
Debate Info

She will & her lil bill too No
Debate Score:70
Total Votes:98
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 She will & her lil bill too (21)
 No (20)

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OmegaPan(710) pic

Crooked Hillary will go to jail

She will & her lil bill too

Side Score: 37


Side Score: 33
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2 points

I think there is a pretty good case that she deserves to be locked up, but I don't actually believe it is going to happen.

Hillary is far too controversial, always has been, and If it wasn't for all the rigging that was done, I don't think she would have been the legitimate Democratic candidate. She shouldn't have been. She really shouldn't have been allowed to run.

She has always been the living embodiment of what I can't stand about politicians. Really, the Democrats made a mistake by nominating her to run for president. No sane person who knows anything other than propaganda out of her camp would ever want her running anything.

Side: No
1 point

No chance, even though she deserves criminal action it is far too inexpedient to prosecute one's political opposition.

Side: No
-2 points
Mingodalia(203) Disputed
3 points

Donald Trump wasn't even at the meeting you are talking about.

Debating Hillary Clinton isn't Nazism.

The Clintons creating a mafia style foundation isn't abuse by anyone other than themselves abusing the system and the poor, such as what they did to Haiti.

Side: She will & her lil bill too
0 points

Donald Trump wasn't even at the meeting you are talking about.

Cool story. Here's another one. Hitler was not at the meeting where Reinhard Heydrich was asked to ethnically cleanse German undesirables.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Does Uranium One happen to ring a bell for you ? I have not noticed that Trump was part of that have you ?

Side: She will & her lil bill too
0 points

Ah, I love the smell of fresh Nazism in the morning

Hitler was the greatest liberal man in history. We should honor him for trying to get rid of the Jews and fighting the Conservatives. Together Liberals and Muslims will make the world Islam.

Side: She will & her lil bill too