
Mitgag's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mitgag's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Do you see how that's a better argument in favor of computers and by way of them, the internet, with it's vast collection of articles, sites, quotes, pictures, etc that you could also look to while in search of the information you originally desired.

and wasn't all the information on the internet initiially taken from a set of books and manuscripts?

I know I've personally gotten side tracked while searching one thing and learned tons more than I expected to just googling something as simple as some song lyrics.

agreeably. but you will also realise you've not learnt a tonne of other things which you could have while reading a book.

besides this, the internet can be misleading. there's so much information on it that may or may not do you good.

a book, whereas, will only speak on a specific topic and articles related to it.

1 point

i don't think people are born bad or good. its their choices which define them at a certain time. but i don't agree that a person can be understood in his/her choice at one time or another. everybody makes mistakes and one mistake shouldn't be used to define their whole life.

1 point

its all filled with spaces anyway... therefore agreed! it's not of much use. we have the cheats. even new users figure it out pretty fast..

mitgag(1651) Clarified
14 points

i think children are born unbiased. their choices depend on what they like or dislike. this may not necessarily be similar to your own likes or dislikes and here one may call them evil or good.

however, in both cases it's the thought that counts. so what one may think is good could be evil to somebody else and vice versa.

6 points

it might take a longer while to find something very specific, but while you're at it, you learn a bunch of other stuff which can't hurt at all.

2 points

it gives you a peace of mind. why do you think people invite others to party when they can. its happier when you share your happiness. similarly when you invite people to funerals and such, the pain does reduce considerably.

although i'm sure people will say its bad when its a piece of chocolate cake et cetera. but that's just a small part of it. ;)

1 point

you're still top though. ;) and its possible that i don't get on top at all for a while. i'm still very unstable on here..

1 point

congratulations. now the only hard part is to stay top :P

i went top once. things were slow then. ;)

1 point

i've never had to debate with him yet. but he seems to put forth all intelligent arguments. his replies also are extremely long which make it hard for any disputes to be put through.


1 point

that way one doesn't stay in conflict with oneself whether his possessions may get stolen or lost or taken. sharing helps us lose that pressure.

and finding pleasure in materials isn't exactly helpful in the longer run.

sharing sadness halves it, and sharing happiness doubles it.

1 point

ourselves, i think.

0 points

my version is a little light with a usually black background (because the colours seem clearer with black).

the light could be of any colour. it usually depends on my mood. i try to change it to blue though. that's a calming colour. ;)

1 point

i'm sure you'll do well... gut feelings. ;)

in india, we are expected to join colleges or universities at about 18. sometimes 19(if we prefer that).

how's baby noir? still living with you in college? she must have grown. they grow like crazy the first few months. ;)

1 point

although this does seem to have possibly better aim. paper airplanes usually (in my case that is) go in the opposite direction than i want them to. .-. :P

1 point

this is a well known concept in the Hindu scripture(because i'm slightly more aware of that than others. it could be available in other scripts as well).

2 ears and 1 mouth signify more listening and less talking. this makes man more wise and helps him observe and understand people and his environment better.

1 point

isn't that based on researches and all. although i think it was, we use less than 10% of our brain.

mitgag(1651) Clarified
1 point

and is this upvoter2 joe?

mitgag(1651) Clarified
1 point

i see. jc was a nice guy usually. i hope it isn't him. :/

1 point

hey shout! just done with exams. waiting for my results now. i hope they'd be good enough for a college to admit me :P

16 points

i agree some emotions might be linked genetically and run in the family but the fact the environment and surroundings in which a child is brought up does alter and affect a lot of his/her emotions.

therefore it would be wrong to say that we are born evil (or born good).

but good here may be considered as innocent and impartial.

There is also research indicating that attributes commonly conceived of as "evil" or "bad" (e.g. jealousy, anger, lust) fulfill just as much of a necessary function as do those conceived of as "good"

agreeably here. what may seem good to one can look bad to another.

but speaking in general here, wouldn't being born good seem more valid?

