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 Florida tried to make semi automatic rifles illegal! You liars say that would not happen! (3)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Florida tried to make semi automatic rifles illegal! You liars say that would not happen!

Here is another example why you anti gun fanatics are pathetic liars! You are just like the Democrats who kept spewing the lies of how you could keep your insurance an doctor, and your premiums would go down!

How many times have you deceptive liars screamed how no one wants to take our hunting rifles? THEY JUST TRIED TO DO IT IN FLORIDA! They tried to make semi automatic hunting rifles illegal!

"Florida assault rifle laws fall under federal law with a few additional restrictions. An assault rifle is defined as a hand-held weapon capable of firing in an automatic or semi-automatic mode. A semi-automatic weapon fires with each trigger pull, whereas a fully automatic weapon fires repeatedly, until the trigger is released or ammunition runs out. Both types of gun are known as assault weapons, or military-style weapons."

This is why freedom loving American do not believe a word out of the mouths of Left wing Gun control fanatics. You are pathetic liars and always will be!
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4 points

OK, I'll bite...

"How many times have you deceptive liars screamed how no one wants to take our hunting rifles? THEY JUST TRIED TO DO IT IN FLORIDA! They tried to make semi automatic hunting rifles illegal!"

"semi automatic hunting rifles"

"semi automatic hunting rifles"?

Tell me again why a sportsman needs an AR15 to hunt?

WinstonC(1225) Clarified
1 point

A "semi-automatic" weapon is a weapon that doesn't need to be reloaded after each shot, most modern guns (other than automatics, of course) are semi-automatic.

Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Then the terminology used in the debate is misleading, because the Florida gun control did not end hunting. Show me where it did.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

And, to be honest, I'm not really a fan of America.........Far too many guns;)

2 points

How many times have you deceptive liars screamed how no one wants to take our hunting rifles? THEY JUST TRIED TO DO IT IN FLORIDA! They tried to make semi automatic hunting rifles illegal!

...............I swear.............there are two key words in this. TRIED and semi-automatic. Trying isn't doing but most importantly trying to make semi-automatic rifles illegal isn't the same as taking all hunting rifles away.......

Also.....who is a liar. I'd hazard most people want gun control not ALL gun bans.