
Debate Info

I Knew That So True
Debate Score:62
Total Votes:67
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 I Knew That (14)
 So True (23)

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HighFalutin(3402) pic

If You're a Democrat, You're More Likely to Be In Jail and Have Low IQ

Studies Show You Are More Likely to Have a Low IQ and
Be A Felon if You Vote Democrat

According to a recent study, if you vote democrat, you are more likely to be a felon with a mailing address at a federal / state / county prison, or city jail.

The Story:

A new study of how criminals vote found that most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release. Click below for the rest of the story.



Furthermore, you will have a lower IQ to compound your problem.

The Story:

Since the earliest days of intelligence testing, it’s been known that criminals average IQ’s around 90 (about 10 points below the North American average of 100). ........... click below for the rest of the story.


I didn't need these studies to know liberal IQ is a highly overrated concept; personally, I think it's non-existent. So, do you think liberals have a greater chance of being felons with low IQs?

I Knew That

Side Score: 20

So True

Side Score: 42
2 points

This is a misleading and unfair claim.

Survey or not.

And it smacks of irrational prejudi e toward those on the political left.

Like you.

The claim smacks also of a strawman argument. I doubt you even know what that is.

Listen up..........

The only reason that study made this ridiculously misleading claim was due to the unfortunate fact that this country has a disproportionate amount of blacks in its prison systems. Blacks from both the South and the northern and Eastern inner cities.

And...ever since the LBJ administration and civil rights movement of some 50 years ago,, the vast majority of blacks vote democrat. If they vote at all.

So the survey simply used this stat.

When in reality, a non-imcarcerated American, black or white or brown, does NOT have a lower than average IQ. nor is more likely to commit a crime.

Further, in academia, like college professors and even those like me with higher than bachelor's degrees, you will find more Dems than Republicans.

Btw...I myself am NOT a Democrat.

I just like to call bullshif and shoot down unfair and ignorant posts when I see them.

Which I just did to this debate.


We call that, game, set, and match, amigo!

Side: I Knew That
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey "Resident Idiot" you are an expert on everything are you LMMFAO ! Even if that was true you should be applying your supposed intelligence in a field where you might and i mean might earn an income but your ignorance only limits you to social media which in it's self shows how ignorant you truly are !

Side: So True
1 point

Re: "We call that, game, set, and match, amigo!"

Sounds to me like you're engaging in solo serve; I hear you can go blind that way. SlapShot? Maybe it should be SlapSalami, but do it in moderation; you will need your vision to fare well in life.

Side: So True

I am for to leave to be working for time. I will have createdebate

Side: I Knew That
Antrim(1287) Disputed
1 point

I know it must be my inability to comprehend your pidgin English. However, I'm willing to learn but would be grateful if you would translate your dialect into standard English on this occasion. Thank you so much.

Side: So True
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Why for be, if when never not, there fore why?


Side: I Knew That
1 point

Does that mean that if you were a dunce in gaol and switched political allegiance from Democrat to Republican you would be released from prison and qualify to become a member of Mensa?

Side: I Knew That
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

All is possible when you take control of your life rather than let government run it for you like liberals do.

Side: I Knew That
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
2 points

Psst, red states require more government support than blue states.

Keep your dependency to yourself.

Side: I Knew That
1 point

I knew that politics have nothing to do with your IQ. Do you happen to be Republican? I think you are the one that has a low IQ.

Side: I Knew That
1 point

Oh yeah? Who told you to think that and who wrote your comment for you?

Side: So True
1 point

Actually, it's not US that are voting for Trump or Cruz. It's not US that can't even unite our own party. It's not US that wants to NUKE everyone that doesn't agree with us, not US that want corporations to run the country, pollute the air and water, drill and frack in the National Parks and it's not US that want everyone armed! WHO did you say has a low IQ???

Side: I Knew That

Here's more proof:

Terry McAuliffe, Governor of Virginia and Hillary Clinton associate/supporter restores the voting right of over 200,000 felons. You think he did this out of the goodness in his heart? Nope, the overwhelming majority of felons vote democrat and will help Hillary win. Furthermore, these miscreants are not the brightest bulbs on the planet.

Supporting Evidence: Felons For Hillary (
Side: I Knew That
1 point

Ah yes, and the existence of DeMint means that all Republicans are idiots.

Seriously. Doesn't this mentality get tiring? It lacks pretty much any and all logical foundation.

Side: So True
4 points

I like how you totally got the conclusion backwards. The article you linked says that if you are in jail you are more likely to be a Democrat. Turning it around makes you look like an idiot.

Side: So True
3 points

More democrats are in jail and therefore, you have a greater likelihood of being in jail if you are a liberal; it is very clear.

Side: I Knew That
2 points

What's truly strange is how desperate you are to dehumanize those you disagree with.

