipher the description content below the debate title, I have to wonder... But despite it all, I'll still put my money on the mind ruling the body. :))

3 points

No, only the people diseased with ignorance actually believe HIV to be a gay disease.

H(opelessly) I(gnorant) V(iews)
3 points

You've mistaken my slight amusement at your braggadocio for interest in your debates. You really are a pathetic little man-boy who lives in an alternate reality on the internet where you can be anything your deluded mind can conjure up, from sex god to Einstein's second coming. A self-proclaimed expert in everything and anything your deranged mind can imagine. Congratulations, you've earned a degree for becoming proficient in BS, and graduated with honors from Google University.



3 points

Aww, I'm sorry I hurt your little feelings... I should've been more sensitive about you having to live in such a shit-hole. BTW genius, the only flabby thing is your over-inflated ego and sense of self-importance.

Hope this helps you out.



2 points

If you have to use the Huffington Post to support your argument, you've lost before you've even begun. LOL


3 points

Yup, it's a real gem, and so picturesque... I can't imagine why it gets such a bad rap, no offense Eminem. LOL


The Greatest (?) City In The USA
3 points

Maybe not kill, but at least maim whoever discovered this unbebieberable @$$ clown.

One More Baby, I Dare You! :))
5 points

I know, right? I mean seriously, Project Lego?? Bwahahaha!! All you have to do is K'NEX the dots to see only a Mega Blok-head would believe this cwap!! But don't tell anyone, my life is in danger for sharing this!! :))

3 points

I don't really want to have an honest discussion, I just felt like clicking. :))

4 points

Yay!! I always wanted to be one of The Band!! .

Among The Band :))
4 points

And if you're still on the fence as to why we need them, I submit this for your consideration. A little low brow, but a real eye-opener! :))

How Now, Brow Cow?
5 points

I vote for what's in the best interest for me and my family, which would in turn, also be in the best interest of the country if they'd only pull their heads out of their @$$es. How could I vote for country alone, when what's left of it has been dumbed-down to the point of voting Obama in not once, but twice? Screw that, those voters obviously don't know what's best for anyone, no less their country.

5 points

Haha!! It's a revolution going on down in that basement!! Free basements for everyone!! :))

3 points

If you think I'm going to waste the time it would take to read your entire post you're friggin' nuttier than I already thought. Reading your crap would be the equivalent of mind rape- no thanks. Anywho, you're ridiculous if you really believe even half the bullshit you wrote. Lack of access?? REALLY?? Tell that to the little old ladies these predators rape and brutalize, when there are plenty of younger women available. I guess in your world the rapists just prefer the more experienced granny types? p.s. You can down-vote me all you want, but it doesn't make your bullshit any less bull-shittier.

5 points

No worries..... I'm not really sorry.

Thanks! .

RavenLily(733) Clarified
5 points

Sorry, but no, I don't care to expound, confirm or deny your claims of sexual fantasies among women regarding rape... You seem a little too eager to hear them. :))

4 points

I'm not a feminist, so I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit. Using the word only was a mistake on my part, as I'm sure there are other triggers other than the ones I referred to that drive one to rape. And of course, it goes without saying, this debate was not intended to refer to statutory rape, duh... How ridiculous that you even brought that into the scenario. But even that is not as ridiculous as your other statement:

Most rapists are not exclusively aroused by rape, and are just as likely (nay, if not more!) to engage in consensual sex; this seems to me to be quite the knife in the back of your hypothesis. If this is the case, why not just restrict sexual activity to that which is consensual?? Why bother to rape?? The knife in the back you refer to seems more accurately to be the foot in your mouth.

4 points

Sexual gratification is only gained by the rapist through the violent act of fear and control they induce in their victim. A willing and paid participant would not satisfy their perverse need and in no way would effect a reduction of rape victims.

5 points

Just for that, I say stick him in a bathroom with Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner still he screams Uncle, or should I say, Aunt? :))

3 points

Unless, of course, you're a Bernie Sanders supporter, in which case you're more likely to be in mommy and daddy's basement apartment with a High B-40 to offset your low IQ. :))

2 points

That's easy!! It's that crazy feeling you get around 2 a.m. closing time after a night of drinking at the Roxbury!! :))

You Had(daway) Me At Hello!!

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