
Debate Info

Good luck, did it once FBI probe needed again
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:11
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 Good luck, did it once (3)
 FBI probe needed again (3)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Hillary 2020? Trump will destroy her, and so will the Brontoraptor movement.

Good luck, did it once

Side Score: 4

FBI probe needed again

Side Score: 4
1 point

Hello bront:

Trump WILL be impeached by January 1, 2018..


Side: Good luck, did it once
PatCondell(37) Disputed
1 point

Looks like you and CNN were wrong.........................

Side: FBI probe needed again
joebloggs(10) Disputed
0 points

Trump WILL be impeached by January 1, 2018..

You ARE Jewish. No question.

Side: FBI probe needed again
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello joe,

I see you noticed my circumcised cock as I eased it out of your mouth.


Side: Good luck, did it once
1 point

I don't expect her to run again, but I certainly expect an acknowledgement that a mistake was made from the voters, and NO "B" class movement will again decide what will make a "A" class President, AGAIN!

Side: Good luck, did it once
2 points

If the Democrats field Hillary again they will have handed another 4 years of presidency to Trump.

Side: FBI probe needed again