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Correct about jews The Jews totally innocent
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Correct about jews (5)
 The Jews totally innocent (8)

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Slavedevice(1393) pic

Hitler was correct

The Jews killed millions in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.  They still to this day own the banking system.  The Jews control Hollywood .  The Jews are definitely prejudice - personal experience.

Correct about jews

Side Score: 7

The Jews totally innocent

Side Score: 11

The reason the Muslims hate us and attack us is because we support Israel and Israel was forced upon the Palestinians and displaced them from their homes. Also Israel continues to try to expand outside of its boundaries .

Side: Correct about jews
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

They also hate U.S. because we "bombed the hell out of them!" (Which Trump wants to do as a "solution" to what was already done.) How would WE feel if over 100,000 Americans were killed?? If we had stayed (and finished) the Afghan thing, and kept Sadaam under control we would have had far fewer "haters". If our "chosen president (of Iraq) had not turned Sadaams soldiers out on the street with weapons and no jobs, then sent billions of greenbacks to Baghdad Airport ... and then "lost them", we wouldn't have had such a well funded enemy! Hmmm, there must have been some Jews involved....;<).

Side: Correct about jews
Basterdkris(6) Disputed
1 point

The reason why some exstremists that do not represent the religion of islam or the muslim faith hate western culture is because they are aroogant and do not take the whole of the qua ran into affect. 99% of the muslim comunity are peacful people that have no right to be singled out because of their religion and the actions of so few

Side: The Jews totally innocent

Hitler was also correct on economic systems. Communism (he hated) eventually failed. And now extreme capitalism is failing - and the privatization banks owned by Jews. His national socialism with people still able to own property and businesses was THE TICKET to a united society working together .

Side: Correct about jews
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I'm glad to see there is someone on CD that knows there is a BIG difference between Communism and Socialism.

Side: Correct about jews
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Yes, it is important to distinguish between the economics of Hitler and the economics of Stalin. To which do you ascribe?

Side: Correct about jews
2 points

Hitler's hatred for the jews was personal.

His mother died under the care of a jew doctor and blamed the doctor for his mother's death. So he hated the jews since then ever

Side: The Jews totally innocent
2 points

To expand on Jeffreyone's example, Hitler had a long-engrained, personal bitterness toward the jews. He missed out on a place in a prestigious art school due to a professor deeming him unfit for painting. We see evidence of Hitler's prior bitterness to jews in his insistence that it was a jewish professor who rejected his application. It is arguable that such a rejection was instrumental in breeding Hitler's hatred for jews.

Side: The Jews totally innocent
2 points

You say ......The Jews killed millions in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. They still to this day own the banking system. The Jews control Hollywood . The Jews are definitely prejudice - personal experience......

No doubt Jews killed in the Bolshevik revolution but should you blame all Jews ?

They may own the banking system in America that's not the case worldwide and so what ?

If banking is what they're good at what's your gripe ?

Where I'm from ( Republic of Ireland ) we got a reputation for building all over the world that's what a sizeable amount of people did out of economic necessity .

The Jews control Hollywood and why would that upset anyone ?

Do you and your family watch Hollywood made movies ?

The Jews are prejudice ?

Some indeed no doubt are but would you not think you may be equally guilty of what you accuse them of ?

Side: The Jews totally innocent
1 point

It's very important that they control banks. Usury is why Jews have always been hates. Usury is an abstract form of slavery.

And Hollywood- well basically Jews have an major over representation in US media. This means they have an unfair amount of influence in communication/propaganda. They don't have any more claim to Israel than any other group - and they are ungrateful. Now Jews want to join alt-right, and the AR don't want me.

Thanks for debating

I appreciate the chat

Side: Correct about jews
1 point

Sure hitler had some bad times in his life and blamed the jews. He took germanys economy that was at an all time low after world war one and made germany into a superpower in a short amount of time but his hatred toward jews was his downturn as he put way to much of the war effort into collecting and killing jew for nothing more than their belief. and don't even get me started in you people that are bringing the muslim faith into an argument about jewish people even though they have nothing to do with hitlers massacre of an inocent race of people

Side: The Jews totally innocent
1 point

Usury is an abstract form of slavery

You will need to explain this. How is usury (interest), which is simply charging for the use of money, at all like slavery?

How is it different from charging for any other service?

Side: The Jews totally innocent
1 point

Do you believe the Bible? I mean if you do it explains usury. I'm a pagan but usury is not good. It becomes slavery because of what Hitler's explains with national socialism

Side: Correct about jews
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

No, I don't believe the Bible nor do I believe a thing would be true simply because a given person said it. If you want to quote Hitler, that's fine, but you actually have to do so. Generally saying what a guy thinks is not a valid argument.

Usury is an economic driver when done responsibly. The fact that it is usually done responsibly is one of the primary reasons the worlds wealth is is at a surplus and will continue to grow.

Side: The Jews totally innocent