
Hoegy's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hoegy's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Well it all depends if you beleive that satan exists or not. And no not what we imagine in our minds to be what satan is. Its actually believing that he is the primary source of evil, just as I beleive Jesus/God is the primary source of good.

1 point

Oh your talking about fake christianity, well in that case your right.

1 point

Christianity is the fullfillment of the law. For example it says in Mathew 5:43-48 to love your enemies not hate them. So how in the world is christianity reponsible for war, if its very nature is to love those who hate you and persecute you?

1 point

Well there are people like myself who beleive christianity was not made by people but by Christ Jesus, who is the son of God. Jesus Christ is the example that has been set out for us. He showed us through his words and actions how to live as christians.

1 point

Im looking at my bible right now it says seizes. Its the n kjv version, also I looked it up in the king James version it says seizes. So the word got translated wrong, the english version. If you want to underatand the bible better perhaps you should try and understand some hebrew first.

1 point

Deuteronomy 22:28-29

This is not rape this is consensual sex. The praise "he seizes her" would seem to mean rape in todays language but in the language of that period it is implied that she yielded to him.

1 point

because we were all made in the image of God and in every person deep down their is a piece of them longing to reach out to life. Longing for something more. This longing is what creates frustation in the mind of an atheist. Because day by day it is a war amongst good and evil.

1 point

God is more real then what we see with our human senses. I have a 6th sence, this is what enables me to have a strong connection with Jesus.

0 points

Because zeus is not real............Any more then fairys are real.

1 point

Dude honestly It was really hard to understand what your saying. May i suggest working on your english. Most of the founders of the us? Very generalistic and you tell me I dont provide physical or logical evidence? Where is your proof that most of the founders of the us were atheists. Because I can tell you many founders of the constitution if thats what your talking about who did beleive in God.

1 point

Wait a minute. Hold the phone. You think all these improvments in medicine are primarily from people who dont beleive in God? Wipping with leaves? I find that extremely offensive. Their are hospitals that are founded apon christianity. You are not knowledgable enough to be insulting christians like that. You need to research and learn what how far christians have brought us to where we are today. Very foolish what your saying.

1 point

Yes your right. And yes i love christian assembly! in eagle rock! And also in yucaipa first baptist church. That is a devestating story. Also it says in revelation that only 7 churches will be with God in the end of days.

1 point

Working builds good character and benefit to society. I dont see how you gain time by not working.

1 point

Be happy with what you have, and continue to do what you know is right and you will find yourself on another path. Be grateful for life. Use your resources and what you have for the glorification of Jesus Christ. And that is by taken caring of yourself and for others. And also know that God will take care of you and he knows what is best for you.

1 point

I dont think their ever will be a country that represents everything a democracy is defined as.

0 points

The law is supposed to be Upright. Our nation will fall apart because people choose to exclude God from the law. What purpose does legalization of prostitution serve? How can you look at the face of your children and tell them that you are a supporter of this? Let sin be sin, do not try and welcome it in. The law is supposed to be what protects us... from ourselves.

-1 points

It is the same thing as asking is earth real? Because God is in earth but not from it. God is real in me. He is only nonexistant to you because you are blinded. You can choose wether or not to beleive in him or not. Regardless God is real God is still here.

1 point

God was before man came into being. Anything that is not apart of God is apart of death. We were made in Gods image therefore we have been given life. These words to not come from man but from God himself.

1 point

1peter 24-25 All men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the fields, the grass wither the flowers fall but the word of the lord stands forever.

1 point

I would have to say no. Because what is acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another. For example, Some crazy lunitic terroist belives he is doing his country and great service and his God by torturing an American soldier into giving them the information they need.

1 point

Well obviosly I can make up any old word and it doesnt mean anything. A fool can do a very good job at accomplishing this task. Words are very powerful and impact more then what we can imagine. For instances the word of God. It is very powerful in meaning because it is not from this world. It goes against the nature of our being, and invites us into another realm that divides the living and the dead.

1 point

your comparing us to animals? That is really sad man. Most animals? So their are animals that in your opinion are....cooler then us? WHat the heck does cooler mean anyways? Oh yeah knowledege led us to a better future...... Oh look we have nuclear warfare! so much better! Oh look We have weapons that can wipe out this whole planet and bring us into an ice age! Dude thats so freakin awsume! Oh yeah were learning from our mistakes alright! Hey werent we supposed to pull out of this freakin war in the middle east! but nooooooo we are launching missiles on libia thats solves alot..... Because we gained so much knowledge and learned from our mistakes! If you pay attention to what is really going on and open your eyes to the cruel reality of human nature you would understand how desperate we are in need of a savior.

1 point

your comparing us to animals? That is really sad man. Most animals? So their are animals that in your opinion are....cooler then us? WHat the heck does cooler mean anyways? Oh yeah knowledege led us to a better future...... Oh look we have nuclear warfare! so much better! Oh look We have weapons that can wipe out this whole planet and bring us into an ice age! Dude thats so freakin awsume! Oh yeah were learning from our mistakes alright! Hey werent we supposed to pull out of this freakin war in the middle east! but nooooooo we are launching missiles on libia thats solves alot..... Because we gained so much knowledge and learned from our mistakes! If you pay attention to what is really going on and open your eyes to the cruel reality of human nature you would understand how desperate we are in need of a savior.