1 point

i was just going make a debate about this. i understand when i get downvotes sometimes, but i've never really had downvoted argument all through my new argument activities.

i never really cared about the points, but its annoying me now.

do you have any idea as to who they could be?

0 points

it always comes down to one thing.

0 points

these debates pop up everywhere. and in all new forms.

0 points

although i don't think most normal mothers would have the energy to do it, i think if she can, its okay. as long as her kid isn't affected or influenced.

and young mother or old, isn't that going to about the same thing. maybe the only difference would be that older mothers would seriously be exhausted throughout and have lesser fun.

but otherwise i don't think there should be much of a difference.

0 points

the guy who made multiple accounts of various girls. danny something.

0 points

English, Hindi, Marathi(another Indian language) are languages i can understand and speak. i understand a few other Indian languages(about 5-6) quite fluently as well.

-1 points

i've obviously been away for too long. :(

and series like this make me realise it as far as it goes.

his arguments are certainly worthwhile as much as i read them right now.

1 point

he's been around for a while. and he's always i think stayed safe.

he seems like a good debater. and he's cool to debate with. :)

1 point

there are lots of things we imagine. and there are lots of things we haven't yet thought of. that certainly does not mean it doesn't exist.

0 points

they're good. and that's probably why they are all expensive. :/

16 points

well we're definitely not born evil. its probably the environment a child happens to stay in that may change his attitude towards things in general. but usually we're as born as good as can be!

1 point

you can't just add that! :@

besides, that way about everybody would get killed one time or another.

1 point

rahul gandhi fan? because i'm done with these jokes. -.-

1 point

i might not want to bow down to him and accept him as a ruler, but i would have to. i might be a part of a group conspiring against him though..

1 point

i thought he'd already crossed the mark. O.o great debator btw. ;)

1 point

and who decides whether she's dressed provocatively?

1 point

it is usually because people who believe in god have been rude to them. this is of course one of the reasons. another reason is that they want to inflict their beliefs on other religious people too.

they see in atheism what we see in religion. it does go far at times but i don't see why people you know should stop talking to you just because you prefer to believe in god in general.

thats like not liking another person because their colour choices don't match. :/

1 point

she's nice. i can't see why she's being hated upon.. and she debates pretty well. i've seen her arguments and all. she's pretty cool. :)

2 points

Sure I may not have (consciously) chosen to be left handed, but if I WANT TO CHOOSE to use my right hand then I CAN LEARN

i think people did that before. when homosexuality was a supposedly wrong. i think people did not accept and wanted to learn to be straight. and learnt it

but now that greater numbers have started to come forward, they are accepting themselves the way they actually are and are not ashamed of who they love.

which is not wrong.

2 points

i've said this before. and i'll probably just have to keep repeating it. people fall in love with the person as an individual, disregarding his/her gender.

one does not fall in love with the person's gender. one should not fall in love with the person's gender. that is what defines love right? you love them despite the flaws and imperfections!

3 points

love is love. disney probably wanted to make that clear now that most people have broader mindsets.

1 point

why would it not be okay?

its about loving a person because of them being themselves. it's not about loving a person because of their gender.

1 point

i don't know why it wouldn't be. and even though its a little bit stereotypical, it's all in good humor. ;)

1 point

Most dancing is extremely sinful and leads to lust


it is a way of expressing oneself. and it can be of various forms. it is a form of art. and art is never vulgar. it is infact very beautiful if done in the correct forms.

1 point

why exactly? O.o

2 points

i thought it was a lady with a bun. but you're right. if you look closely. :D

i love the movie too btw. :D

1 point

thank goodness. better now?

2 points

birds twitter. twittering isn't very silent.

1 point

i think people who're retarded face a lot of problems as they grow up. more than other normal people. and even though i'd hate to do something like it, it'd probably be the right thing to do.

the world is harsh enough. i don't think anybody so young should have to face the additional mental difficulty besides what the outer world has in store.

2 points

it's an alt for television. ;) why do you ask?

1 point

well. he probably was trying to be good this time. except for his general hatred towards trolling, he seemed decent. sober.

or maybe i just don't want to accept that i didn't see past this one. again.

