
The_Eye's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of The_Eye's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

A lot of these "perfect" people are actually pretty ugly to me, especially when you take away all the makeup and camera magic. Most of them are complete idiots as well.

The_Eye(63) Clarified
1 point

Are you on the autism spectrum excon?


2 points

He's an agnostic atheist. And he was banned a long time ago. That's why he created this account.

2 points

He looked like a monkeys ass on heroin with a morning glory growing out of his anus.

1 point

1: Even if God is real, all religions are still wrong. They are full of signs of human psychology and imperfection, they are all localized and often specifically relate to certain groups of people.

2: Even if God is real, he is not "God" objectively, because the word god doesn't describe what something is it describes it's relationship with other life forms. It's a title, like "general" or "lord". A god is something you worship, that doesn't tell you what it really is. Maybe it's an alien, maybe it created the universe in a quantum computer of sorts and it's actually a scientist that wants you to think it's God.

3: There is no need for a god to create us. pointing to the complexity or order of nature is irrelevant because if humans and everything else need a creator then why can God just exist out of the aether when he is even more complex than what he created?

4: God's existence would be highly illogical and if there is a "God" then you can bet your bottom ass cheek that we are in a simulation and it's not "God" at all. In a natural universe, I think it's safe to say that a random super intelligence doesn't manifest out of nothing and create it deliberately.

1 point


Wish I had video of it. Maybe you could find video of someone else doing it although you would probably only find fake garbage.

1 point


Then you're gay.

How can you understand an idea well enough to reasonably deny it if you've never even thought about it?

1 point


Qi is the same thing, it's just a different way to spell it.

2 points

Just to be clear, are you claiming to not be factmachine?

Who even knows who's who anymore, just go with it.

1 point

We will rip from your innards

Stop being such a bully Mingi. That's way too violent, you should be ban-hammered right in the cock.

You can oppress but in the end we shall free ourselves. Mark my word Illuminati I am coming for you

Didn't you tell me they weren't "enemies" per se and that you have to work WITH the illuminati?

divine power to change the power scheme.

What kind of divine power?

1 point

WHY do you CAPITALIZE words? Is it to place EMPHASIS on them?

1 point

Is that why the psychic vampire creatures stay there? To feed off the chi?

The_Eye(63) Clarified
1 point


Chi is just the ancient chinese way of describing the electricity in the human body. When you are calm and your body is relaxed the electricity flows more smoothly and when you focus on a certain part of your body the electricity flows there. That's how Sifu Chen (the guy who taught me kung fu) was able to light a candle or put one out just by building up chi in his hands.

1 point


Have you ever considered the possibility that chi is just a less scientific way of saying "bio-electricity" ?

1 point

I'm not saying he would, I said that to emphasize the point that kung fu has "hard" styles just as much as karate. And if you think being a black belt in and of itself dictates your personality you've got another thing coming. All different types of people can be black belts, even total assholes. You are usually taught respect but sometimes respecting higher ranking people is enough and people who will use martial arts as a weapon of assault rather than defense, or who are just complete assholes can slip through the cracks. I am a black belt, and I can be extremely blunt and rude, but I am not actually a "bully" like you like to call me, I am not the type of person who will initiate a fight without good reason or just randomly insult people. This is a debate site, and I happen to disagree with pretty much everyone here, so I am always on the offense here, but that's not how I am in everyday life. I can get like that, but I don't go looking for conflict.

1 point

So now martial arts have genders? Tell that to a tiger style practitioner while he's ripping your balls and throat out simultaneously.

1 point

In some ways I suppose. I get what you mean but the marines use some kung fu like techniques and could probably incorporate more. Kung Fu can be anything from pure aggression to pure defense, the hardest to the most fluid, like I keep saying there are many different variants and approaches to kung fu. The best approach, if you ask me, is balance. You need to incorporate the whole spectrum of martial arts to be a truly great martial artist.

