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Is Is not
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:21
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 Is (2)
 Is not (7)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

Christianity is Anti-Earth

Let's face, human expansion is unsustainable.  The Christians and Jews. Have absolutely no plan to reduce the population- which is the practical way to save the planet.  The christians only care about "making it to heaven".  Its either destroy the church or it allows the earth to become a shit hole for our kids.


Side Score: 4

Is not

Side Score: 9
2 points

Hello s:

If you thought you were gonna spend eternity in this lovely world with PERFECT weather, you wouldn't care much about the world you leave behind..


Side: Is
2 points

You just supported my post from the eyes of all non- Semitic religions. What about your children and grandchildren

Side: Is not
2 points

It's anti-earth in so far as it says yes the earth will be destroyed a second time by God, and it's solution is to get your butt completely off of earth.

All the other reasons you list are basic human overpopulation reasons, not necessarily uniquely the fault of Christianity.

Side: Is
1 point
Side: Is not
0 points

I'm sorry; I will not support another Holocaust to reduce the number of Jews.

Side: Is not
0 points

Christians represent a very small percentage of the population, so your argument is completely ridiculous.

Side: Is not
-1 points

How is this argument valid? how about Islamic Jihad? Why do you think Christians and Jews are getting slaughtered daily in the middle east? The whole Middle East is trying to wipe out Jerusalem! why pick on the only people who consider the issue before The terrorists strike again.

Side: Is not
Slavedevice(1389) Clarified
1 point

Sorry. I should've included Islam. All 3 are related way back and they consider humans only - never the destiny of eRth

Side: Is
0 points

Sorry, this was an extra copy of my above statements and i cant rewrite it...

Side: Is not
-1 points

Yeah, thanks. anyway, my point is that Christianity is not Anti-Earth. Earth does not have two sides so that you can be pro Earth or Anti Earth, it's not Like Pro-Abortion or Anti-Abortion. And the solution is not to get off the doomed planet, it's to go to the best place when this world is gone. also it is written in the same passage that God will create a new, Perfect Earth, without Pain, or death or tears, etc.

Side: Is not