1 point

NO. I THOUGHT he was just another uer. ARGH!

and i've been debating with him for quite a while now. doesn't that say it all.

2 points

So what if I wanted to join a terrorist group?

terrorists usually fight for a specfic reason. and if we're all given freedom, why'd anybody have to fight for what they need. unless they're saidsts.

agreeably, that is too far fatched and idealistic. :P but oh well.

1 point

too much of anything never did anybody good.

but in my opinion, school isn't that bad. i mean you'd rather stay at home and do what?

1 point

then it probably won't exist. and you and 100% true! :D I KNEW IT! :D

1 point

if this is true, why am i always so slow to catch on. :/

1 point

its been quite a while. i thought you'd have it sorted already :P fully sorted*

1 point

i thought the red Americans were the original inhabitants of America. and agreed that most of the American population today really of british origin.

but nayway, according to the debate, americans, in comparison to british, do not have better english.

1 point

you're still loggerheads with him?? O.o

1 point

he's smart for his age, i'll give him that.

1 point

i don't know about micmacmoc, but JC and quo were fake accounts, who left the site by themselves. nobody pushed them out. though JC was sometimes pushed overboard, i think that happens usually on such sites.

prodigee on the other hand, only spammed. so it annoyed people. which is why he was thrown out.

hellno is mean only when you start to take offence. otherwise you just walk on straight ahead and he keeps up with silly jokes.

1 point

why are you so against trolling. everybody does it. once in a while. :P

1 point

do you have a secret account that is so secret that you didn't know about it and you asked me if i knew anything or not.

and yes. it's really really old.

i was clearing my arguments and there are quite a few, considering i log on after days together. :P

1 point

you probably have good metabolism. if you did eat and do nothing to burn even half the calories you consumed, you'd realis eits the truth. most fit people eat a lot and don't get fat. you're just lucky your body responds like that.

1 point

oh yeah. that fast part. and good tasting. there's stuff which can be healthier and taste good. and waiting for a bit never killed anyone. it doesn't take hours to prepare.

also, fast food makes you fat. fast. and being fat(in an unhealthy way) is bad.

1 point

if its your secret account, you'd know the secret already. then you would have to tell me.

so do you?

1 point

wait. what good do they do?

i might start to debate when i figure out what to say. i mean, as an argument.

1 point

unless they're the harry potter or the hunger games cast.

1 point

He supports arguments that he is disputing.

He puts a wink at the end of everything.

He never once engages in friendly debate; it's either sarcastic or plain stupid.

joe never debates. you should have had that figured by now. he trolls. and he admits this.

5/6 debates he posts are useless photos/gifs that no one wants to debate (I acutally have looked through 100s of his debates just for the sake of the statistics).

5/6 debates never have a point. i think that one last debate of his is by chance a thoughtful one.

he's always sarcastic. he brings out the joke in any debate. which is appreciated.

you looked through 100s of his debates and didn't realise he was a total troll and he never once was serious. HOW?

He is arrogant in his views and completely ignorant of others' views simply pissing on them and mocking them to the core.

i guess people like him, because he doesn't spam, or pick up fights. and doesn't offend anybody. unless they take it to heart.

and when they do, he doesn't bother. which is funny. in its own way.

and i think he's going to spam now and do everything else, just because i said he didn't.

all in all, he's probably over rated. but we-ll. ;)

1 point

british are english. therefore.

1 point

Black people are better at running, Asians are better t ping-pong and white people are better at swimming, whilst brown people are better at cricket.We jsut 'ignore' these 'differences' right? ;)

i see you've put such instances in the other arguments.

it isn't necessarily true. there are exceptional cases where what you've said is true. but in general, all men usually are good at these sports equally.

as are all females.

what i'm trying to say won't come right in words, so i don't know whow to put this just now, but, asians are better at ping pong because its a more admired sport in their specific country. same for cricket, indians are more into cricket, which is why they tend to overlook other sports.

basically people focus on sports in which their country performs well more often, thereby ignoring other achievements.

mitgag(1651) Clarified
1 point

i see how the argument is probably ruining the whole joke, but oh well..