1 point

What is reality? Your reality? Surely your reality must fit with everyone else's.

1 point

Mabye instead of leaving the church you find corrupt mabye try and let Gods voice be heard through you.

1 point

How likely is that? Its just the statement is so out their. lol I mean I never heard of such A thing. Alcoholics? Bad people running the church? Dont you think its being a little judgmental? Lastly sorry if Im giving you a hard time idk, but didnt Jesus preach to people in darkness? And then you say you want to be seperated from these people? By our human nature we are all sinners.

2 points

I am very honered to say that I am a follower of Jesus christ.

1 point

Time because you cant buy time with money. Time is what allows us to be able to get money. lol

1 point

yes i totaly agree with you. But people get offended when christians attack the catholic church. I do not agree with how the catholic church delivers messages, not agree with the priorities in the christian faith. However I do not beleive promoting seperation among whats supposed to be the same brother hood is right. Love is always the answer. Instead of attacking the catholic church I think it is best to invite catholics to protestant churches as best we can.:)

2 points

Dogs I love them! Cats suck! they are suck up and think primarly about themselves! Dogs are awsume because they just are lol. THey protect your kids and love you and protect you lol they are obedient and trust worthy, they are....mans best freind :)

1 point

lolol is it ok for me to have desert after dinner? lol A kid needs something to look forward to in his lunch thats not debatable. Little things in life dont take away from kids, because they aprreciate them alot more then adults do lol

1 point

No it is his fault. I have to say though women need to dress better nowadays. Women are stressing more sluty. I think their is to much pressure on women to dress a certain way in order to be excepted by men in society.

1 point

They are sheep with out a shepard. It is more destructive spiritually then it is physically to tell you the truth.

1 point

One more point, Giving money to the homless may attract unwanted attention, because beleive it or not word spreads around that your giving out money, and your name will be know. More homless may even come because of money your giving out.

1 point

no because your not doing them a favor.

Through my experience what the homless need is some love conversation and regonizing their existance for crying out loud. Second they need the word of God because it is very precious to the human sole. Third go buy them some food, or make some sandwithes at home with some cookies, and a drink. Third try your best not to bring your story in the conversation but ask them what their story is, and let them do the talking. Last advice if needed. Names are very important remeber their names. Bring forth Love that is found in you through JEsus christ.

1 point

But whats so spectacular about being a christian, is that you will see more then what meets the eye, and our human reasoning is just a drop of water in a vast sea of ocean.

1 point

It is the same as saying does human reasoning and religion co-exist? absolutely.

1 point

What is an organized organization? What do you mean by this? You dont beleive in going to church? You dont beleive in unity in christ?

1 point

catholic does that count! Do you understand what the defenition of being a christian? IT means beleiving in the power of the cross. It means beleiving that he gave his life over as a sacrifice for our sin! And that he razed himself from the dead. It means he defeated death, he conquered sin! We are free through JEsus christ! Thats the defenition of being a follower of jesus christ/ christian. All these different sects and seperations are going against what God has planned for us through the church. He wants all of us to be one in him.

3 points

Then it is the same as saying people have no right to be alive.

1 point

1peter5:1-4 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christs sufferings and one woh will also share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepards of God's flock that is under your care,serving as overseers-not because you must,but because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be;not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

1peter 5:5 Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are aloder. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,

"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

2 points

Leviticus18:22 Do not lie with a man as one lies with a women; that is detestable.

Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed Genesis 19

1 point

According to the word of God Incest is unlawful. Leviticus18:6-30. God Finds these things detestable. That means so do I. It is damaging to the human sole. It is sinful. It needs to be cut off from the people. It needs to be recognized as sinful, because it is. Incest comes with disease, mutations, and more. Most importantly its offensive to God, and it destroys family relationships.

1 point

You know what is worse then all of these things that come with incest? The nature of it. Sinful.

1 point

as little? So If I love violence God would not be worried about me? If I loved being addicted to video games God would not be worried about me? I think not. I think you better get more of an understanding of who God is before you judge him. This is not a little thing. God wants the best for all of us. He created each and everyone of us. Love is found in Jesus christ.

1 point

We choose to surrender our lives to him or not. All the people have a choice. He is the judge of who is going to hell or not i am not. We will die with our sin if we do not give it over to JEsus christ. Our sin will pull us in to hell. YEs it is a narrow path but it sure is a lively one. Yes that is true. People that do not live under the light will serve no purpose. It does not depend on what you have done. It depends on what you are doing. what are you sepnding your life on? We are all his sheep. He is the shepard. He is the way the truth and the life. Sry but all these different paths we created are not going to save you from yourself. Jesus will take you as you are and build you up. You will see life under a totally new persective.

1 point

its not polytheism. If you read the bible you would know the the father the son and the spirit are one. like a cube with differenct sides. Still a cube.

1 point

their is no past without a future. Freedom to choose to love him and surrender your life, or choose to be disobedient and living your own way. According to the word of God love your neighbors. That means all people. I think what your trying to say is your family but that is very selfish thinking. You cannot truely love your neighbor without loving god, you cannot truely have freedom under the slavery of sin. So..... They go together perfectly. You cannot elminate anything. You can eliminate your relationship with Jesus but you cannot elminate what you cannot see. Their is more then meets the eye. Christianity is more of a relationship with Jesus not as much of a religion persay.

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