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Debate Score:14
Total Votes:17
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Gay Marriage: Make Believe Rights For Make Believe People


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 9
2 points

The traditional institution of marriage automatically acknowledges diversity, i.e., male and female in physical reality, which automatically acknowledges and differentiates the true dichotomy of male and female human relations in physical reality, mating from mating less in physical reality, and especially acknowledges that a man and a woman who mate with each other and don't produce a baby are not mating less human relations in physical reality. Allowing two people of the same sex to also be married literally changes what's being acknowledged in physical reality, i.e., two people of the same sex cannot be acknowledged as mating in physical reality because a man and a woman can be acknowledged as mating less in physical reality, which is the one and only way to redefine the traditional institution of marriage and the one and only way to do so. Everything else is purely optional. Mating and mating less are the only human relations that actually exist in physical reality for the institution of marriage to acknowledge and differentiate between which is why this is how the institution of marriage works, regardless of accuracy of any particular marriage. The way to acknowledge a man and a woman as simply mating less with the traditional institution of marriage is to acknowledge that they're not married to each other. Acknowledging that two people are not married with each other with the redefined institution of marriage will also acknowledge that they're simply mating less. Rape, incest, prostitution, unlawful carnal knowledge, adultery, homosexuality, are all predicated on actions in physical reality, mating and mating less. An act of rape, an act of incest, etc, and are differentiated by what the actions are being acknowledged as, rape from all other human relations that are not rape, whatever rape may be. The institution of marriage acknowledges and differentiates status in physical reality, mating from mating less or mating less from mating, they're married or that man and woman are married to each other. Human beings are not biologically designed to produce a baby every time a man and a woman mate, i.e., actions in physical reality. Human beings are biologically designed to perpetuate the human species with heterosexual reproduction, i.e., status in physical reality. Mating and mating less also apply to individual human beings, virgin and heterosexual. Genetics and brain structure are totally irrelevant. Homosexual is pure make believe. It doesn't exist in physical reality. It never has and it never will. A group marriage of three or more people acknowledges a group of people in physical reality, like a flock of birds or a herd of cattle there would be a group marriage of humans. If two people of the same sex are only allowed to be married that would also be group marriage. To honor, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish are reasons for getting married and is purely optional. Which is why two peopl can vow to love each other and vow to hate each other at the same time, regardless of accuracy of any particular marriage.

Side: yes
Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

Nature designed the male and female human anatomy for the sexual interaction of the two genders.

The purpose of this function has been made pleasurable so we all engage in the experience of love making thus ensuring the continuation of the human race.

If those who were unfortunate enough to suffer from one of nature's malfunctions find happiness and reassurance in a same sex marriage then I feel they should be entitled to do so unimpeded by prejudices.

Side: yes
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

So you are ok with adults marrying consenting children if they find happiness and reassurance? If you say no, then you are making stipulations to marriage and who can participate in it.

So you are ok with a man having 30 wives if they find happiness and reassurance?

When we force all States to change their marriage laws based on the whims of people with unnatrual desires, we have opened pandora's box and have ushered in the breakdown in our family unit.... the bedrock of our society.

Side: yes
cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Well said, only there is a problem:

-if you recognize that gay people can marry all in the name of equality between homo/etero why deny them the right to adopt and therefore pass on their abnormality. Furthurmore I think youd aggree if I said it is severely detrimental to the child, because you need the innate qualities of a man and of a woman to properly raise a child

Side: yes
2 points

Gay Marriage: Make Believe Rights For Make Believe People

Yes. Gays are make believe and your delusional blathering is real and edgy. You definitely have that the right way around.

Side: no
2 points

Gay rights are real rights. You can't just force someone out of their own choices, and sexuality is a choice. The LGBT community is still human, they deserve as much rights as anyone else does.

Side: no

Gay Marriage and Right and Wrong. It is wrong for a couple of the same gender to argue by civil suit to impose that a governing body must force the general public to bear witness to a union that does not add a person directly to the general population by their union.

It is wrong for any single person, any couples both same gender and those of opposite gender to ignore the basic separation process that must take place between those who are accused of a conduct like being gay, or lesbian and those who have chosen this religion.

The declaration of independence describes in writing liberty which is not directly applied inside the United States Constitutional. So in effect any amendment to the United States Constitution in regard to freedom, meaning a guideline without self-value as well as applied cost. Cannot reshape the Independent right to liberty in the pursuit of happiness. A gay couple is Binivir. A lesbian couple is UnosMulier a male female couple is VirMulier. A gay man can be married to a lesbian woman. A lesbian woman can be married to a gay man. Liberty states that it is they the couple who has formed union who chose to battle with plagiarism and place Government and pubic in jeopardy of witness tampering. Forcing them as witness by licensing for an unjustified legislative violation of civil liberty.

The summary here is that a Civil War was started against the United States Constitution for a crime pointing as discrimination. A crime declared and pointed out as warning that a religious group was in danger performing criminal acts against the republic. Instead of restructure and research to Constitutional legislation of basic principle and legal precedent, an attack was planned and carried out against the United States Constitution.

Side: no