1 point

i don't think god would send somebody to hell. god loves one and all equally. so there's that. you're probably safe. ;)

also, there are, if you read greek mythology, or just percy jackson, instances that you ocme across, when gods have half human half god children.

and there are gods who do not like the idea of, well, bearing children for 9 months. i mean female gods probably don't.

so they just create a child, mixing their DNA and the other parent's DNA and all that normal stuff, and just create a kid, in probably less than 9 seconds. and there you go! no rape commited.

2 points

people probably just want to step into other people's shoes and feel whatever it feels like to be hated or loved. probably

or they want to figure out stuff about someone specific.

there can be loads of reasons why someone makes dual or in more recent cases, multiple accounts.

1 point

that is debatable. indians are black when compared with white. and they're not very strong when it comes to most sports.

there are many cases of the black people being more agressive, but i don't think that case works everywhere.

it probably depends on how a person trains, how much effort he/she themself put in the sport etc.

2 points

hat's an example of a non-rhotic Southern accent. You can thank the British for that.

the british usually complete their words to an exaggerated extent. not all the time. mostly.

I think foreign accents just sound nasally to people.

that is probably true. foreign accents always sound weird to anybody else. but americans these days seem to fake it. american celebs, american girls on youtube. it's obvious they're faking it.

When they say "hahd" instead of "hard", it makes it seem like they have a stuffy nose.

but the r is geneally silent. O_O right?

and american sounds the same to me. there isn't much distinction between southern and nortern american accents. except maybe, south is a little softer than up north.

p.s. i've never ben to america, i just have friends who've lived there. so my facts can be wrong.

1 point

they do cause a distraction, but since they're pretty important, they can be allowed in schools. although i do think they should be allowed to be brought to school only after a certain age. i don't see why 8 year olds need cell phones at all.

1 point

it usually depends on how one makes use of what they have.

1 point

not trying to deflate females, but women are less strong, in general, as compared to men.

while colour of the skin of a person doesn't decide whether they're stronger physically than a person of another colour.

i think that makes sense. o.o

2 points

not many people like being gay. atleast most didn't like it until more people started accepting what they were and became proud of whatever their choices were.

i don't think anybody can help liking whatever or whoever they like.

1 point

more like recycle, reuse and reduce. not ban. plastic is pretty important today. i don't think i'd like my pc to be made out of wood. or even my keyboard.

but yeha. the 3 R thing. that should be implemented around more.

1 point

people are trying to become really non violent these days.

ban boxing and other rough sports and do what? paint nails?

2 points

yeah. although i don't think America sounded like that a while ago. they only just started it recently.

like speakin' buh' never partin' dem lips too muh'. or pa'tin dem wayy too muh'.

and the nasal shit. gosh the nasal shit. annoying

1 point

nothing should be essential if its a free society. except the freedom, probably. right?

1 point

yeah well. that too.. but otherwise, there isn't much to it as there is to facebook. my point being, facebook has that and more. ;)

1 point

instagram is just pictures. facebook is that and everything else. ;)

1 point

we'd be aliens to life (if there is any) on mars. so yes. in different respects, we'd be aliens. they(the life on mars) would be aliens to us too, from the position of an earthling ;)

1 point

there's just so much left to learn. ._.

1 point

i was in a debate about India. and there was good stuff on createdebate. i practically used up all the points from here.

and i added a few of my points later on. :P so on and so forth.

2 points

i thought it was the other way round. :P them trying to copy the British accent and all. ;)

1 point

just indian things ;)

1 point

i hate keeping resolutions. so, i'll just resolve to have none this year ;) saves so much guilt. :D

1 point

SPOTLIGHT SERIES - JustIgnoreMe. we-ll..

the spotlight series just screams to be ignored then. ;)

1 point

most people who keep diaries are more capable of keeping secrets. until the diary is discovered anyway.

but its a great thing to do, to maintain a journal. and not everybody can do it.

1 point

he gets really hyper when he argues, but he's cool. and he's only 14. he's the only one i think. ;)

1 point

the elves work because they like too. i think. santa isn't bad, you meanie! :O

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