
Debate Info

I hate good economies He believes in sovereignty
Debate Score:31
Total Votes:36
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 I hate good economies (8)
 He believes in sovereignty (15)

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OmegaPan(710) pic

Why should we impeach Donald Trump?



I hate good economies

Side Score: 13

He believes in sovereignty

Side Score: 18
0 points

Hello O:

Lemme see.. We have a good economy and a lawbreaking president. Personally, I'm not willing to sell out my country for a couple pieces of silver..


Side: I hate good economies
VictorCrowl(58) Disputed
1 point

Which laws did Trump break?

Side: He believes in sovereignty
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Which laws did Trump break?

Hi Victor:

Let's just start with the Emoluments Clause.. It "restricts members of the government from receiving gifts, emoluments, offices or titles from foreign states without the consent of the United States Congress."

Trump owns a hotel.. Foreigners stay there.. Some of that money winds up in Trumps pocket.



Side: I hate good economies
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Only law that has been broken STUPOR STUPID is more American Russians voted for Trump rather than Hillary !!!!!!!!!

Side: He believes in sovereignty

Who cares, Darth Sidious could shoot lightning from his hands and Vader killed a thousand Jedi and Dooku was a master duelist and you are famous for having a cool looking lightsaber and flipping around a lot.

Side: He believes in sovereignty
1 point

For one thing, his Vice Pres, recommended it. Back around 1990-something … Pence said that if a President commits an immoral act he should be impeached! Like being alone in a room with a porn star and a "Bunny" … especially while your wife is pregnant or having that baby. Of course, we all know he was more than "in the room". But, NOW, Trump can do no wrong, GOD has likely forgiven him, so Pence has to! Can you say: "Hypocrisy" (with a capital H!) Christianity is going down along WITH the country, with this administration!

Side: He believes in sovereignty
1 point

porn stars and tigers and bears, oh my

In other words you think it is illegal to be Bill Clinton. Good argument.

Side: I hate good economies
1 point

Christianity is going down along WITH the country, with this administration!

It is? I thought Christianity was about forgiveness, not judging...

We're going down? If breaking economic records is "going down", who would wanna go up?

Christianity is going down along WITH the country, with this administration!

Trump decides the fate of 2.6 billion Christians. Neat. So when Obama was spying illegally on Americans and gave Iran cash behind Congress's back as he was going out the door, how did that affect Christianity? I didn't feel anything when it happened...I didn't grow a tail, a sniut, hooves, nothing...

Side: I hate good economies
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Now we the Crazy One known as AL who shows up saying Russians Americans should not vote !!!!!!!!! But Socialist AL everyone has the right to vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: I hate good economies
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Where do you come up with such stupidity?? What is a "Russians Americans"?? RIIIIGHHT

, Russian Americans DO have the right to vote, I wouldn't think of stopping ANY American from voting …. unlike Trump! We DEMOCRATIC socialists wish EVERY AMERICAN would vote, and that the vote of EVERY AMERICAN would COUNT! If they DID, Trump would have lost by 3,000,000 votes! LOVELY!

But then, we have a "republic" that has been Gerrymandered, corrupting the Electoral College, which is corrupting the SCOTUS which can corrupt our democracy and it's being done by the MOST CORRUPT administration ….. IN HISTORY! (With the help of Trumps friend … PUTIN)! I don't mind being called crazy by one that obviously IS. (And continually shows that he doesn't understand ENGLISH).

Side: I hate good economies
1 point

If he has clearly broken a serious law, there must be an honest discussion about it. As far as I can see not only is there no evidence he has broken a law or colluded, but it's all an insidious attempt to de-legitimise his presidency

Side: He believes in sovereignty