1 point

That in and of itself will not prevent someone from gaining more spying ability than everyone else or finding some way to un-equalize the playing field, then the cycle will repeat itself and a group will gain control. The only way to stop humans from raping other humans in the ass hole is to fundamentally alter the psychology of the human race which can be done either by altering the way they are conditioned from a very young age or with transhumanist technologies. Both will have to be implemented for the best results.

1 point

How do we agree? You said not to assume you haven't done martial arts, so I said that even if you did there is very little chance that you learned real martial arts. You said Karate is rigid and aggressive, this is not necessarily true, you said that kung fu is the opposite, this is also not necessarily true. Like I said there are many variants of both, so if you said the opposite of what you said it would be just as true.

1 point

"They are some really smart fantastic, way smarter than me, believe me that's saying something...fantastic people."- Donald Trump

1 point

Whatever captain wanksicle. Even if you did take classes most places don't teach you real martial arts, just a sissified watered down version. My sensei/sifu both kicked my ass multiple times, taught me how to stop someone's heart or rip their throat out with my bare hands, and threw me off a cliff to teach me how to land plus many more examples. Chances are if you took a kung fu or karate class they didn't train you to be a true warrior, especially if you took kung fu. Kung Fu is one of the most misunderstood and poorly represented martial arts in the west. Sifu chen (my kung fu teacher) could put out a candle or light one with his chi.

1 point

Nomenclature couldn't win a debate if his life depended on it.

No one can win a debate here because as soon as you prove someone wrong they immediately launch a lying campaign that would make Hitler look like a boy scout.

He cannot even grasp simple concepts.

Right, that's why I'm the co-author and editor of over 5000 nobel prize winning papers.

He's just a butthurt dumbass who has no friends in real life.

I was at Stephen Hawkings funeral, he personally asked me to attend on his death bed. I met Michio Kaku there and he said I was the smartest guy he ever met other than Hawking. I'm also friends with Bill Gates and I've been good buddies with Batman ever since I beat him in a chess match.

Who would want to be his friend?

I met God once. He said I was cool and he'd like to hang out some time.

1 point

Neither Karate nor Kung Fu should be predominately relied upon in a legitimate fight-

Disagree, both can be effective in a real fight, I guarantee I could beat almost anyone who doesn't know martial arts of some kind (I'm a black belt in both kung fu and karate)

Karate provides a more solid base to build from.

There I agree, if you're going to learn kung fu it's best to have a "foundation martial art" that's more straight forward, but if you combine kung fu with something like karate it's a lot better than conventional street fighting. Keep in mind we are talking about real hard core traditional kung fu, not american fancy-style pussy kung fu. REAL kung fu is full of advanced techniques and secrets that could easily destroy a non-trained attacker.

1 point


You haven't done martial arts, I can tell. You are aware aren't you that there are many different variants of kung fu right? Tiger style is very aggressive for example but wu shu is more like you described. Karate is much the same thing, there's nothing inherent in karate that says you have to strike first, that's just cobra kai you're thinking of. Mr Miyagi say karate only for defense Danru-san.

1 point

You say that but can't justify it. I can fully explain why my way around is the right way around.

1 point

It's already been gotten, the ones who have it won't win. The only way to "win" in the "game" of real life is to reverse and manipulate entropy in the long term, and in the short term to make sure humanity doesn't destroy itself by establishing a global resource based economy, as well as achieving biological immortality.

1 point

Oh look, another infantile and utterly pointless attack that I don't care about. How nice.

1 point

He even claimed verbatim that he was God.

He claimed he was the Messiah doofus, not God.

2 points

God doesn't exist even if God exists

A banana isn't a banana even if it's a banana.

2 points

Leave it to brontoraptor to obsess over petty non issues instead of global warming, the economy, nuclear war with Russia etc. You are a cunt of the highest order bronto. It's not social media you need to worry about, but rather the ease with which it allows you to spew fallacious conservative propaganda and hate speech unchecked and with total anonymity.