Side: So True
3 points

First, this is another example where both voting buttons make anyone who disagrees with you an idiot. That's cowardly debating.

Second, the vast majority of the jail population is poor people so what these numbers actually show is the Republicans do nothing to help poor people to help themselves out of poverty and the poor already know that, so they vote Democrat.

Third, crime and idiocy themselves are direct results of poor public education, poor public health, and poor opportunities for the poor - all of which result from conservative Republicans constantly cutting education and welfare programs and simply blaming the bottom level of society for their own situation.

You know what, if during Apartheid in South Africa this type of study had been done it would have reported the Whites to be analogous to your Republicans and the Blacks to be analogous to your Democrats. How does that make you feel? Do you think that would be fair? Should the Blacks have simply remained oppressed indefinitely in Apartheid South Africa and blamed for their own situation?

And before you go there, I'm not a Democrat.

Side: So True
3 points

Unless, of course, you're a Bernie Sanders supporter, in which case you're more likely to be in mommy and daddy's basement apartment with a High B-40 to offset your low IQ. :))

Side: So True

Bernie's Basement Brigade is on the march- watch out!


Side: So True
5 points

Haha!! It's a revolution going on down in that basement!! Free basements for everyone!! :))

Side: So True
2 points

Killary Clinton is the perfect example of a LOW IQ Demorat and should be in a striped jump suit !

Side: So True
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

All the lies that cons have generated against Hillary have been debunked ... costing us taxpayers $MILLIONS that could have been used to educate idiots that know no better than to tell lies!

Hillary KNOWS Putin, KNOWS the Chinese, KNOWS the Muslims on BOTH sides, KNOWS Netenyahoo (Yeah, I know how to spell it!), KNOWS NATO, KNOWS our allies, KNOWS our enemies, KNOWS our Constitution, KNOWS SO MUCH MORE than anything on your ticket that you are showing YOUR IQ just to make such a stupid statement! What is it ... 11 times you guys have "investigated" Benghazi?? Found NOTHING! You MUST have something better to do .... how about raising YOUR IQ!

Side: I Knew That
jerbear(118) Disputed
1 point

how does she know sir say all this but by what roofs do you stake these claims ..mrs Clinton knows putin you say this the same putin she tried to give a reset button to and only publicly shamed herself with stupidity Russian worth his or her salt even gets this western concept from a popular America not Russia..then screwed up the wording in translation ....ya they are real pals ....they Chinese you say ...they have no respect for her selling them land and title here in the us ....because they continue to hack the us and engage in economic warfare with us as in the case of dumping debt and other such things and she was the person responsible for going over there and brokering a deal.....that was her job ..they told her to suck it and built an island to slowly invade our south Korean assets for ben why do you say his name with such distain you know him ...has he personally wronged you .....have you actually researched him.....and as for the constitution ..PLEASE ...DO TELL ...because as I have heard second and first hand she is a twit ....but none the less I will offer vassle proofs to give you possible perspective ...the constitution is a list of thing the government cant do not a list of things we can ....this offers americans the safety of GOD givin safeties from out of control government...what is her stance on guns ...taxes...war ...because something tells me you wont tell us her position because it will oppose the constitution by a rather wide is the truth all politicians are crap ..I have one in my imeadiate family and I don't vote ...and he is a walking case for this shit is rigged.....they all want more and the only way to get it is from you they blame eachother so you split up on who to blame and they keep stealing from us ...HELLO MCFLY.....the world is getting better or worse if you say worse then that means the polititians are failing and need fired ...all of them from the dog catcher to the president...if you work for the government you need fired jailed or the way did you know there is an island off the coast of florida were bill Clinton loved to go ...we know this because his name is on a manifesto many times for this place and was entered into evidence in a court case because turns out the island was a pedophile resort....the owner is federal prison...the federal prosocuter is also in prison in connection to this ...some how a federal court judges husband avoided prosecution and so did bill even though they both were in the mailing lists manefestos and named in plea deals I said fired jailed or shot....

Side: So True

All Hillary is is sneaky; too clever by half, but definitely not all that bright.

Side: So True
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Oh come on, this is when you are just getting pathetic. Hillary is corrupt, and she says stupid shit, but if she wasn't bright she would not have accomplished all that she did.

There's a difference between legitimately insulting someone, and just throwing all sense of reality out the window because you don't like someone.

Hillary is corrupt, self centered, and the epitome of morally grey. But anyone who says she is "not all that bright" simply has not been paying attention.

Side: I Knew That
2 points

What this means is, don't vote Democrat and educate yourself to avoid incarceration.

Side: So True

The smartest politicians are far more likely to be Democrats


Side: So True

Higher IQ favors liberalism and atheism.


Side: So True