1 point

You hav that right, it's called VOTING.

No, it's called the first amendment, that is the right that would allow you to create your own religion. And it shouldn't be a right because that's how cults happen.

Both parties are insane.

You may as well have said "both sanity and insanity are sane". The right wing is the political manifestation of insanity itself.

1 point

Absolutely. The more the Monetary System goes unchecked, the more wealth will be syphoned into the hands of the least deserving. I still downvoted you though because you rap like a deranged crack head.

1 point

Shut up FallacyMachine you homophobic despicable retch. Stop bullying that poor brainwashed gay American boy.

2 points

Ah, bronto, I'm sure the criminal psychologists would love to get their hands on you.

1 point

Piss off FactMachine you lying basket of baboon butt holes. You know damn well that you are not only this NeoNazi character but you are also Cyclops and Emin3m. Your immaturity and vile profane sense of humor seep through in every post you make. You can't hide it because you can't resist being a gargantuan dick head every time you get the chance.

1 point

Wrong again brontofaptor. Honesty is my highest value, winning an argument is yours. Since conservatism is built upon a foundation of pure selfishness, superstition and fallacy you are forced to flip reality like a pancake in order to make a point.

1 point

You're anti facts

You're a purple pervert from pluto who peruses pedophilic pornography persistently.

facebook openly admits

No it doesn't, shut up before you embarrass yourself. If they admitted it, it wouldn't be a "shadow ban" you outrageously sophistic sack of fallacious idiocracy.

1 point

Anti facts eh nom?

Bronto, you wouldn't know a fact if it probed your mothers rectum with a 50 foot tentacle and pulled you out of her through her ass while you where still in the womb then proceeded to eat you.

1 point

So dry humping toddlers is natural according to nom

Natural doesn't mean it's good. Natural means that it exists. Everything is a product of nature you stupid ignoramus.

The_Eye(63) Clarified
1 point

You must have me confused with someone else. I just joined this forum a couple days ago.

1 point

Their preoccupation with deviant and kinky sex

If this is your only argument against the left I feel sorry for you. You sound like somebody's grandmother. Your idea of deviant sex probably includes interracial sex because you are a repugnant bigot pig.

unnatural sexual behavior

Define unnatural. Technically everything is natural.

0 points

And yet liberalism is so illogical that rather than debate conservatives on issues, they attack the person themselves.

I am so sick of this fallacious conservative sophistry. You are such a witless moron that you managed to simultaneously complain about something while doing it yourself in the very same sentence.

This is why the left is in a full on assault to ban conservative views from social media.

Save your conspiracy theories for the impending war in Syria. You're gunna need them.

1 point

I would appreciate it if you Orwellian conservatard fuckwits would stop flipping reality on it's head. Thanks, that'd be great. What is morally sound or logically practical about giving 90% of the earnings generated by a company to a few people at the top while giving crumbs to those who did all the work? Would it not be more fair to distribute 90% of the earnings evenly among the workers and give the 10 percent to the small handful of people who sat on their buttocks touching themselves while others made their money for them?

The_Eye(63) Clarified
1 point

If only your verbal affirmations could magically increase your IQ.

The_Eye(63) Clarified
1 point

Did it want to protect them from the wrath of corruption?

It was designed to make their corruption easier to get away with while also creating the illusion of free nation.

1 point

You just described the left. Although they claim to champion the poor and downtrodden, they really only champion themselves. Thank you for making my point.

Damn, all you can do to make your elitism seem half way reasonable is flip reality on it's head and cross your fingers hoping no one in your general vicinity happens to have an IQ higher than that of a soggy potato chip.

I know you are, but what am I?

You are a childish, witless fuck bag and you have no reason to be on a debate forum.

The_Eye(63) Clarified
1 point

They can deny it because the average conservative is full of reality twisting janus-faced lies and once you learn their game it becomes apparent that they have the IQ of a stale toenail clipping.

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